A Mind To Kill

_ PAPERBACKS 1/ j - The Hacienda: My

. : .::-' 2’ H": I ~' I Venezuelan Years

)l};l!i[l(il|li’il12r ,- . .. . .. I i;l|Illd.’El"4!2}, , . .2 :' -' . .. v

lUllIé‘LiZ ::': ’: .’ ' 'I

backstop cafe

Invisible Republic: Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes

Four-Iron In The Soul

drink the latte

eat the muffin read the book

chew the cud

never has retail been

The Days Of Miracle so good for the soul

And Wonders I :' ':'="

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opening times 10-8mon-sat - ( 12 - 8 sun



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The .Diving-Bell And The Butterfly

v » ' ~ ll t‘ I) ‘y I! {t



John Pilger Mon 0 Mn. lpIII \\.~.I-\'I\Iont‘\. 1*i l‘T S.Iut'hIt'h¢I|| SII-ct-t. “I ‘IlllR liun 'l’ht' tlI\IIII_~:uI\lIt'tl Iotztzmhxt .lllti IIIIInn.Ikt'I \I}'ll\ L'Ul‘lt‘\ oI lll\ llt“~\ hook Hull/I II Vlg'r Ill/Il\ I\'Int;I_\_'t' 9,» Set" It'\ lt'\\

Adeline Yen Mah 'l'ut' T '\[‘I. "Inn :3 \\.rIt-I\Iont'\. l<i l‘T Sanchlt'hull SIIc-cl. H.‘ “It” You .'\i.IlI l.lll\\ tll‘tilll ilt‘l t-\II.IoIIlIn.II_\ \toi} toIItuInt'tl III llt'l nc‘u. hook III/ling lulu \ Nu //'m‘ .\'lnI'\ (It In I Hair/1h ./ ( 711m u [Mug/1hr -l’t-n;:uln Lo ‘NI

Allan Massie and Ross Leckie: (Re)Creating History \\'ul 8 Apt. 7pm. L2 \\'.Ithxlont'\. I“ 157 S.IIIc‘hIt'h.Ill Slim-t. “3 VIII‘ :\I|‘In .\l.I\\It‘. .IuthoI' ol tht‘ It'u-ntl} t’oInI‘lt'tt‘Il RUIHIHI ()IuI/‘II'I I\ III t I'lHt'lNlllIIII \‘.llll Row I who \xho

\\ .Il‘IItII ill\ l.tlt‘\l l‘IHIh .\Il I/IIII '(XInoIII'rIIt' L it» ‘Nl

Michael Connelly \Mnl lR .'\[‘I. lllllt' -Il\v \\\Itt'I\tont'\. I;i I‘T Sauchn‘hdll Strut-I. “I ‘Illl< l’IIIIt/t'I nonnndtnl tlllllltll ('onnt'll} lt‘.ltl\ IIoIII ins nt'xx tlIIIll-cI /I'.’uu./ IIUIA II )IIoII L III ‘)‘)I Antonio Carluccio 'I‘hu In .-\pI.

I.‘ WI‘III \\'.IIt-I\Iont'\. l‘i I‘T Sauthn‘lttill Shot-t, “391‘” .-\

him lllllllt' took-I} \it'lllUIISIIJIIIIIl to

t olzrt lilt' \\ Ilh (XIIluc't'IoK nt'u hook \I‘.'I.'/.’(I/I[hill/(HI/l(l\1‘iiii(i LIT‘NIJIIII lllt‘ liiih.‘ \t‘IIt‘\

Aromatherapy Evening with Brenda Brophy 'l’hu lo :\[\I. 7pm. \Vulcntondx Hi l‘T S.Iuc'lnt'h.tll Slit-ct. “I 9105 -\ll sou ncml to knou uhout t'\\t'llllill ole \\ Illl .tltllll.tlllt‘l.ll‘l\l liIt'nIlJ lhoph}. plus Inmmg't' Ilt-IIIoIMIJIIonx .llIIl .1le no on lilt' l‘t‘\l l‘I'l'ix\ [H l‘ll\


Mark Fisher Hm I Mu. "pm \\.llt'l\l\‘llt‘ \_ Ii l~l i)llll\I'\ StIt'vl. i"(I “Ii-1 ll‘t-\IIII‘IItJnIIIoII\.IIIon.1lguru lt‘.!\i\ lIoIII ll|\ l.IIt*\t hook Iln (in/(Ir \II./ I/Ie VII/[unruly ~(‘.I\\t'll L< ‘Nt James Thin Birthday Bash l-n iApI. noon l.llllt'\ l’hIII. <i <II South HIIIlyt'. <"(\I\T-1i -\ t iltlilkt' to lllt't'l Sc‘ottlxh truthon \It't-l 'l'mntt'I. l.nn limb and lhuwlll} l)llllllk'll .I\ my} 10”] Anoin- lhIII to ct‘lt‘ludtt' I‘ll _\t'.II\ oi hookwlhng may“

Poems 8r Pints i'Il iApI. T Winn

Ll ‘0 'l M \Vt'xt lintl iiUlt'l. Palmerston l’lmc T itipni Ll SUIth l'oI IIIoI't' tit'l.lll\ \Ulll.l\l tht' l',tillll‘lll:_'il \VIItt'Ix' '\\\\Kl.lllttll “T SZTT i)tlt'll_\ It'.t\llilf.'\ 'u. IIh you! \l‘t‘Ji’xt'lS l’.Iul Sunnncix .lllti ltIil l).I\\\on

Paddington Bear's 40th Birthday 8.” i-\III. W “Hill Luncx 'l’lnn. 'l’ht- (i_\lt‘ \h'il‘lllff (.iillllt'. T U) TTTT St't‘ Ktti\ il\llll}'\

Where's Wally Workshop Sn .1 Apr. ll‘:lll lpxn l.Illlt’\ 'l Inn. S‘) (it'oig't' Strut-t. 32‘ ll‘)‘ .Illti .It Jinn. .i.llllt'\ 'l'lnn.

