This section gives details of special FRIDAY 17
selected events taking place within . Edinburgh and Glasgow and around Edtnburgh
the Central Belt this fortnight. Stars In Your Eyes Bewley‘s. South Listings are compiled by date, place Charlotte Street. info: 622 6226. 8pm. £7. and then event. Extra Time listings A night of pretending to be someone else compiled by Brian Donaldson. and all for a good cause with money
raised going to The Leukaemia and Cancer Children‘s Fund. See photo
THURSDAY 16 Caption. “mm” SATURDAY 18
Edinbur h International Science
FestivalgVarious venues. info: 220 6220. Glasgow
until Sun 19 Apr. The last few days to Grassroots Cookery Classes g M ‘ . ‘ w apply yourself to science with shows. Grassroots. Woodlands Road. (‘haring ' " ‘ ' ~ ’- " exhibitions. workshops. walks. talks and Cross. 353 3278. Noon—2.30pm. £10. STARS IN YOUR EYES Bewley's, South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh, info: tours. See photo caption. Dougie Bell frorn Lupe Pintos spices 622 6226. Fri 17 Apr. 8pm. £7 audience/£10 performers. If you look and Macallan Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour things up in the wholefood experrs‘ sound like a famous pop star but the thought of being patronised in The Beehive lnn. Grassmarket. info: 226 spring season with Flavoursome fajitas. front of millions by Matthew Kelly prevented you from doing anything 6665. 7.30pm. £6 (£5). Educate yourself frisky frijoles and other Mexican dishes about it, here's your chance to display your wares - and all for a good through booze as the tour follows in the which may or may not begin with the cause with monies raised going to The Leukaemia 8t Cancer Children's footsteps of Rabbie. Sir Walter. Robert letter ‘f‘. Fund. A trip to Dublin (above) and cash prizes are on offer for the top Louis and lrvinc across the alc houses of take-off w ile the audience can also get their slice of glory in a raffle
the city. Now that summer is nearly upon and karaoke competition.
us. the tour reverts to its Thursday to
Sunday programme. Stll‘llng confidence to your rhumba with the aid Greenock. Helensburgh. Dunoon. Largs Historic Scotland Stirling Castle. info: ofJane Bell. Suitable for both beginners and Rothesay with full details of times Jedblll‘gh 0131 668 8800. 1 lam. lpm. 3pm. The and the kind of heavily made-up and prices available on the above Freewheeling l-larestanes Countryside 1998 programme continues with A Head smoothies you admired or pitied on number. Visitor Centre. Ancrum. 01835 830306. of'lime by Frank Shiels. A sculptor has Come Dancing. Grassroots Cookery Classes until 4 May. 10am—5pm. Free. Cycle been instructed by the dying King to Grassroots. Woodlands Road. Charing enthusiasts should get down to the create a statue of his young heir. So. why Cross. 353 3278. Noon—2.30pm. £10. borders for this look at one of history's is he unsure of the task? No idea mate. This week. (Ilusgrnr' Greens author greatest inventions. Unless you are a but you've got three chances here to find Glasgow Kathryn Hamilton cooks up some veggie foul-tempered bus driver. that is. One out. And if you miss it this week. it's on The Essential Collection The Asylum. delights. hundred and fifty years of bike next Sunday. City Campus. Glasgow Caledonian Iona Community Daffodil Fair Pearce developments from the earliest hone- University. 331 3000. 8pm. £2.50. A Institute. Govan. info: 445 4561. 1—4prn. shakers to the latest Y-Frames are student-run charity fashion show 50p (30p). This annual event will be illustrated and exhibited. . sponsored by The List. the event is an opened by Lady Elizabeth Smith. the Edmbwgh opportunity for small. independent widow of Labour‘s fortner leader. Funds St Andrews Scottish Country Dancing Group The clothing shops to get their merchandise go towards the community's youth work The Secret Bunker The Secret Baha'i Centre. North Forth Street. 225 on display. A club. drinks promos and a with stalls and snacks accompanying the Bunker. Crown Buildings. 0| 333 1600. 7pm. Free. Spin. whirl and fling raffle will follow the catwalk capers. sweetly smelling buds.
310301. until Nov. 10arn—5pm. £5.95 yourselfacr‘oss the floor for this informal
(£4.95/L‘325); family ticket £16.50. introduction to the art form you probably Cumbernauld
The threat of a nuclear holocaust seems avoided at school. National Spring Clean Seafar House.
to have abated in recent times. though Glasgow Allanfauld Road. info: 01236 781270.
when blokes like Sadaam get that glint Clyde River Steamer Cruise Various 10am. lpm. Come and be part of the venues. info: 01506 613746. 10am.
in their eye, you never know what solution and not part of the problem with
might happen. Here is a chance to see llVlngStOII £4.95—£2 1.95. The paddle steamer a trawl through Curnbernauld’s Northside where our beloved leaders would have Ballroom Dancing Howden Park Waverley awaits your cruising pleasure Woods. picking up human mess. Gloves. lied to in the event of such global Centre. 01506 433634. 8pm. £30 (£20) fora trip round the island of Bute. You bags and litter pickers will be provided. devastation. for ten-week course. Add style. grace and can experience the full trip orjoin from . . , . . . Fall‘lIB ,. 1 ,, Woodcraft and Forestry Fair Kelburn ’ i Castle and Country Centre. 01475 568685.
I lam—5pm. £4 (£2.50). Practical demonstrations of woodcrafts and forestry skills including chainsaw carving. horse logging. coopering and furniture making. For the agile among you. there is the Scottish tree climbing competition.
SUNDAY 26 Stirling Historic Scotland Stirling Castle. info: 0131 668 8800. Han). 1pm. 3pm. See Sun 19 Apr.
WEDNESDAY 29 Edinburgh The Scottish Esoteric Network Holyrood Tavern. Holyrood Road. info: 225 9931. 8pm. Free. lt's social meeting night for the group promoting awareness of Paganism and Esoteric beliefs.
THURSDAY 50 Edinburgh Beltane Fire Festival Acropolis. Calton Hill. info: 558 9555. 10.30pm. Free. Despite their horrendous financial plight, the show certainly goes on this year. The 90 minute procession continues onto The
Venue where more entertainment will occur
EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE FESTIVAL Various venues, Edinburgh, info: 220 6220. Until Sun 19 Apr. into the very wee small hours. The festival
And now the end is near for this year’s science beanfeast with your least favourite school subject being is a reincarnation of an ancient fertility rite celebrated with shows, exhibitions, workshops, walks, talks and tours. Among the hi hlights of the last few celebrating the return of summer. So expect days are Sir Ranulph Fiennes. at the Assembly Rooms (Thu 16 Apr). Asthma Through T 9 Ages at the Royal snow. The event is free but donations will Museum (Fri 17 Apr) and the cheery Nil By Mouth at the Filmhouse (Sun 19 Apr). be more than welcome.
90 THE IJST 16—30 Apr 1998