Glasgow TO

The 40 best things about Glasgow

The Arches Midland Street. 22! 400]. lx it (I tlietitre'.’ Is it it cltib’.’ lx it a gig \‘entie'.’ Is it it btir'.’ Ix it it l'untzixtic till-purpose xptice under the tirchex of" (‘entrtil Stution'.’ Yex. )‘ex. _\e.x. Ashton Lane .-\l| )our xocitil needs in one \see \Vexl lintl cobbled lune the (ir'onenor‘ ('inemzi 1339 4298 i; eutet'iex The l'biqurtoux ('hll‘ 133-1 5007). ('til De Sac (33-1 47-19). illltl the (iroxx'enor ('til'e 133‘) lrS'Jts’i; illltl boo/erx liar Brel r342 496m illltl lint} Mc(iint_\x (3 W 0747).

The Barras/Barrowland (iiillmtgiiic. He u lio ix tired of The Barrux ix tired of bugx of cr'ixps for live pence. l-‘tirned l'or flogging anything from 2i knocked-off Rennie Mackintoin to it Used banjo. the legendar} market ix tilxo 21 mil} pltice for bu} ing cool second-hand books. clothes and records ill pricex )ritr won't find tin} where else. Meanwhile. Burro“ land (24 (itillougtite. 552 4601 l ix the shining ieuel in the cum n of the gig circuit. A iiitigic combination of trick} ceiling. stick} lloot' illltl bouncy (iltixwegitinx creates ai special rock ‘n' roll atmosphere which makes concerts at lidinburgh’s l'xlier llilll look like the [tiniest of bridge eveningx.

Blackfriars Comedy Club 3t» Bell Street. 552 5024. The dou nxttiirx Venue in thix Merclitiiit ('in pub is the best place to see the horiiegroun coined} greats of the future. l‘red MacAulti} and Bruce Morton are Bltickl‘ritirx grudtititex.

Botanic Gardens Queen Margaret Drive/Great Western Rotid. Home of the Kibble l’altice. (iltisgou 'x hext big greenhouse. but the gardens are just as good for people- watching us pltiiit-xpotting. ptii‘tictilzirl} during thoxe lax}. hat/y. crux} xtiminer days.


James Duffy Manager, Pierre Victorre, Hope Street 'Edinburgh tends to be gurte cold and grey. If you're from Glasgow they look down on you One time we went though to Edinburgh and we stopped these two girls walking down Haymarket asking directions for this club They went, "Are you from Glasgow?" and we went "Yes" - so they said, "Well, we don’t know where it is then "

L J The Burrell Collection/Pollolt Park A uni-Id-

renowned art and tit'telcictx collection in a bright. in\ iting building. situated in one of (iltixgrm ’x biggext ptirkx uhich ix great for it \ioodltind nimble.

Byres Road The major West find thoroughfare. chockti \\ ith xhopx. pubx and students. .-\n honourable mention goes to

John Smiths peerless record thPlll‘l- > them for till _\otir imported \‘ll1}‘l needs.

12 THE lIST 23 Jan—S Feb 1998

This page, clockwise from top left: Sharleen Spiteri, Robert Carlyle and Joe McFadden. Opposite page, clockwise from top left: Kenny Dalglish, Kirsty Wark, Howie 8., Robbie Coltrane, Alasdair Gray and John Hannah

Glasgow’s finest

Howre B.


Last year represented something of a peak for Mr Howard Bernstein Hrs album Turn The Dark Off garnered critical acclaim while he toured the world supporting U2 on their massive Pop Mart shenanigans To cap rt all, his girlfriend is none other than Brork Good gOrng for a B-bOy from the southside of Glasgow

John Byrne


Hailing from Parsley, Byrne drew on first-hand experience at the butt end of the clesrgn industry to score a theatre a hit with Slab Boys in 1978 Tutti Fri/ttr and Your Cheatrn’ Heart established him as one of the UK's funniest, most incisive televrsron writers The film of Slab Boys which he directed was dis- appointing, btrt his new version of The Government /nspec tor rsee Theatre prevrew, page 65> rs a stunner

Robert Carlyle


Sleeper hit The Fir/l Monty pushed Carlyle further tip the celebrity ladder, btrt the recently married actor would much prefer to keep his personal life out of the tablords Demanding, often stroneg politicised work Riff Raff, Carla's Song, Face has been given a softer edge by his performance as iard-back Highland cop Hamish Macbeth The definitive wee psycho is Begbre in Trainspotting

Robbie Coltrane


From posh beginnings (Rutherglen upbringing, Glenalinond S(lT()()l|flQl, Coltrane made it big after graduating from Glasgow School of Art in 1973 and remains big to this day John Byrne's S/ab Boys and Tuttr Frrrtti, regular appearances with The Comic Strrp and films like Mona Lisa and Henry V were early successes, but he will always be remembered for Cracker (see TV prevrew, page 99) A fanatical American car enthusiast, he recently explored other modes of transport in Co/trane’s Planes 8 Automobr/es on Channel 4

Kenny Dalgltsh

Manager of Newcastle United

Glasgow-born Dalglish is a footballing god Raised a Rangers supporter, he made his name during the 70s as a Celtic player, grvrng the city’s sectarian divrde two fingers He later forged a legendary career as Liverpool player and ther‘ manager, and took Blackburn Rovers into the big league There were rumours last year of Dalglish becoming Rangers' chief scOut, btrt Newcastle rs as far north as he has got

Douglas Gordon


Hot young artist Douglas Gordon scooped the controversial Turner Prize in 1996 with his 24-Hour Psycho installation among other works The Weegie Wonder/«ind refuses to flit Londor‘i-wards and has JllSl unveiled a new public work Empire 7 based on Hitchcock's Vertigo in Glasgow's Brunswmk Lane rsee Frontlines, page 11'

Alasdair Gray


After a state schooling whose praises he still sings, Gray studied at Glasgow School of Art, scraped a |rvrng as an artist, dallied wrth insanity, then spent ten years recording a Wildly elaborated version of his