


3‘) Scienues Road. 667 0700. Mon l'r'i l0airt -5pin.

Caroline Leburn l'ntil 'liue l6 .lurr. Recent paintings.


4 Hellenic Crescent. 5.57 I663. \Ved Siiit noon 6pm

Northern Light Eastern Breezes

l'rrtrl Sat 37 Jun. light and

atrrrosplrerrc paintings h} .\lill|

Kilpatt ick.


43 44 (‘ocklrurn Street. 336 6616

Sun Mon noon 5prn; 'l‘ue Sat

l0ain .Sprn.

Natural Heartlands lilllll Inc 30 Jun. Photographs by em ir'onrriental. landscape arid w rldlrl’e photographer Da\ id Woodlall. based on his recently published lrtiiils {\itlllll'tll Ht’tll‘l/rl/h/\.


(i l)tllltl;ts Street. 557-1050. \ltrlr l‘rl Illarn 6prrr1Sat l0arri lprrr

New Acquisitions l'iirrl ‘rrie to run, New works h} \arrorrs artists including \\'r|lr.'rin \lcCilllt'L‘. Sir .l.lllles ( itrthire. DY. (Irrnerorr. \\'rll_\ \\'rlsorr and Sarri Bough.


l0 Royal 'l‘eirace. 556 llllll. .\lon l-ri |0ani 6pm; Sat l0ani lpirr

Mixed Exhibition Until 'l‘tie it) .lllll. A wide selection ol \\ ateicolours. paintings and sculpture h} Scottish. British and Iiuropean artists lr'orri l75l) l‘)5tl.


‘5 Home Street. 33X 4 Mt l'.\llll‘lll(lll\ opert lilteert ririntrtes lrelore lrr‘si screening ot llre da_\ tllltll llpiii

«Suit \Vedr; lairri'l'liri Salt.

Cut Sun 3l lirrr Still 36 ltil. lutlrrrlrurglr lrased .tlllsl l.t’\l'\"\ \ilrtlllg Likes all rirterxeiitroriist approach to the architecture details ol the (Kirirco's interior. \\ illr \sorks located at \airous points tlrrotrglrorrt tlre crrrerrra.

The Rules Of The Game Mini Sun 2| Jun. Two installations by (ilasgow -hased artist ls'evrn Hutchesort: '/'/re xli r ()1 Seeing Hit/t ()II<"\ ()ii'Ir lit‘t’i liUt‘tlSL'S DI] the cinema experience and lillt’ /-'r'/ \r Page. .‘l/lt/ The [1“! Page looks .it the activity ol reading the lirst illltl last page only til it lmols'.


Market Street. 53‘) 59‘)? \liitr Sal lllain 5pm. £4 IL3.50r; t'arritl) ticker t'lt).

Missing Links Alive! t‘nirl Stirr l: .llll. An exhibition tracing ilre lrrsi tootsieps of our ancestors rising 3|st centirrx rohotrc technology

William Gear And COBRA t'iirit Sat 3o .lun. Works on paper h} the late Scottish artist William (iear. pltis works l‘_\ his litiropeair ctintentpor'ai'ies hour the post- war ('t )BRA group.

Edinburgh: Portrait Of A Capital Until ll Jul. 'l’he stoi'_\ ol~ the capital is told through paintings. drawings and prints lil‘()lll the (‘it_\ ‘s line art collection.


33 3S ('ockhur'n Street. 330 l3trll.

'l‘uc Sat llain 5. illprii t5prrr l'lll Fanni Niemi-Junkola t'rrril Sat .1 Jul. Video-based work by l‘.tltlll .\'ieiiir- .lirnkola dealing w ith notions ol control and Violence. See ie\ rew

Zoe Walker l’ntil Sat 30 .ltrtt. New work in the project roonr l'r'onr Zoe \Valker. Keith Thompson the 23 .ltlll Sat 1 ltll Recent works by Keith 'l‘honrpson.


(it'llttllil) ('our‘t (‘eiitre. lil'llltllil} Street ('ourl. 33‘) 7‘)4l. Mon 'l'hu l0.rirr ~lprrr; l‘l'l lllanr 3prn.

Our Stories Mon 33 Jun Mon 37 Jul. Mixed inedia paintings by Derek (Kuhn. lair Moore. (ilen Meldiurrr. \Vrllranr l’oiter. Katy Rogerson. Da\ rd Rurcklrre. Miriaiii \'ickcr.s and Pat Wilson CYBERIA INTERNET CAFE

SS llairo\ er Street. 330 440%. Mon Sat l0ant l0pin; Sun noon 7pm.

