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8 Claire Danes 3 Frontlines With two more films hitting the cinema, we say 22 Agenda bravo, Juliet. 23 Letters 10 Douglas Coupland :2 fiéulr‘eleases The writer who defined Generation X takes 29 Film index inspiration from The Smiths. 34 Film “stings

. 43 Music 12 lVlOflE‘y Mark 46 Record reviews Away from the Beastie Boys and digging his own 43 We reviews

49 Rock & Pop listings

54 Jazz listings

56 Folk & World listings

58 Classical & Opera listings

60 Theatre


14 Gtrwi‘ieth Paltrow An actress with Great Expectations after her Pitt

stop. 60 New shows , r 63 Theatre reviews

18 ATS iii .b‘lt'iéi [it 64 Drama & Dance listings Drink, fighting and sexual guilt with Falkirk's 63 Comedy finest. 7o Clubs

. 71 Clubs listings 43 Jesus Arid lit/lazy Chain 79 Venues The sweet and sinister sounds of Psychocandy are 30 my back. 81 Exhibition reviews

82 Gallerylistings 70 Jtitflge Jules 33 Kids

The Radio 1 DJ is guilty as charged. 39 Sum-t f & a 90 Extra Time Puma

91 Classified Hong Kong's Wong Kar-Wai is Happy Together (24); 91 Recruitment

Oliver Stone crisps Quentin (25); 95 Flatware . . . . 98 I Saw You Spice Girls live reVIew (48); 3 1 Out of Africa With C/ay Bu// (60); 100 LOU. <5 . 101 New titles Calum Colvm’s Sacred And Profane (80); 103 Book events

Will Self talks tough (100) 104 TV

105 Channel Hopping COMPETlTlON 107 Videos

109 Resident Evil 2 ‘08 Manner

Bigger, better, bloodier and yours to win! "0 FOOd 8‘ Drink Chairman“ 112 Reader Offers

PUinShed by The List Ltd Publisher R0!) 7‘ Hodge Editor A a" 1210'! so"


m HIGH 8,“), EDITORIAL: Production Editor A"(1vev. Bump: Assistant Editors l()"d!"d" l'(“.'., Petr“ Ross

[:0 009,9“ EH 1' «In Research lie on l.l()'l<‘:(;"(2n' K0, y Anti", At) (M quwo,’ qu (it bingo” . g . . I

for 0131 558 1191 SALES AND MARKETING: Director Sit y so" Sales and Marketing Executives ( a '0 De: '. x 5013 (" Circulation Dom o tom's;

Fax 0131 557 8500 ADMINISTRATION: Accounts Manager ()(‘O’QOTK‘ Re~~.-.:<~. Accounts Assistant See. a‘1(l.(‘d" Reception S ()l)"ti" (’

(""a- PRODUCTION: Production Manager 530:)”(V‘ C "('S'.(" Production Assistants S "‘0" Am Lions l.l( Fir ane DTP H m l./"(>' Design Steam)" ("esfe' Camera [(llf‘ixlffl‘ leKO'LI) Se"; (es

GLASGOW OFFICE: Agenda Stare" l\.'d‘,"s.'“"." Art Susanna 8m.."7()"3 Books 8! a" Dom (:so" Classical Music ( d’O Lia " Clubs ROM ‘.".<* 0'. i SW“)

(3'. t"(‘ ( A.

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( (.2 3”) Folk Ho'mzr‘ ( "a "‘01s Jazz Kev", i‘.l<i'." oso" Kids Hoop lvl()"d(;"t!" Music l()l‘d'."<i" Trev. Rock .‘- on: S"(":)"(”(I, 8510's

)dSQO‘S. ) JL S n . .. . ~ '

. canner rm" Ross S ort A a: Mo" so" Televrsuon Poto' Ross Theatre A"(:'e'.'. are: Pew Ross

'0 01413329929 , N . , p . . ,.,_. . _ .. . Fax (Olg T"(" .. St 1.0 R(’l)'()(2t.( 0' " ‘.‘.’ ‘()i(’ 0' " {)ti'. 18 0'!) (200" ‘.'. 1‘0”. ."0 ‘t'.’ ..(‘-" 00"“ SS 0" (I .' (' (Lu) 8 ("S !‘ c ‘5. (.()('s (J. (K ct i).

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("' s 8 02'. SUBSCRIPTION £23 ‘0' o "‘()"'."s 1’3 ss..(>s, £443 ’0' l Vm' 26 'ssws. {78 ‘0' 2 years 52 'ss..0s . 0.11.9100 to 1w 1 s'. Ltd Se”: fr):r~'2"1>si",1" 0" H'