\ _. .I_Ir. Ill-t IL,

u‘i l‘fi\

utmzr \P“

Snakes & Ladders

I?“UT-13\‘-!.Itth.z-:t).9‘?l s

.IKlt’Iii littlui',

.lt'iutrax wily» wort omw winlnnox :‘zava rziai mien-unto '.'.lil‘. ;\=_Ii‘lI\iI:rI\:'\

ruin: .. no lifitrr 21111". rill flit". :\ XVIII? .\

‘I‘f'nvr‘n I? I‘Il°l;iil5\'_l"l‘.\, Llohttak :a "It [Jill :\ aim-I‘t-tl In {om

'zfzt ;': xyrf I? 3‘53

', aria Pit-I “IMMIIZI 1‘» uptttr‘

I fiwt M...” .1. ,,. I. IthiIll‘Iii I"‘.:t"'\r‘:"iil‘r{l XEi.l"

REVIEWERS THIS ISSUE: lhoin DIII'IIIII, Rotlriw Imus, l(‘(i(i‘/

Sunnmwi, Utl‘nil‘. l.l.It Loom: ALII‘.

I.‘:<>III<,oII, Sloplu'n liri",")lllllll

Ti i‘) Stittlll litttlt‘t‘. £50 074‘ Also on Sun S .'\[‘I. 3pm at .Lnncx Him. The (i\lt' Shol‘l‘lng (‘t-nma < w 77<7 st-t- Kurt; listing»

Harry Horse S.II -I ApI. noon lpIn _l;IlIlt‘\ 'l‘hIn. Si V) South lirnlgst'. 55o 07-“ St'c' Kltl\ll\llt1;.'\

Kate Atkinson Sut ~I .-\pI. noon lpnI .l;nnt'\ 'l'hIn. 5i 5‘) South llrnlgt'. “(I 074‘ .'\li\IlI\IIIl \Igmx copn'x oi ht't' lutvxt nowl llmmm ('r'm/m'l Ililuck S\\;In L(I,‘)‘)I

Write A Novel S.It -1:\pr. 3pm lutnt‘x ‘l-illll. 5‘Hicol'gt' StIt't't. III II :25 4-195. loin local .ttlllltll\ III cunning: a lItt'I‘ur} InuxthpIcct'

Mairi Hedderwick SIII -1 Apr. 3pm .ldlllt'S ‘l‘lnn. 5% SI) South Ilrnlgc. 55h (I7-l i. St't' Kltl\ lI\IIII§.'\

John Pilger .\lon (I Apr 7pm {I tic'kt-tx I'Ioin .l.llllt'\ 'l‘lun. 3i 5‘) South lirnlgt'. T56 (I741 lutlInhurggh l't‘SllVill lilt'illlt‘. Ii 3‘) NIL‘IIIMIII Silt't'l. 53‘) (MOI). St't' (iluxgoxx. .\Ion (Ir

Alan Massie and Ross Leckie Inc 7 Apr. 7pm .iillllt'S 'l'lnn. 5i 5‘) South liIItlgt‘. 550 074‘ St't' (ilnxyow, \Vcrl S Adeline Yen Mah Wed 3 Apt. 7.10pm. \\'.'Itt'r\tonc\, Si (it‘olgt' SIIt't‘I. 335

H ‘sh Sr-t‘ (iluxytm. 'i'llt' 7. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas 'l‘hu ‘) (\- i'Il ll) ApI. 7pm \Vutt'IxtoIIc'x. l Vl-l l’IlIlL't'S Sttt't't. 5W» \(H-I The authors ol lilt' L'IIIIIIIIH‘Hlitl l‘t'Sl \L'llt'l IT/II' Ill/(III! A'I'I‘. lilih gthout lilt‘ll Iolloxx up hook 'I'lu' Sm u/u/ .III'u/u/I I('t-ntul} 9; lo ‘)‘)I

Charles Frazier Inc M Apt. 7pm “kin-blonds. IZS l’IInct‘x Strt't't. 220 Door» l'Iu/It'r chats about lnx (lt‘hut nowl (‘u/I/ rilrIIl/Ilrll/I ISc‘t'pIIt' Ur‘N) which lI.I\ Iukcn IIIItgnn :Intl .'\lllt'll(il h_\' \IIIIIII. Michael Connelly \Vt-II IS Apr. 7pm. \Vtttt‘htotlt'K. lVl-l l’I‘InL‘t‘x Sltt‘t‘l. 550 NIH .iTlIt' l’ulII/t'I nonnnutml :IuthoI lt'.lti\ IIoIn ill\ llt'\\ lilllllt'l lJ/mu/ II'u/‘I I()I Ion L' lo (M).

JAMES THIN 150TH ANNIVERSARY You'd be smiling too if you were heir to the James Thin fortune, like Mr Ainslie Thin here. Scotland’s largest family-run booksellers celebrate 150 years of successful business this month, with a fun programme of events and readings (see listings). Ainslie will be on hand to impart tales of how the shop grew from his great grandfather’s small concern on Infirmary Street, to their current stock of 850,000 titles.