Looking for the new Douglas Gordon and Jenny Saville? As the Scottish art colleges get ready for

the 1998 DEGREE SHOWS,

The List pin-points the stars of the future.

‘."."::~:::7s: Susanna Beaumont Photographs: David N. McIntyre


Sharon Connelly

Fashion designer, Edinburgh College Of Art

l’ar li'oiii heing a slave to l‘ashion. Sharon ('onnelly has an ax'tm'edly independent turn ot~ mind. ‘I don‘t take in all the hype. I don’t huy loads ol‘ maga/ines and I don‘t just think pink is in this season.‘ she says. .\'or does she have mueh need lor the hod) perl'eet Adonis st_\'le l‘or her elothes. ‘I go tor the more .lapanese idea that imperfection is hetltlllltli.‘ says the 23-}ear-old. who admires the work ol‘ .lapan's lashion greats. issit} \liytke and (‘omme des (iareons. Working with soil lahries and sltt}’ilig elear ol' tailoring the material. ('onnell} 's outlits drape the hod} rather than ol‘l‘er a i‘eslrietiVe outer layer. l’raetieality and eoml‘ort matters. heliex'es (‘onnells' \\ ho lax-ours eomhat trousers. T- shirts and trainers tor eollege days. l"lounees and hills smaek ol‘ l‘asliional‘rle eseess she thinks.

18 THE LIST " '

Jason Keith

Photographer, Napier University

‘Bumming around on ('ornxtall's heaehes‘ is htm .lasoti Keith deset'ihes the Mutts hel'ore he emharked on a photograph} eourse. II \\;t.\ a l‘ttn hut linite aetivit}. )et as he aluass earried around a eamera. the progression li‘om heaeh htit to photo lah seemed a natural one. ‘I Men I eould do photograph} merylas and “(illitilhl get iatit‘eth s;t_\\ the 2‘)-}t‘;tl'-tiltl. Keith is no\\ read} to take on the maid. \Vith heroes ineluding l‘ilinmakers 'l’err} (lilliam and Pedro :\lmotlo\ ar. he has .ili'ead_\ mliltrated the Seottish lilm seene. snapping 5H portraits ot' Seotland’s hig names trom linan .\le(iregor [ti .ltie \it‘l";ttitit‘lt. ‘l \\;t\ \ttl'pl't\t‘ti at ht)\\ eas} it \\as.' sa}s Keith. 'Someone knexs .\le‘(it‘t‘gtii"s mother and e\er_\one seemed keen. lt \\;l.\ luek in timing. heeause Seottish einema is on a high.’ :\s to the l'titure. Keith ixlltl\\\ he needs \\tit‘i\ stititi. ’I'il photograph dogs it neeessarsf he titiips.

Helen Knowles

Artist, Glasgow School Of Art

In the name ol~ soureing artists' material in hulls. Helen Knowles reeently look hersell tit)\\ll to Paddy’s Market in (ilasgow and returned \tith ox er 3th) pairs ol seeond-hand shoes. 'l'hat \\ as the eas_\ part. She then I‘I'oeeeded to eut the aneient loalers and hashed-up plattorms into leather euhes. The resulting installation in\ol\ed her audienee taking ol'l‘ their shoes and \salking o\ er a mound ol~ massaered l‘ootu'ear. ‘lt \\';t\ a taetile tiualit} l \\as al'ter.‘ she e\plains. ‘lneiting people into aetion and gixing them the ph_\siealit_\ iii a landseape.‘ Knowles. 3:- }t‘ttt‘s-tiltl. is keen on exploring the proeess (ll. making and ereating. She is not eontent simpl_\ to work on ready-nunle paper. l-‘or months she has heen heading otit ol‘ (ilasgtm' to ('arheth and eolleetittg eltimps ol' reeds to make her own paper ‘a metaphor lor the
