celebrating their 50th .iirriiyersary soon. and are ltllllt‘ii hereby \lrclrrgaii's Heir/ie Corrirriiririry Chorus /'r/// u; {/lr’ lli'il [Lillr/ I'i'ylliitl.
I Ludus Baroque .larrtcs .-\irroii 'l‘lreair'e. (irlrrrorelrill Centre. l'iiryersrty :\\L’lltlc‘. 7.45pm. U) 1 Hr hour 387 55 l l. The group pei‘toi‘rrr ( ‘arissiirir's haunting ./('/)/lli’ as \\ ell as l\\(i Hi \liirile\ctdt\ \xorks. li’i (II/H Hit and .llrtexirtrr (II. /’(ll'/ “II/1'. um /:/rr/ / ("lllli/
I La Traviata l estr\a| 'l'lreatre. Nicolsoir Street. 53*) 0000 T.l5prrr £‘l £45.50
(£7 £4: Fill. See litre Hi
I Edinburgh Quartet Neubattle :\bbey. l)alkeith. 7. 30pm. £1: iLlllr llllitti 333 Sh‘Jl. .\lo/ait. l’irccrm. l)\or'ak and lieethoyeii are the \tli‘1t‘c'l\ tor the quartet iir this \lllll!l‘..'l' shim. The price includes \\ irre at halt llllk and access to the
.\l‘be_\ is groirtids
I Lothian Schools Orchestra Queen's Hall. Clerk Street. Mr? 77% 7.3llpirr. £4 It: l. \Villrarir Coiiiyay conducts another \‘ar'red prograiriiire. l'eatiri'riig lidiribur‘gh— bor'ii \roliirrst Hamel Hell lll \"aughaii \Vrlliarirs' 'l'lrr’ [xi/A .'i\t'(’lI(/lll'\'.
I The 1998 Bruce Millar/Gulliver Prize Steyeirsoir Hall. RS.-\.\tl). I00 Rentreu Street. 333 5057. 3.30pm. £(r t£| i. 'l‘lirs year "s auard rs l'oirght met by the si\ top singers trom the I'K's corrseiiatoi‘ies. .rrid otters the \\’iltllL‘l the chance and the tiiirdmg to turtliei‘ their singing career. 'l'lriee arias \y ill be sung by each bet'ore the iridges gi\e their \t'tiitc‘l.
I Sunday Promenade Organ Recital Kelyrngroye -\it (ialler'y arid .\liiseirm. 3.30pm. l'iee illliii ‘s4l 0344 Yale l'iiiyersity's Carol \Villrams [‘c‘l'litit'llh. l’ii/I u/ l/li' lli'xr lir/i/ l‘t'U/lil/
I The Kid/The Idle Class Royal Concert Hall. Sauchieliall Street. 3pm £7.50 £l5.
l‘amily tickets £35. Tickets: 2S7 55l 1. Carl l).l\‘i\ conducts the RSNU through two ol‘ Charlie Chaplin‘s rarer screened classics in the Killer 0/ Currier/r series. The \Hil‘ks \y ere scored by Clraplrn illlllSL‘H- and act as perfect accompaiiimerits to films \y liich look at the bitter and the sweet. ll this is eyen hall as good as the recent accoriipairied screening of The l’il‘(’\/llll(lll. it \y [H be a real treat.
I St Giles' At Six St (irles' Cathedral. High Street. 325 9442. (rpm. l-r'ee. Robert (iordorr's College choir pert'orrii Handel. l-‘aur'e and Jenkins.
I St Mary's Music School Queen‘s Hall. Clerk Street. («)7 777(i. 7.45pm. £5 (£3 l. A silyei‘ jubilee concert to celebrate the school‘s years as a specialist music institution.
I Singing Competition Guinness Room. RSAMI). I00 Renl'reyy Street. .333 .5057. Hlttlli. l'ht‘c'c‘. The .lc‘ttll Htgilgtllc‘ Scholarship Competition.
I First Presbyterian Church Of Fort Smith St (.iilcs‘ Cathedral. High Street. 225 9442. ll. 15pm. liree. Arkansas choir.
I Glasgow Wind Band Kibble l’alace. Botanic (iarderrs. 7.30pm. £3. lnt'o: 34l 0844. A prograiriiiie ol‘ tilm music trom Slur llirry arid the Indiana Jones and .lames Bond moyres. l’ur't u/ the Hex! li/rr/ [Veil/rill.
I Academy Orchestra Ste\c'risori Hall. RSAMl). I00 Reirl'rexy Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. l‘ree. Concerto performances by the .»\cadeiiry ()i'chestra and student musicians.
