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03377 Ryraaa {aarcerCcles £6.99) 71 fit' :78.“

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or Anne Frank You never know who m'riht be srttrhr; opposzte on the tube, but you probr bly hadn't antr< Ipated avozdrnr; eye (or‘tatt V/rth (‘ITT‘OT of the above

0.1a" thepassengersaboard Ryrnan's rush "min servrre, "’,-t‘.(‘ 'eairse they are rr“',r tlrt>vrrle<;111‘e.r 253 Eves, not even the mrsplated rnystrtal poet or the doomed drarrst You (ould be forrtrveh for thankrnri the Canadran born author has lost the plot here, but .he's only pass'nr; rt from one (haratter to another, rr<;ht down the Bakerloo Irne, eat it of the 253 worth 253 words Cute

In between readrnr; so rnany rnrnds, some benevolent, a few beilroerent, others plain barking, Ryrnan rnduloes rn all manner of rod commercial wheezes and tales of the (trrmy metropolrs A book that verrly runs the gamut of emotrons from A to Z (RE)

PAPER BACK REPRINTS The Cure For Death By Lightning

Cali Arrderserr-Dargatz (Virago £6.99) is” 1?: st re

Publrshed to mat h dttld'ttt, thrs Canadr. it's debut novel appears steeped rn the Influenr e of several

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‘Olt‘dit‘((1'1it’7"{3’;'<2’(*8 Zest: fie '." s, The Cure s..::ee':s " :r' "'; .°.s .r'trrrue : Set " t Co onrbza our”; \\’t,' :2 ‘.\'a' , ‘fee"

year-old Betti \X‘eeks , am'dst V|(1l(?1‘(.(.’ anr; t'a';e’:',', world overshadowed by s.."ea personal demons (Std,

Let's Put The Future Behind Us

Jack Womack (Flamingc £6.99)

4k 1* it?!

A snrrrrier-rrdden sat're on 'Y‘:::1t""1 Russia, Max Borodin s a :2..; r1 7‘7; and (in/11M;{)USIIK‘SSITH)?‘t'yf‘tllif"ttirlt‘d fast buck rn the new "errrme Hrs wiles a nag, hrs rnrstress (l(‘111(111(l111(] and l‘rs brother a disaster area DO'UPSTKS aside, the Mafra want a slrre of hrs false documentation scare Dzalontre- led and encapsulating the (W Sovzet psyche (SM)

The Under round Man Mick Jackson (Picgadcr £6.99)

t i it t

A 1997 Booker and Whrthreau contender, Jackson has tapped the natron’s iasrrnatron with Vrt’.(1'ia" eccentrrcs, frttrottallsrht; the shent‘inrrians of the rea -l:le it" Sake of Portland The second richest oerson rn England, he bruit a 'abyrefi‘ (2‘ tunnels beneatn ".s estate, tie-tonwz; rncreasrngly ensconced in the r so'ate, hrs motrvatron being related through hrsrournals Tourhrnr; stir.“ (Sly/‘1


Esther Freud (Penguin. £6.99)

t 3? 1r *-

Gaglow, an rmpos=nrt German estate ouISrde Berlin, rs the ancestral home of Sarah, an actress Whrle bernri parnted by her father rn hrs London flat, Sarah oently draws the family history from his reluttant memory, emern'r‘ri win a prtture of the devastation o‘ war and rts lrnoerrnr; effects Freud's t“ rd novel, thrs rs a saga Wlllt depth 'SN1‘


Thom Drbdrn, Brian Dona'dsor‘, Rodger Evans, Teddy Jarrrreson, Dci'Y‘lt‘”. Love, Alrson Maxwell, Susan Mar ken/re


* * * * 1* Unmissable a a it it Very good - r * Werth a shot s * Below average I *1 You've been warned




Moira Burgess l‘rr o l-eb. L5 The (ilasgow .-\rt ('lub. 155 Bath Street. ""6 42311. The .\'erl Munro Society presents a lecture by .\1orr.r Burgess errtrtled '(‘ontenrporary \Vrrters In The (ilasgow ()t.\'erl.\1urrro‘

Who Loves You Baby? Sat 14 l~eb.

