
will also be quizzes. treasure hunts. l‘ace- ~15 Market Street. 225 2383. 8pm. An

GVEDlS painting and storytelling. evening of poetry with Roddy l.umsden. Richard of Carlson watermmck 11/14

, Nancy Somerville and Neil Mochrie and princes Sm.“ 556 mm 76m A‘tlm't “me

Edlnblll‘gh music from Northcote. Cradden 8; Astor. vim m the ukifhm‘, (in. image} ofuic gclf- 0909'35 coupland Willa-5“"‘9f‘ '23 help books. [)r Carlson. His new book Prince-s Street. 336 3660- 7tml- “w MONDAY 27 Don't Sweat The Small Stuff. . _ And It is- All author of the popular Miemserjs book. . Small Stuff(Hodder £7.99)'shows you how chats about his latest novel Girlfriend In m live in a calmer and less stressful way

A (‘mna (Flamingo £12.99). See feature. Scottish Childhood James Thin. George paufine "a" James Thm‘ 53,59 South

World Book Day John Smith. 57 St Street. 225 4495. 6.30pm. An evening of Bridge. 556 6741,. 7pm pauhnc Ha“ Vincent Street. 221 7472. 8.30am 77pm. readings. whisky and reminiscence to gives a piano “brkshub based 0" her Ian Rankin. Margaret Thomson Davis celebrate the launch of the second pupular series mum, 17"", (Oxford and Jim Crace are among the authors volume ofA Scottish Child/tom] University press £5.50)

celebrating World Book Day. There will (Harperfollins £5.99). also be puppet shows. fun and games. At _ the Byres Road branch. meet Nick Nairn and Christopher B rookmyre.

s ow Alice Walker Royal Concert Hall. 2

A SCOttiSh ChildhOOd 101‘" Smilh. 57 SI Sauchiehall Street. 287 5511. 7.30pm. £4 Vincent Street. 221 7472. 1pm. The

(£2 redeemable against book). A rare visit

"’1’" I” launch of the SL‘COlltl volume UTA to Scolland from [hc Pulitzer Prize— Will Self Waterstone's. 153- 157 Scottish Childhood (HarpetCollins winning author of The Color Purple, as ‘— Sauchiehall Street. 332 9 105. 7pm. £2. £5.99) With authors 100 Bcllrilmi. Jimmie she talks about her life and her new novel The controversial author chats about his M acGregor and Margaret Thomson Anything We [,(H'c' (‘an Be Saved latest book 'Iimg/t 'Iimglt lin's For lime/1 Davis. (Women's Press £1 1.99).

'Iimg/i Boys (Bloomsbury £14.99) and . promotes the release in paperback of Chnstopher Brockme'e (ireut Apes (Penguin £6.99). See preview. N 0 w 0 P E N 7 D A Y S . John Irving John Smith. 57 St Vincent Street. 221 7472. 1pm. The author of T/lt' o p e n T u e s - S a t I 0 . 8 S u n . M o n | 2 . 5

mang World zircon/mg ’72) (la/:1) signs copies of . his latest novel llH/Ull for One leur

Lynda La Plante Waterstone s. 153-157 (Bkmmbury L- ”) ()9)

Sauchiehall Street. 3329105. 7pm. £2. ' ' '

The creator of lVlt/(Ml'S and Prime Suspect

chats about her latest novel (‘ultl Heart J ' ' ~ . s . . . ohnlrvrn 11‘ ~ .llill. *k

(Macmillan £16.99) and her new Channel gm“ 6679/77}: Bl (if I523)

4 series Killer/tel. ' ' " ' i " '

Tickets from all lidinburgh branches of

' W;‘.‘i".‘; ; ttcrstt ties 1nd in) licketlint (lllcl A . . return to fiction alter four years. the Dr. Dav'd weeks walmmnc 8‘ 13/” author of nine best-selling titles including Princes Street. 556 3034. 7pm. The

A . N b _ ‘l I y. .t ' i A Prayer For ()it'en Meanev and The '"Lm‘m'. 0'" "Fumpi‘y‘ “’ "5"“. “m World According To Garp. cltats about author of I:(‘(‘(’Illl‘l(‘.\‘ talks about his new

his latest novel A lVll/Ull' For One Year


:ammm's finest selection oi pli«_:toer.ipliit

am)? ptiotograpliically illustrated books _|

book .S'ti/it'ri'iititt‘e (Hodder £9.99). (Bkmmsbury “699). 4 2 4 4 c O c k b u r n S t r e e t

WEDNESDAY 22 SATURDAY 25 E d i n b u r g h e H l I P B

“3530‘” Edinbur h . 1998 naming" B°°k Of New 5mm“ Melvyn Bgragg \vtttcrstonc‘s. 13/14 T e I ' O I 3 I ' 2 2 6 6 6 3 6

y'all”?! wrlqcrsfinwxi‘, $136515; T} , Princes Street. 556 3034. 1 2pm. Better i'auc‘rL ‘f‘lHj "9”; 3: ~ ' '- -t plm; 1“ known as the presenter of The Soul/t

Jul" 1 0. ‘lmmko ‘2 m“ ‘1'" m 05y Batik Show and Radio 4's Start The Week. which brings together some of the fittest

. i . ' Melvyn Bragg talks about his latest book 1’ H . I A h 0 huddmg mum m sunl‘md' Alum)“ (iiants'Shoulders (Hodder £12.99) which i

include Laura J. Hird. Anthony Lambert.

'. .. 7_. .',..‘.v Ruth Thomas and David MCNpinc- is now a l~ part BB( Radio 4 series.

mam- Waterstone’s

Glasgow Glasgow Waterstone’s

The Sunday Rhymes Brel. 3‘) Ashton ' n ' World Book Day Waterstone’s 153-157 ~ . | I p . . ' .2 x32‘ .35 .V' H Sauchiehall Street. 332 9|()5. 8am--l()pm. I "K 4 4 )6“ pm u (M hm“ G aSgOW

this popular afternoon session of poetry

r” Celebrate wmm 800‘" Day 1998‘ a with special guests Jim Craig. Cathy E programme of events to promote books Craig and Brian \Vhimnghmnu

and reading. Harry Horse. Frank . Rodgers. Aileen Paterson and Alan Edmburgh 2 1

Tempervey are among the guests. There The Shore POEIS Fruillltilrkcl Gallery. Am “()r of primp gusppa & Killet'net will be talking about and signng her

new novel

“COLD HEART” (Macmillan £16.99)

TleEtS (redeemable against the book)


'l‘lie enigmatic and controversial Will Self will read from and sign his new



(redeemable (Bloomsbury £14.99) against the book)

fr' 7 . 41/

M 2.1%,). l Wat erst one’s " 152-157 Sauchiehall Street



to Scotland to she talks about her life and her new novel Anything We Love Can I l 4 l 3 3 2 9 1 0 Be Saved. Thu 30 Apr, Royal Concert Hall Glasgow ~ .,

Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Color Purple, Alice Walker makes a rare vistit

1630 Apr 1998 THE LIST 103