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um ‘ ’ i
.. winning..."
eclinlwrgll arts 8. entertainment's electrenic digest of what’s on
0131 555 1397
I Whitehall High School Chorale Si (ilic‘s~ Cathedral. lilgil Street. :35 944:. ll. l5pm. l-i'ee.
I Geor e Heriot's and Louise
Schroe er Gymnasium Queen's Hall. Clerk Street. (r07 7776. 7.30pm. £3
i£ l .50). :\.]'Ullll collaboration to mark ten years ot partnership between the lidinburgh and Munich schools. Mozart and Hade are t\\o ol the corrrposei‘s looked at.
I Timothy Byram-Wigfield Si .\lar'_\ '\ Cathedral. l’.ilriierstoii Place. 335 (i293. Spin. Lb t £3) The total concert in /'/re ll'urrt/mui .llui lit/re.’ piogi‘ariiiire is a request show. so it you “ant to hear some tunes. contact \\ ith the Cathedral ottrce on the aboye number.
I Keyboard Competition sit-tensor: Hall. RSAMI). I00 Renti'eu Street. .3 32 5057. l0am. l~iee 'l‘lre Bach l’ri/e iClass lircorripetitron,
I Strings and Piano Duo Competition (iiriiiness Room. RSAMI). I00 Reiit'r‘eyy Street. 333 5057. l0am. l-ree 'l‘he Ian I). Wait :\\\ar'd Corirpetitiorr.
I First Presbyterian Church Choir, Midland, Texas St (irles' Cathedral. High Street. 225 0442. II. l5pm. l’tc‘c‘. The Hl'\l ol seyeii l'S church choirs to
\ isrt St Cirles' during the British- .»\rrrei'rcair Church .\lirsic l’estr\al.
I Songs Of Love And Nature Sr .'\ridre\y \ and St ('ieoi'ge\ Church. (ieorge Street. 335 3847. l‘iee. lpm. 'l‘lie Coates Heather the soprano and l.eorr the pianist per l‘orm tor your pleasure I Music Hath Charms To Soothe Rti\\i_\ n Chapel. 440 2 l 5‘). 7 30pm. £5 i£3.50l. 'l'he Rudsariibee Choir and The Squaii .\lrle Consort ()t \'iols present (I iii/i/re/lii songs ol praise. lo\ e and death t'i'om Scotland. lingland and abroad.
classical & opera MUSIC THURSDAY 25
I Brass Competition Stexensori Hall. RS.-\.\ll). 100 Rentireyy Street. 332 5057. lllam. l‘ree. The Cioyerrior's' Recital Pr'i/e is for the \\ inning.
I El Camino Youth Symphony Flute Ensemble Keli irigroy e .-\i‘t (iallery and .\lirseurii. 2.30pm. Free. Info: 34| 0844. The t\\el\ e strong ensemble t'i'om (‘.ilitoi'rii.r entertain you. l’t/ri of the ll'i'i'! l.‘/ii/ l'tU/l'tll.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royal Concert Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 7 10pm. £2.50 £ l‘) hour 237 55 l I. In “Pictures -\t .-\n li\hibitiorr' ()yyaiir Anyel Hughes conducts Wagner. Sibelius. and the \ltlssitl'l-‘SKV l‘iece (ll litc‘ lllic‘. :\lt urie\pected Proms lirghliglit comes in the shape ol' young lack licheck. \\ ho plays Hrirch's \‘ro/rrr Cir/Ir win,
I Glasgow Opera Group Si John‘s Rerit‘reld Church. lieacoiislield Road. 7,30pm. £0 1 £3.50r. Into: 34l 0844. .-\ conceit ot snatches ot' scenes t‘i'om Ix! lil’hti'lllt’. Hin Silt/t NIH/V .llltl /)l¢' I’li'i/i'I'Iirii/ri. l’iri‘: of [llt' lli'it lz'Iii/ liar/rid.
I El Camino Youth Symphony St .\laiy's Cathedral. (heat Western Road. Spin. l-ree. into: 34] (LS-H. The (‘alrl’oima-based l'CYS celebrate their 33nd arirriyei‘sary this year and they are interrupting their London soiourri to come north. l’rrrl of the Hi’il lim/ Iii/riot
I College Avenue Baptist Church Choir St Giles Cathedral. High Street. 23.5 9442. '3. l .5 \ltt. l‘il‘CL‘. SCL‘ \Vc‘d 24. I Tbilisi Cham er Orchestra
Cire) l‘i'iars Kirk. (.‘aiidlemaker Row. 235 l‘)()(). 730pm. £7 t£5l Schawleg Schilakad/e conducts the orchestra as ilrey peit'or'iii a programme including l’iri'cell‘s (i/orrri arid Shostakoyich‘s l’urrro (‘u/rt «trio .\'u /. Julian Gallant is on the piano.
01 41 429 3838
11—25 Jun 1998 THE llST61