7 311p”). £5 (£5). The Arches. \ltdlatitl Street. 221 4(1111. \Irlerrtrne's11ay romantic tales t'rom around the globe with storytellers Kate Kramer. (‘Iarre Mullrollarrd and Michael Kt'rrrrs I’m! ()1 (I/rlwrm '\ Stun /('\1.

Timothy Good Mon 16 my. 6.3(1prir £2.5(1 (£1 redeerrrable against book 1. (ilasgow I~rlm 'l‘heatre. I2 Rose Street. Tickets liorn l1rllorrs. I74 Arger Street. 248 4814. The best-selling author and rnterrratrorral alrerr researcher holds a question and arrsw er session at the (ii-T. debatrrrg r'eyelatrorrs arising rrr his latest book .‘l/lt'll lime: lzirr'r/r '\ Ifrrr (’Hll/(‘I' Bil/r litII‘riIr'I'I‘t'iI/‘rrrl.\ ((‘ettttn'y £16.99). Borderline Theatre Mon 161'eb. 7pm.

Waterstorre's. 15.3 157 Sauchrehall Street. 332 9105. Borderlrrre 'l‘heatre launch therr

tour of (hits 11olarr's award-winning comedy Still/IN“ (l'aberl.

Patter Merchants Rule! Mon to l'eb. 8pm. £3 (£2 1. Better (’r‘ack ('Iub. (ilasgow Press (Tab. 94 West Regent Street, (11506 rS47935. Tall tales about the lite and times or (ilasgow w rtlr liw an .\1c\'rcar and special guests. l’rrr! ()7 (i/rrxernr '\ Story/ml.

lain Crichton Smith Tue r7 Mb. I 2pm. (‘ollrns (iallery. l'nryersrty oI'Strathclyde.

22 chhrrrond Street. For i'urther

rrrt‘orrrratrorr call 546‘ 3516/548 3516’. Poet.

Iictron wrrler. crrtrc and playwright. Iarrr ('rrchlorr Srnrth talks and reads limit his work Part oi ll'rr'rerj/eil.

A Night With A Master Storyteller Tue 17 lieb. Rpm. £3 (£2 1. Better (‘rack ('lub. (ilasgow Press Club, 94 “est Regent Street. (11506 847935. Storytelling with Human \\'r11rarrrson. I’rll‘l ()7 (i/rrseun-‘r Story/mi.

Moira Burgess Thu 19 1"c'lr.(iprrr. John Srrrith. 57 St \'rnceut Street. 221 7472. Burgess reads t'rorrr lrrrirer/rr' .'l (in (i/merm //r l-‘rr rrurr (Argy 11 Publishing £12.99).


Poems And Pints Hi 6 i-eb. 7.3(1prrr. £1501£l 1. \Vcst lirrd Hotel. Palmerston Place. lior more details contact ilre lidrnburgh \Vrrter's' Assoc‘laliolt 337 8277. Poetry readings and Iloorspots \\lll1 special guest Sarrdre (’rargre.

Ian Rankin .‘sion 9 lit-ts, (1.3llpltt. .larnes Thin. 57 (ieor'ge Street. 225 4495. The lidrrrburgh crrrrre writer reads and srgns copies (11 his tlc'\\ lttmls. tlic‘ latest Inspector Rebirs mystery. //r¢' Hone/Ire

42-44 Cockburn Street,

Edinburgh EH1


Tel: Ol3l- 226 6636 Tuesday to Saturday. I0 till 6

(fun/err ((1rion £16.99).

Who Was The Man Behind The Braveheart Myth? .\1on9 Feb. 3pm. Tras er'se 'l‘heatre Bar. Cambridge Street 22S 14(14 Information from Word Power. 662 9112. 1%1spc‘th King introduces [fl/ml Hunt's llil/lrli‘r' r1.uath Press £7 5(1). the original story oi" the real bray ehean. Srr William Wallace.

