F rier‘rrJS

lovers of New York's sexy sextet wrli need to thrnk about gettrng drshy an the New Year The sassy (ornedy serres rea( hes a (lrffhanger (irmax on

Trrday l9 Derember,‘ then transfers to

Sky TV The new serres (an be seen on Channel/1 rn summer 1998 but (an you wart that long?

T-‘rrends (onrludes on Channe/ 4 on FM

79 Der, and resumes on Sky TV on Thu 81a!) Two (fhrrstmas eprsodes

are repeated on (hanne/ 4 on Tue 23


Here’s a guest appearant e you won’t be seerng rn the Spr(e Grrls’ (rnematrr

sper tar ular. The man who took the polrtr<al (orrectness out of PC World has been hastrly edrted from the movre thrs desprte the fart that those (hrld-porn allegatrons were followed by a boost rn sales for hrs 14 Der ember date at the SLCC Obvrously, there's no room rn the trght—knrt srsterhood for Drrty Old Sprre. .S‘p/r ewor/d; The Movre is released on Boxrng Day

"" ,, " . "' ll TAX V, The Warmer QT The W Helena Bonham Carter and Alrson Ellrott star wrth Priest’s lrnus Roar he rn Brrtrsh (rnema's latest perrod drama, Drre<ted by Iarn Softley, the man behrnd Barkbeat and

T'Tarkers, the frlrn rs adapted from a nove by Henry James. The story centres on an unusually tangled eternal trrangle, flrttrng

between london and Venrre before rearhrng rts dramatrr (lrmax, Premrer perrod at tress Bonharn Carter who

desr rrbes her (hara( ter as ’really gurte a

mrnx’, explarns her attrat tron to su( h roles as follows: 'T-ivery herorne rn a

perrod prere rs a herorne be<ause they are

modern for then trrne, and often go

agarnst the (onstr'arnts of the sor rety they are Irvrng rn.’ Henry James fans (an prrt

thrs theory to the test at Glasgow's Crtr/ens' Theatre, where Jon Pope's

adaptatron of The Turn 0/ The Srrew

rererves a spooky r'evrval rn January.

The Wings Of The Dove opens on HI 2 Jan, See revrew, page 29. The Turn 0/ The Srrew opens at the C/tr/ens' Theatre,

G/as'gow, on Thu 81an, with a free

prevrew on Wed 7. See Theatre prevrew,

page 57.


l} pus“. Tr arr-rng

Why don't you . ..

Hogmanay The world's brggest hoolre \vrlT go rnto orbrt as the bells str'rke twelve Texas are headlrnrng what wrli bean emotional (ontert rn l’rrnr es Street (Jardens whrle tlr(]l‘.1 (lubs, (omedy ( abs and balls erl be sWrngrng all over [(lrnbtrrgh A huge frr'ewor'ks drsplay le ensure that the nrght beg.ns or ends wrth a bang Not to be outdone, (rrasgow rs hostrng a SlthIld.’ bash Happy New Year and don't krss too many strangers See page M for (rlasgow lrstrngs and supplement for ldrnburgh's Hogmartay Glasgow, various venues, Wed )‘T T)e(, Td/nhurgh, varrous venues, Mon 29 Her Sat flan

Art: In Visible Light ( ameras are shown to be (lever operator's rn an exhrbrtron that looks at the way photography :s used to manrpulate rdeologres lt rnrludes work from everybody from Turner wrnner (:rllran Wea.rng to Darwm and lvlapplethorpe Td/nhu/gh, Inver/e/th House, untr/ TS T-eh

Film: The Wings Of The Dove Helena Bonham ( arter‘ and T’r/est's lrnus Roar he star llr thrs beautrfrrlly photographed versron of Henry James's novel, partly shot rn Venrre The story tour hes on the dark srde of a love tr'rangle and rs H‘.U( h further from the Merrhant lvory

s( hool than you mrght thrnk See revrew on page 29 T:d/nhurgh Tr/mhouse and (j/asgow Tr/m Theatre from In 21an

Art: The Turner Watercolours Ba( k agarn for therr annual season rn [‘(lrnbur'gh, these delr(ate parntrngs by the great lnglrsn art:st J M W Turner are only ever drsplayed rn January when the sunlrght rs too weak to damage them ( at( h them whrie you (an Tdmhurgh National (Ta/Tery Of .Srot/and, The Mound, Thu T Jan Sat 3/ Tan

Theatre: The Ice House Sexual rntrrgue rn professrortal reratronshrps (omes under the HM rosrope rn thrs new play wr‘rtten and drrer ted by Robert Davrd Mar Donald for the

C rtr/ens' Theatre's Stalls Studro See prevrew, page 9/ Glasgow, (Itr/e/rs’ Theatre, Wed / Sat 3T Jan

T9 {Jet 199/ 8 mt: T998 THE [ISIS