FILM index

FILM INDEX continued

Live Flesh tI81il’edro:\liii1»d1'iy:ir. Spain. l‘)‘)7i Javier Bardem. l.iberto Rabal. l-raiicesca Neii. It)“ turns. Based on a Ruth Reiidell story. .r\lmod1'ivar's most rounded attempt to enter the iiiainsti'eani lollow's the late of a wheelchair-bound policeman. the young man 1esponsible lor the bullet that put him there. and his wile. with whom the recently 1eleased convict is in love. Any message waiting to be read is drowned in the brightest and deepest ol cinematographic experiences. and the pleasures here are several. But there's a hint that the director has slipped into nuddle-giouiid mediocrity. (ilasgow: (il’l'. (irosyenor. lldiiiliurgh. l-‘iliiiliouse.

The Longest Day 1l’(ii (Ken Aniiakiu. US. l‘)(ili Yul Brynner. John Wayne. Sean (fonneiy ln'il iiiiiis. .-\ii incredible international line-up ol' stars and recreation oleveiits on a grand scale makes this retelling oi the Normandy invasions one of the most successliil war movie epics of all time. Screen legends just keep on appearing amidst an ()sear-winning plethora of special ellects and relentlessly pacy c1nciiiatography. (ilasgow: (irosyenor,

La Maman Et La Putain 1 IS) (JULIll ltustache. l‘l'1lllL‘L'. l‘)7‘ii .lean-l’iei're leaud. Bernadette l.alont. l‘raneoise l.ebi‘1iii. 3W iiiins. Alesandie il.eaudi spends his summer milling around the cales and bistros ol the Hench capital. chasing two women who come under his labelling ol the entire .se\: the mother and the whore. Regarded as a classic ol its time. liiistaclie's liliii is more .‘itiiiospheric than plot'di'iyeii. but both melancholy and l‘L‘JlllIllll. See review. (ilasgow: (ill

The Man Who Would Be King ll’(i) (John Huston. US. HTS) Sean Connery. Michael (lune. Saced Jallrey. IZ‘) lllllls. Rudyard Kipling‘s moral table 1111 the pursuit ol power becomes a riinibustioiis minor epic iii the hands oi Huston. (winery and (nine. all at the peak ol their powers. Set in India. it tells the iiiicoiiit'1ii'table but entertaining

9 - 31 August 1998


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story of a pair or conmeii who find themselves elevated by the locals to a rank far above their natural station. but falling from grace owing to their innate greed. (ilasgow: (iilmorehill.

Marnie ( l8) (Alfred Hitchcock. US. 19041 'lippi Hedren. Sean Connery. Diane Baker. IZO mins. Hedren (in a role intended for (irace Kelly) is the glacial bloiide heroine in this most florid of Hitchcock's psychological iiielodramas. After her boss Connery catches her robbing his sate. he becomes attracted to her and the two marry. btit her t'rigidity in the bedroom hides a much darker secret. A play ground for veteran l‘reudiaiis. (ilasgow: (il’l‘.

Marius Et Jeanette 1I5) (Robert (iiiedigiiian. l-‘rance. WON (ierard Meylan. Ariaiie Ascaride. l()2 mms. Marius is a lonely security guard who got his job by pretending to have a limp. Jeanette is a single parent trying to bring 11p two children on at check-out girl‘s wage. As romance blossoms between them. their neighbours squabble over politics. race. religion and sport. and all are revealed to be neither saints nor sinners. but plain. decent people. A very gentle and unpretentious film which quietly captivates us. ls'irkcaldy: Adam Smith.

Martha - Meet Frank, Daniel And Laurence 1 IS) (Nick Hamm. UK. W171 Monica l’otter. Riil'us Sew ell. 'l'oni Hollander. Joseph l5ieiines. SS mins. During two days in London. .-\iiierican Martha encounters three best buddies -- all ol whom are instantly smitten by her and tall out among themselves. At first glance. a simple comic triptyeh about late and missed chances, its complex storytelling perspectives don't really suit the romance genre. (ilasgow: .-\B(‘ Muircnd, l‘aIkirk: ABC. (ialasliiels: Pavilion.

Maskulinity Study Day 2 l‘ilnihouse liducation ()t‘ticer Shiona Wood gives a two- hourpresentation on "lhe Body. The Internal World And 'llie listei'nal World. The talk is illustrated by clips show 111g how

' masculinity has been represented in

Edinburgh Festival

Gun for hire: Chow Yun-Fat in The Replacement Killers

Hollywood films over the past six decades. An audience discussion follows. MouseHunt 1U) ((ioi'e \'crhiuski. l'S. l‘)‘)7l Nathan Lane. lee livans. Christopher Walken. 98 mins. Lane and livaiis play hapless brothers who inherit a dccripit mansion. but when they decide to renovate auction it. a resident rodent is not willing to be c1 lL‘lL‘tl. All L‘\c‘L‘llL‘lll blend til Laurel and Hardy slapstick and black humour. .lluim'lliuil is sheer entertainment and has some real belly laughs. The tone and the pacing are spot-on throughout. and the sets and special effects are the icing on the cake. (ieiieral release.

Mr Magoo (l’(i) (Stanley long. US. l‘)‘)7) lcslie l ‘ielsen. Kelly Lynch. Matt Keeslar. 87 mins. When a priceless stolen gem falls into the hands ol bumbling millionaire Quincy Magoo. who keeps on emerging unscathed as chaos ensues around llllll. '1 his




live action version of the short cartoons relies on broad physical slapstick for its comedy rather than verbal jokes. American critics slaughtered the lilm —- 'an insult to the intelligence of the entire human race' (USA 'l’oday), (ienei'al release.

MI'S Brown (l’(il (John Madden. UK. l‘l97l .liidi l)enel1. Billy Connolly. Antony Sher. Ill.”i mins. Queen Victoria's obsessive mourning for Prince Albert is casting gloom over the entire country. so Highland ghillie John Brown is called down from Balmoral to shake tip the shitty [{iiglish court. Madden‘s lilm can't match the comic brio and visual panache of The Madness 0] King George. but his understated direction undeniably suits the story. The performances are uiiiloriiily splendid. with Derich and (‘omiolly (both perfectly cast) giving the lilm a surprising emotional depth. lidinbiirgh; liilmhousc. (ialasliiels: l’avilion.

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32 THELIST 11-25 Jun 1998