‘family appeal”. l-‘lii/ilu'r merely flops when it should fly. (Eerieral release.

Fly Away Home (U) (Caroll Ballard. US. I996) Anna l’aqtiin. Jeff Daniels. Dana Delany. I07 mins. When her iitother is killed in a car crash. young Amy t'I'lie Piano‘s l’aqtiin) is sent to lise with her estranged father in Canada. Soon they‘ve hatched a plan to help a flock of baby geese migrate sotith for the winter by leading them in a modified glider. An orphaned kid. some fluffy atiimals but this gets heyong the formula by injecting some credible emotional depth into the performances by the two leads. (ilasgow: (irosyenor.

The Full Monty ( l5) (l’eter Cattaiieo. UK. I997) Robert Carlyle. Tom Wilkinson. Mark Addy. ()2 mitts. Carlyle plays (iary. an unemployed Sheffield steelwor'ker who. along with an odd mix of former colleagues. decides to go one better than the ('hipix'ndale troupes that fill the local halls. ('attaneo's lilllgli-mll‘ltttltl frlnr comes from the same tradition as Ilimml (m. miyrng comedy with a strong social conscience and show mg unemployment as an ertiasctilating espcrrence. l‘aisley: Showcase.

Gaelic Shorts t I St 75 turns. The four short films made from two years of the “Cut (ihearr scheme riiake a mixed bag. \\llll moriients of poetry occasionally hindered by rather uninspired lrlnimaking. The Sacrifice is a drama played otrt on a peatbarik; lie/ore ll'iii/er ll'imlx is an atmospheric tale set in a whaling factory; l-‘ixlrirre is a cringwor‘thy comedy til litrlX‘lilll lt)\'e. illltl ‘Hlt' .li'u/nuy Sole; has a strongly ('eltrc and mythic feel. lidinbnrgli: l-ilmhoiise.

Gattaca t I5) t.\iidr‘cw Niccol. US. I‘N7) litlian Haw ke. l'ma 'l'htrrnian. Jtide l.aw. l(l(r rnrns. lit the future. discrimination isn't based on the colour of a man's skin. btit its genetic make-tip ‘Noi'mally' horn \'rncerit tllawkei forms a pact w ttli crippled Jerome (law) to rise his genetic identity in an attempt to become an astronaut. 'l‘lie photography is washed by coloured filters and the retro- futtirc design is as distinctiye as Blur/e Runner. Bold ideas develop at their ow n pace and. despite the lllll‘tlSIVc‘ 'llollywood' moments. (iii/tin (I emerges as a true indiyidtral man industry of clones. See

feature and renew. (ilasgow ()dcon (array. Showcase. UCI ('lydebank. \‘rrgrn. lidinblirgh: ABC Westet‘ llailcs. l ilnihotrse. UCl. liast Kilbride. l’('l. l‘arsley' Show case George Of The Jungle t l 'i iSam \Veisrnarr US. l997) Brendan l-raser. l.eslre .‘ylarrn. Holland 'l‘aylor. 9| mms. lorncloth-clad hero (ieroge (Fraser) sayes San l~‘ransrcan socialite Urstral (Mann). but his trip to the tirban Jungle is shortlised when he hears oi the kidnap of his hairy sidekick. .-\pe ryorced by John ('leeset. lhc plot is the iistial blend of humour. action. slapstick. ad\enttrie and. or course. romance. while the know irig and punchy script is easily up w tilt the best of modern Disney (ilasgow. Showcase. l'('l (,‘lydebank. lidinbtrrgh l'('l. l-ast Kilbrrde UCI. Largs: Barrfields Kir'kcaldy .\ll(' Goldfingerrl’m t(itry llaniiltori. l7ls'. l‘lo4r Sean ('onnery. Honor lllackrnan. (iert l robe Ill mitts. The one \\lll1 l‘irssy (ialore. ( )dd Job. Shirley Bassey belting rt otit. Shirley liaton coy‘ercd Ill gold and a typically oyer the-top plot as triad .\nrrc plans to break ltllr' l5or't Knox Much better on the big screen. when ll doesn't haye to be crammed into the 'l'\’ frame. (ilasgow (il l

Good Burger t l’(ii illrran Robbins. l'S. |‘)‘)7) Kcl Mitchell. Kelldlt 'lhonipson. Sitibad. 95 mitts. .-\ spin-off trom l'S cable channel Nickelodeon's day time series .l:’.’ ‘l‘lriit. this kids comedy is likely to fail throughunfamiliarity lwo blokes working in a btir'gcrjoint frglrt off the adyances ot the fast-food cltairt across the road w rtli their new sauce recipe. 'l he nest lr’re My! r I don’t tliiitk so. (ieneral release

Good Will Hunting t Iii it his \arr Sarit. l‘S. I‘M—7) Matt Damon. Robin Williams. \linnic Di'ryer. l3(\ltllll\..\yitllll;1 college ianrtor (Damon) with a history of abuse is giyen the opportunity to fulfil his potential as a rnatlrs genius by a kindly therapist t\\'illr.inisi. llot- shot Danton i'ecciyed ()scai nods as llest Actor arid for llest ()rigrnal Screenplay. but its Williams irt art understated iwrlorniarice who steals the show. .\n insightful script. tenderly ilClCtl. (ierreral release

Grosse Pointe Blankt t<i itieor-ge .\r mirage. L’S. I‘No) Joliit ('trsack. .\lmnie Drryei’. .'\lclll .-\rkirr. IDS mitts. Depressed treelance lllllll.!ll Martini) lllank i( ‘usack i returns to his

"Love etc. i‘tguetrates is . .

