gust foofi at fiim! Tifiere fie stanos, witfi fiis nasty fiair ano fianos. 6ee! fiis naifs are never out;
@ffiey are grim'o as 6facf< as soot; 7m tfie sfoven, 3 beefare.
Mever once fias corn6'o fiis fiair: y<\ny tfiing to me is sweeter
@fian to see éfioeR-fieaoeo yeter
gins is tfie man tfiat sfioots tfie flares @fiis is tfie coat fie afways wears: witfi game-6ag, powoer-fiorn ano gun afie’s going out to flame some fun . . .
®ne oay, mamma saio: Conrao bear. 3 must go out ano feave you fiere. %ut mino now, Conrao, mfiat 3 say, Qon't sucfi your tfiumfi mfiife a’m away . . .
30 Apr—14 May 1998 THE lIST 11