Games and Internet

PC Battle Zone

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l Battlezone: Red or dead

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PC Plane Crazy

N. i :1". This is a real gem cf a Mr" ‘9 rir‘f‘r‘ And it's from Glasgow! the developers are Inner ‘tl’oi lli'tizs. who've produced a nudiher c l :1't"'3 media packages far childte'i. Th's 3< their first grown-up title. and they've started with a winner.

it’s based on the idea oi pylon racing, which is popular in laws “l the USA: take a bunch of v, ll(l :md reckless yee~hal Johnnie li‘cl) daredevils, stick them in tl‘e .‘ of the desert, give then seupn'l up World War ll fighter planes and lrt them race around a (our 2:» \\ lrirh is marked out by py‘ens. Tl‘V'ilc [,‘ii’tr‘s Of Hazard and multiply by ten.

Plane Crazy takes the idea quite a let il_!"l"zf"'. Y “l r m indeed, a devil-may care hilt f'yinri «"l eld ill '


Plane Crazy: a real gem of a racing game

a replay cf all the moves you made in your best l"ll!‘(l; you can enter a championship mode and do all desert, but you’re ce' taiz'y rct rd {Merl l ) a vizii'“? m 1% courses ene after another; or you can play on~line pylons. You fly through critters, cw! (ur‘l L'Z‘C'Hl m er a 'trtweik era modem connection. mountains, along reads and ra'lna‘y l‘ i’j’T, [wt ' t‘i'rv's It’s w simple gane, but what makes Plane Crazy stand and garages, over \'\'I‘i£‘l' . l. ‘nri lhft’1ji'rt the lit l‘eirl ("‘rl shoulders ever anything even remotely similar course. Others take an thimm'i ctr" 'Z'“ w: h Ts (with and playability. The graphics are fantastic, dockyards, through volca"or‘s tzr pic ‘I ' wdr. Ni \wc, lint there is so much more; it’s easy to get into, the the landscapes are sueerl‘ly ‘r'i‘w cl A” blow bits of them up with your (3:: ’5' a: “l r ‘411.

sense cf speed you get Is dizzying (playing with even a The game has V'trious modes. \"w I. ‘l :"rw- ‘7; c i' c

siEgl t lmngcwr induces queasiness), there are all sorts ("(‘ll ct:‘s :‘nil power ups to find and take advantage nine other ’crazy ates" u.’ l lw't My i In c ‘rl it’s met lryed \x’th wacky but not irritating you at every opperlu'w‘y \eu r" t. i ‘c "('3 “Wt * lii.'.“et':‘. ft di‘sr‘u'es to be a huge success. (lain Grant)

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‘Aefill do:

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Newman Haas Racing ~ a) {an an

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