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Deathtrap Dungeon N64 _, ,, ,.,J.),f_1_1,99 Yoshi 5 Story
D ,-‘ , 5,). .419 (in Blinded by Go/deneye’s flashy visuals? Bored with Lara Croft's immaculately rendered curves? Had your fill of Resident Evil gore? Yoshi’s Story could be the sugar pill you're looking for.
You control a rainbow-hued band of ‘ , six ’Yoshis' — cute reptilian types with tongues longer than an orally-fixated w" 'y ‘ . anteater, and must use them to save 'V i Yoshi’s Island from Baby Bowser. This hard—assed toddler dragon has nicked
off with the Super Happy Tree and
‘ _’ turned your idyllic homeland into a 7 ‘N crap pop-up picture book. With
‘ surreal game logic, the only way to
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' r4... . 5,. 1. pr . restore Yoshi's Island is to eat lots of ' fifit: D‘e‘gtutr 'D . 1- - fruit, so generating good vibes and
" “ happiness o'er the land. : ., ,z’". u- .:;_.': . 3:: "2' '_ '7" If this sounds a bit childish, then mm 3. <: a" ' that’s because it is. Yoshi’s Story, like :mantx " .; ; ::~ it new: -:i. .:::,' so much N64 software, has obviously been designed dragon's back. You must eat 30 pieces of fruit in order Sun <:, ‘ V-«zr, Um." 0.2:: with the younger gamer in mind. That said, this sure to progress to the next stage, all the while battling ;";;.'*:;-. i v- f)'t' .: '.:,.;< '* ain’t kids' stuff. Nintendo's unashamedly retro ZD opponents by throwing eggs, jumping on them or {-1) to t, :>.,'. a t :,<: -.-":,_.r:' platformer is a triumph of imagination and playability doing a ’ground pound’ - hitting the floor very hard ’ ' <:"'. it; .a.:> :: cm fizz") over state-of~the-art graphics. Put it this way: you can with your nether regions, so causing tremors which
()‘31' TM: stick yer polygons where the sun don’t shine. dislodge nasty blighters.
v: "i,i)‘."’.l 72:71:. '4' 1' '1 w The action takes place over six levels, each All this is fiendishly addictive, which means that, just my..." <:"-."’: ::.:»_:;-' u “in”: corresponding to a different page in the picture book, as the weather picks up, you’ll be stuck indoors .::t..:. ~ m: t ' .; v':2‘<.':, each a riot of colour, bizarre enemies and more surreal desperately trying to find bananas with a cartoon (punt 1:; wtw °_"'.’ 14‘0"," <;_.~, goings-on than you can shake a fish at. Mostly you’ll be dragon. Yoshi’s Story may prevent you from getting a fuzz)“ (".1 (aim -r'_' , . . ::' '_“-.- trotting along the ground, but will occasionally find tan, but it's a lo-fidelity small star for all that.
22-.a:;<:- mri '.' .l‘) ‘12,J,~;:Z, <2 yourself swimming or even taking to the skies on a (Peter Ross) I ~'({'()(' (1" ._'L' I V ’ V ' ' , i ii. i, (H M. Edi)“ Ii... ‘ ' I PM‘TIHQ'V'V ,:1.. (1'1: 2".” ' (f' f"; )(2 .Lin ._. 'l‘l ,. --.r r_ [:v {,. diff )' 'r: I I: "\’ "' lbw!!! ,.r r“: .".'(:2"‘(;‘)'.-:7" «fli'”..;t':'<:'...'i'» ((1%),qu II,.:()!(.:(.:,.())Lag-()9 Mu") '::"l"’l’lt'r:' 11' '1‘ ,' "' i'. ’l.’}"'2'.'r: ' Hf“). "1.11:"? "t I” . li'r‘ "l "(i‘ 1" - " ' m" 'l ’l“' ' ""' (’1' I” W"! ' { ll<','”‘)/' > (i ,i b r i) >. I I l ' '. v > ' l 't' .'.\ 't' '(it . ix": .‘Ti' v ' . . ‘ .i l ' ' '( ’2 I 'i. '2' ::(:'.t' Emu" ,ztir: 2i).f";:' --_-:-T . ' .. ' ' ' :-,~--':,:'“: “- ."l?¥'.-'/'.\{2'<':>’ f't'.li'('()"‘zi"'.( l‘.,'.'.7)(")1;' .'."."' ."<i"" '(:.'.' i. .2'!"It"ll ”2"l. :72. :jr"'<," furt' .i)..Z)",(i"flf'('ll<i"z' .'.'-;"i"2(l°.’:i'. .'.<: <1i" 'i'”) '2'7t"'. ' ‘i'."" ~K !" WWI". l)t'<i°.*i"'*t.l1 ' ‘r:"."r_ix.xit-" '.:;'»;ui> .(l..l?<:fix'iti’ ‘)'.'l'<'""{} xiv-g ~ , ':;'-.v"-.~:':‘ »' -’~1"=.'~' (l-(ios) {79.99 ; 2/3." i} .» (:l ‘ii‘t't'! ,\,_.' !' . “3.: ,. ..<‘..'.'i .' 5 ,’ " ."."i;" u: \i i i .. i i ' I i:.(‘ I K ' )' ' r ' i . I ‘ ' ‘ u ‘ (I.
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