Mick Brown Wed 11 l‘t‘l‘. 7.3(1pm. \Vaterstone‘s. S3 (ieorge Street. 225 3436. Journalist and broadcaster. Mick Broer talks about his new book The Spur/mil 'limrrsr (Bloomsbury £ 16.99), w lrrclr documents hrs world trayels and the beliefs he has encountered.

Wine And Wooing Thu I2 tic-h. 7pm. .larnes Thin. 53 59 South Bridge. 556 6743. Donny (1‘ Rourke headlines this poetry eyent. with music wine and whisky. ()‘Rourke talks about his current collection of poems 'I’lre Barri/mm! (Polygon £7.95) and Uranus/rile: The New Scull/Sh I’ve/s (Polygon £ 10.95) of w inch he is the editor.

James Hawes Thu 13 l‘eb. 7pm. Waterstone's. 128 Princes Street. 226 2666. The author of .11 While Mere ll'rI/t l-rrrx. reads from his latest book Rune/(l sl/rmrrrrrrmr (Vintage £5.99). Roddy Lumsden and Richard E Livermore Sun 15 Feb. 8pm. £1.5(1 (£1 1. Pruitnrarket (iallery. 45 Market Street. 225 2383. An evening of poetry w rih l.urrrsden reading from his first r \olume of poetry liar/r. )E'rr/r. )i'u/r and 1.r\ernrore reading from (irwrrlelk Song and The Uni/re Joker.

Eileen Campbell Tue 17 Feb, 7pm. .larries Thrn. 5359 South Bridge. 556 6743. The author chats about her new book The ('mrr/nrrri' ()j .S'Il'ulrgers (()rion £5.99).

Timothy Good Tue 17 1’eb, 7pm. Waterstorre‘s_ l3-—-l4 Princes Street. 556 3034. The author giyes a lecture on his latest book Alien Buses [furl/r is Iz'rrr'ururlers Willi IiiIruler/v'srrru/s (('entury £16.99). He has been ' rm estigating [fl-t1 sightings since 1955 and is a recognised world authority on the subject.

Quintin Jardine Wed rs l‘t‘l). 7pm. Waterstone's. 13 -I4 Princes Street. 556 3034. The author of the Skinner novels reads Iront his latest book A Coffin I-‘ur 'I'rru(11eadline £5.99). Faber First Fiction Thu 19 Feb. 7pm. Waterstone's. I3 14 Princes Street. 556 3034. Britain's leading publishers

present two of their new discoveries. .lererrry Poolrnarr reads from his second noyel xirrr/rrr‘rlr's Sour: (l‘aber £9.99)

and 1)ublrner Keith ergway reads from hrs iirst lull noyel ’I‘lrr' Imrg Full/rig (1";rIX'r‘£‘).991.

Mick Fowler Thu 19 1-"eb, 7.3(1pnr. £5. Assembly Rooms, 54 (leorge Street. 22114349. Tickets i'r‘om \enue and

James Thin. 53 59 South Bridge. 556 6743 Mick liowler gryes 'I‘lrr’ ('lrrrrreu/uure /‘/‘/7 .1Iururlurrreerrrrg lu'rrm'. errtrtled "Triumph Arid



Edwin Morgan Mon l61~‘eb, 7,45pin. (‘urnlwr'rrauld Theatre. Krldrurn. ('urrrlx-rnauld, (11236 732887. Morgan reads and talks about his poetry rrrcludrng his most recent collection l'rrlrui/ ximl ()1/tn Rea/rites.

Margaret Thomson Davis Tue 17 Feb. 7.45pm. ('urnlwrrrauld Theatre. Krldrurn. ('urnberrrauld. (11236 732887. Tire best-selling author oi Rug Woman. /\’I(‘/I 111mm” talks about her life as a writer.

Jimmy McGregor's Arctic Journey Wed 18 l‘eb, 7.45pm. £6 (£3). (‘unrlx'rnauld 'l‘heatre. Kildrum. ' ('umlwrnauld. (11236 732837. Writer. musician and broadcaster McGregor grses one oi his popular illustrated talks about the Arctic ('rrcle.