Light Projections l‘itttl l-rr 36 .ltlll. Sculptural photographic works l1_\

Duncan Hi'eniner. inspired by abstract light and colour, The selection includes ‘Dialectrc‘. a piece previously exhibited at the RSA.

THE DUNDAS STREET GALLERY 6a Dundas Street. 558 9363. Mon-«Fri 10am 6pm; Sat ltlarnv lpirr.

20th Century And Contemporary Scottish Artists l’ntil hi I? Jul. l’aintrrrgs h} a selection of Scottish

THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY 43 Henderson Row. 556 4603. Mon liri ‘larrr 6pm.

Robin Macdonald t’ritil hi I‘) .lurt. A personal response to lite at the school. by plrotographer-in»resrdeitce. Rohiir Macdonald.

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART l.aur'istorr l’lace. 33l 6000. l\lon—»'l‘hu ltlaiti (S’prn; l-‘i'i Sun l0arn 5pm. Edinburgh College Of Art 1998 Degree Show Sat l3 'l‘ue 331ml. Annual displa} ot‘ work by over 350 students from the schools ol‘ Drawing and l’ainttng. Design and Applied Arts. \'isual (‘rrinrnunicatioir. Sculpture. Architecture and Landscape Architecture.


lSa l)tilidtls Street. 557 5337. Mini - l‘t't llarn 5pm; Sat l0atn lpirr.

New Paintings Mon l5 .luir Tue 7 Jul. Recent paintings by .loe McIntyre. (ierard Burns and Shelia Arnot.


('orstor'phine Road. 334 ‘)l7l. Mon-Sat Uanr 6piri'. Sttit 9.30am 6pm.

Wild Art l'irttl Hi I‘) .ltiii. An eshihitiort ol'chtldrerr‘s pictures in celebration of Scottish name species,


.S‘X l.ot|uan Road. 333 3688. Mon Stiii l0arn l0prn.

Hidden Honey lliitil Tue 30 .ltiii. Hold. colourltil paintings themed on hurt by .luliana Marie (.‘apes.

FIRTH GALLERY 35 erlianr Street. 335 3l‘)6. 'l'ue l‘i‘i Ilain 5pm; Sat llarrr13pin.

Paintings From Scotland, Paintings From France l'irtil Sat 4 .ltrl. New oil and watercolour landscapes and still lite by Andrew Walker".


45 Market Street. 335 3383. Mon Sat Warn 6 mt; Sun noon-5pm.

Bernar Moninot l’irtil 'rue 2| .ltll. (‘ouceptual artist Bernard Moiriitot explores space. perception and the el‘l'ects ol' light and shadow through a \ar'iet)‘ ol' dill'erent ntedra. iii the only l'ls' showing ol this totir rrrg exhibition l'ronr the

(ialcr re Nationale dii .leii de l’aunre. l’aiis.

HANOVER FINE ARTS 33a Dundas Street. 556 3 ISI. Mon l'r'i Illitlalll 6pm; Sat l0ain 4pm. Grygoriy Shyshko (1923-1994) Until Sat 30 Jun. A r'etrospectix e exhibition including oil paintings or tlkrairtiati rural and industrial landscapes and still lite.


33 St Steplieir Street. 336 544‘). Mon Hi 8. Wain 6pirr iSat t\' Sttri h}

apporntnierit l.

Yasmin Boyd l'rttil Thu 33 Jul. Mixed irredra photograph).


13 Randolph'(‘r‘escenL 335 5366.

Mon l‘r'r 9.30am 6.30pm; Sat

0.30am |.,‘\0prrr.

Sortir De La Nuit l‘ntil l'ri l‘) .luii. Photographs h\ (‘or‘inne l'ilippi.

A Load Of Rubbish llntil Fri 36 .ltiii. An installation by (‘atherine ('oclrerel which is a \‘ilt'_\'lllg’ tlterrte on the body and its relation to space and waste.

Continued over page

listings ART

Edinburgh COLLEGE 0] ART


Edinburgh College of Art

june l3th—23rd monday to thursday lO—8

friday to sunday lO—S

degree show

| 998

Sponsored try ltrrr Ros,er Rank of Scotland

The Royal Bank of Scotland

exhibition of work by final year and postgraduate students open to the public

Design 8: Applied Arts: ceramics ° glass ° architectural glass ° jewellery & silversmithing 0 fashion & theatre costume ° furniture ° interior design ° printed textiles

Visual Communication: animation ' film/tv ° graphic design ° illustration ° photography


Drawing & Painting: painting ° printmaking ° tapestry

Architecture Landscape Architecture

Lauriston Place. Edinburgh EnquirieszOl3| 22| 6032

The College aims to promote student creativity in the Arts and the Environment

11—25 Jun 1998 TIIELISTBS