
. . . S iceworld The Movie iPGi outSIde the Cities dirty; 2.30. 6.30. 8.40. Home Alone 3 (PG)

Film Listin s are listed by town, Daily: 12.30. 4.45. then alpha eticall by cinema. Film Tomorrow Never Dies i 121 1 Listings compiled yHelen ' Daily: 1.10. 3.40. 0.10. 8.40. Monaghan. Sat late: 1 1.10.

George Of The Jungle it'i

“a: 0050" . Daily: :45. 7.00. Sat mat: 10.30.

Burns Statue Square. 01202 284 244. The Borrowers 11.1

Info: 01426 97‘) 722. (’(’ hooking: 01292 Daily: 12.30. 4.30.

284 244. [1)] (Clllc‘llllts 2. 3 & 4 onlyi. Sat mat: 10.40.

Bar. £3.90 (£3 helore 5.30pii;i. The Full Monty 1 15) f it“

(‘liild/()Al’lStudent: £3 i£250 before Daily: 0.00. I

5.30pm). Reserved superior xeatr“: £4.50 Sat late: 1 1.10.

(£3.50 hel‘or‘e 5.30pm). Saturday latex: Matilda (PG) 1 | £4.50. Morning SiltHk‘xI £2.30. Monday: Sat mat: 10.45. 1 1

£2.50 (superior 5eats‘ £3 1. l-amily ticket 1 £10 Sunday afternoon. FRIDAY i6—THURSDAY 22 '

Programme likely [Ol‘t‘5i1111léll'101l1t‘ FRIDAY 9--THURSDAY 15 preyioux' \yeek. Phone 01426 07‘) 722 for

Starship Troopers 1 15) details and times. Daily: 1.00. 3.30. 6.00, 8.30. New lilm due to open on l‘i'i 16: Sat late: 11.00. The Jackal ( 18)


by Robert David MacDonald 7 - 31 January l liast l’ort.()l383 721 934. : ()lympia Mall. 013552 49022.

Info: 01383 623 535. (‘C hooking: 0| 38.3 info: 013552 4969‘). (2C hooking: 0000 The Turn of the Screw

624 898 (4—-10pm). £3.30 (cones: £2). No 1 388 090. [1)]. £4.25 (£3 before 4pm). by Henry James 8 - 31 January

cones Sat eyening. Mon: all seats £2. (‘liild/():\1’/1'1340: £2.60 all day. i The Relapse arVirtue in Danger £8/£2 by John Vanbrugh 9 - 31 January

Perfect couple: Jay Mohr and Jennifer Aniston in Picture Perfect

FRIDAY 9-~-THURSDAY 15 i FR'DAY 9 ‘THURSDAY ‘5 Z The Jackal 1 18) Starship Troopersrl5) Daily: 1.00. 3.50. 0.40. 9.30. 5 Daily: 6.00. 8.40. l‘ri & Sat late: 11.55.

Sat mat: 3.00. Picture Perfect (PU)

The Borrowersrt‘i Daily: 2.10. 4.35. 7.00. 0.25.

Salliiat: noon. [iriffi Sutlmc; “.45. . Sun mat: 2.00. 4.00. Spiceworld The Movietl’m

l Tomorrow Never Dies ( [3) 1 Daily: 1.45. 4.05. 6.15. 8.35. ; f Daily; or)“. Sat ck Sun mats: 12.20. 2.40. .4: ~ Spiceworld The Movietl’Cii ! Sta'Sh'p_7[°°P?'51'2l . | 1 Daily: 6.30. 3 Daily: 3.55. 6.50. 9.50. x i' ,. Satiiiats: 12.30. 3.30. i “'Sckduymut “)2- i Sun mats: 1.45. 4.15. 5 Tomorrow Never Dies l '3) z. The Jackahlx) Daily: 12.55. 3.45. 6.35. 8.30. ‘).l0. ,5 "" ' Daily: (US. 3.50- 1 Hi & Sat late: 11.50.. a; Home Alone 3 (PG) ; I Know What You Did Last Summer . Sat mat: 3.15. I (m

. t a - Daily: 7.15. ‘).45. sun m‘m' I‘m‘ 3‘42 l-ri & Sat late: midnight. George Of The JungTe iUi FRIDAY 16—THURSDAY 22 Daily: 1.55. 4.i0. 0.20.

. . Sat & Sun mat: 11.40. Programme likely to be S1111|l11f10li1€ The Borrowers (U)

: [ireyilou's yyj'eek. Phone 01383 623 535 for Dun-V. MB 4.30. LL” 2 ‘m‘ l”""" Sat & Sun mat: 12.0.5.

1 . , 1 . "COmpflunG" ametatarsal'M

Hercules 1U)



: ()ld Coach Road. East Mains. 013552 3;” & Sun “mg; 1130. r35 * * * *7 ; (norm . 5 Home Alone 31m» ! [D] [1:]. £3 (cones: £21. Daily: 2.25. 4.50. lOlAl mm ; Sat & Sun mat: noon. i SUNPAY H JAN The Full Monty ( I51 5 Vertigo iPGi 2.30. Daily: 5.00. 7.10. 9.20. Weekday mat: 2.40. TUESDAY 20 JAN l‘i‘i & Sat late: ll.30.

Keep The Aspidistra Flying i 12) 8.00. Dragonheart tl’Ul Sat mat: 10 30.

Sun mat: noon.

LA. Confidential 1 180 Daily: 6.30.

A lIiIII 11v lvniii \HH‘Kllllltll ._ " ' ‘- Pr09famme changes, } l)ail_\'tc‘\.c"eptSal): 9.40. , ' LOVE CA” HAVE YOU COLD 'I " " 3 Friday 16 January [BLTiLIaS-fqiiiiféifii{rmin. '


Programme likely to he similar to the

[k When we went to press, some of the : preyioiis \yeek. Phone 013552 49095) for ' 5. H . i tfli‘lteatllilseeeitheir 153i?lNliiriliientiiopen on Hi 16: toriilli’iilillnw 3::n::a:.:;“::.:i::.::::,. ma... - :zazaiza'aatig‘ia:fairs;w‘" . N...’i'.t.';§.§§;’.'§)§.’.§dm ' " Ti':'iiiii'i‘z‘i‘i'i|i'iiiimin... iiniilzti ant“ Thunday 15 Januanh : pages 41413

"9""2'2liliu'iiii333333311?i6:331:33li'iii'iiiiiiiiiiii "WWW 3 “P939 l"Wm (18): . _ Short revrews of all other films 3""9 Me the "ead 0' Mam 0"" (‘5); showmg this fortnight are in the

FILMHOUSE, EDINBURGH FROM FRI 9 JAN: Devils Advocate (18). 1

Film Index, pages 44-46.

52 THE “ST 9-22 Jan 1998