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m we; beefing I

hometown lor'ahigh-schoolt'etitilott.bttt finds his past priyate life and current profession ate about to o\ erlap, .-\rrnitage turns in a fair post-Woo action sequence here and there. while (’tisack positiyely inhabits \ldl'llll. switching front comic/rorriantic lead to focused killer effortlessly and belieyablyt Izdrribtrrgh (‘amco liast Kilbride l'('l. Hercules rl'i iJohn Mtisker S; Ron ('lcments. l'S. WW) With the yoiccs of late ltorioyari. James Woods. Danny l)e\'ito. ‘ll rnins llrrtish cartoonist (ierald Scar'fe's designs marry his customary grotesqtrery

w rtli l ncle \Valt's softer charactertsations. llades ia rriagnitrceritly splenetrc James Woodsr \satits to e\act reyenge on Zeus by destroy mg his son llerctrlcs. btit luckily our hero has l’egasus as his steed attd Hill the grumpy satyr il)attny De\'itol as his coach l-driibrir'gli ()deoii Kirkcaldy' .-\darn Smith Hitler: A Film From Germany t ISi tllaris' ltrigeii Syberbctg. (ier'maiiy. N77) llein/ Schubert. .\ndr'e lleller'. llelhiitith larige. 420 inrrrs Ihe c entreprcce of the lidinbtirgh l7rlm I estr\a| Sybetberg tetr'ospcctiye to IV”). this mornrmental. highly stylised work falls itito tour parts of rirrpressiyely staged tableaux \‘ot merely .i critique of'l he l-trhrer. btrt a corirpley e\aiiitnatron of .i nation's history (ilasgoyy (ill.

Home Alone 3 il’(ii tlsaia (iostiell. l'S.

l‘N ‘t \lc\ l). l.rn/. (llek Krtrpa. Rya Krlrlstt-tlt ‘5 units Instead of .‘ylacatilay (‘nlkrrr here comes .v\le\ l). l.tii/ t.'\lichelle l‘teilter 's kid in ()Ilt’ line [)(H l. but this lilm is not .i patch on the titi l’(' slapstick and reckless stunting of the original. Stuck at home w rtli the chicken pox. .-\lc\ discovers a gang: of lllvlt‘cll international criminals trying to locate .r top secret microchip. so he sets tip in. teasineg elaborate and sadistic traps. (ilasgow l'('l ('lydebaiik. Virgin. liast ls'ilbrrde l'(‘l lt\ rne \\'.\lR \\'rshaw .'\llt\\\

The Ice Storm I IS) t.~\iig l ec. l‘S. l‘N7i Key in ls'lrrie. Joan Allen. Srgotirncy Weayer. ll.‘. imns In .\'i\on era Connecticut. Kline‘s dy trig alfair with neighbour \\'eay er pushes w ile .\|leir lntther into a numbed l'iigrdrty. inst as both latiitlres' teenage \ hrldren are making their first sc\tia| forays. lee's satiric eye may be acute bttt he has a cotitpassiotrate

index FILM

\ isioti of human weakness. and beneath the humour is a sense of profound unease. Scene after scene. deftly directed and beautifully acted by the cast. sends a chill into the heart. lidinbtirgh: Cameo.

Imitation of life tl’(ii (Douglas Sirk. US. WW) l.ana 'l'tirner. Juatrrta Moore. John (iayin l24 mrns. Sirk's remake of the (‘laudette Colbert weepre lays on the .soapic melodrama as the tnothers of two intertwining families struggle to bring tip their daughters. (ilitzy. glamorous Hollywood wrapped in a pessimistic shroud. lidmbtrrgh: Filmhotise.

In And Out t l2) (Frank (M. US. 1997) Keyin Kline. Matt Dillon. Tom Selleck. 9| mins. \Vhen an es-student seemineg ‘otits' hint during an Oscar speech. Midwestern teacher Howard llrackett (Kline) has to reassess his life and sexuality -_|trst days before his wedding :\ funny. feelgood mos ie that is armed squarely at a mainstream audience. In lra.’ ()ri: contains nothing to startle Middle ;\lllt‘llc‘;t Kline turns in a delightful comic per formance. (ilasgow. ()dcon Quay. Showcase lidrnbtirgh; ABC Wester llarles. (i.tl;l\l1lel\1 l’ay'ihon. l’aislcy: Showcase. Into The West tl’(ii iMike New ell. liir‘e/ l'K. I‘Nli (iabriel llyrne. lillen Barkrn. ('iaran l‘it/gerald. Rnardhri ('onroy. 103 iiittis. l‘olloys irig the death of his w tie. a former tray eller' tllyrnei sets tip home with his two sons iii a Dublin slum. But when a my strcal white horse appears and the boys head off into the Irish countryside with it. he is forced to corrrc to terms w itli his present lite and past culture. A wonderful piece of family storytelling. blending ancient and modern myths. Stirling .‘ylacRolwrt.

Kiss The Girls t lSl t(iar'y l-‘lcder. US. WW) Morgan l7reeman. Ashley Jtidd. ('ary lilwes. Ito mms, Sharing its star and some thematic prcrrcctipations w tilt the superior Seven. Kiss I/ri' (fir/r :tytiltls genre pitfalls. httl ltlL‘k‘s original psychological insight. Freeman plays a detcctrye whose search for his missing neice uncovers a spate of disappearances and a killer who‘s conyinccd of his romantic charms. The ending is contriyed. arid the actors deserve better. (ieneral release.

Continued over page

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20 Mar-2 Apr 1998 THE LIST 31