Fur flies as Wildcat loses funding appeal

The winners and losers in the battle gummy”: I 3.: -. .. v for arts council funding for touring “'2! W'l'le‘ l. I' t x r‘~ theatre are now clear. Glasgow's :‘t’r‘t-me“ . t. n l ' Wildcat are furious that they are to if , .- ., ,, , .. miss out, while Boilerhouse are 3:453],(“IQQLW ,7..,,',,}',;f,.l,,; setting out plans for the future. 'r'umulatwe ;t.'£‘j'.;(ft(t" "r" t: t .m :st.» Stephen Naysmith and Andrew Burnet dUd‘t-‘Wi' ‘-'-'<“ WW 3“ WW» «it‘t7‘~"i' 'U 7’1" 35K. have (it“.t‘i‘flln“ti erw'rrternly, but they rev us at. term;

Hr‘ly :titer‘wutz"~'~lst, amt-{art (7, mt r‘ r\" theafre

iii? fzr'iTihiiC UlRiETfV-Q u.‘ ‘.’.’I5<itai Marie Prudtlcllwrts‘, Tia", 3% ii": I, \‘u: x 1:: I: - wt t, :

Haul '.‘. rtit‘lllitill, has launrtwl a smthrng attack on l"-'\r:r:~,"f: ‘¥‘- :t ‘.".v’*'r.'t 2'. a. '11 't‘ r

rm ,ng ttrll. Arti furnmi ISAC; loilhr‘nh"; the rejéfcilur: dew-antlml il‘.i""32'\ .". the :ng: a :‘e; f flu- arts

trf t‘w um: ‘zrntlrhu arr-val (ia'um‘u i.".'_" «:yzrt‘arzrtr cuter: , tit. .' ti: - ‘.'.'Jl:lt .zf, ninth has bee". funded by the SAC fail the 'xa'rze t‘rt‘binrr. as lune" " e

finer 3; year 3, was the mam laser when new ttrt'u' ' t' Itlé'f't

asrar‘rnhw-hts ter lurnlrrt:: tuurrnu theatre were "ih-A arltl A flu-v. rum 1), a” if".«:' I z .. “;‘

(illllzttl'iiiiii :l‘. 0c: the: i)!<r‘)ié‘.i ‘atli‘llil nwre Wm, :o-au ". :: pant-.4 ~‘1--

.lethvzhh ".‘h’riiii at appealed the (leCIsron, putting than rearlw; srrrr‘fx, rtwr-a I 'i.t’ wt' ;.' .mr :;'_:' x fr,:*.'.;::;: unferrrzatauh about audience numbers, a that: r:t;r‘~; :t-lats arul ': '--? 1“.:.",..' : herrinm \l/tllt‘ri by 25,000 members of the public and arguments than rt-lznarxn‘nr \H'Tltts letters ht support from promoters, writers, artists and Hov./e\.'er, as Senna Relrl «all'ii iii-tram .truf-Jater 4: if‘

to tat * lllt'llll)t"\ wt t'w '«':w,-'.erhnn

rim-t tars, the \RC <le<lznerl to change its original SAC preparer:

r,,,t._ ' \ AH.’ ' c .. i .' ..., - - net .,-n Briattlsh Hum/s gens-it (4,! irantee tux .. wt Luxt' ,-, -- .- . . t , C , ' r we spend more time reading

in tin-"W "annan e. the _)AC drama ('omrmttee (lenaht about t'w- ' we 2‘? the lli'ttt: :rtrnrnrfitez‘ . . ‘A’ h l n ' Silt‘th'i ‘:.a’. =.’.:ltl:( I x al>h:i(at:0h had not been We rtexzsezl a v1.1.arnx rizrar‘. ft -' "w t'rT-rre immnkc Slic(3t"1har]readlng H2.) 3.. ' i‘.-’ " .‘. -" \ t. ' il i ‘,'I I " ' “ll’I' 3 ‘.1 33’ I" l < i V‘ ‘v V. ,W. i\,,",m ‘i\ .y~ ,. ..' r‘l" - I ~ . .. . l I l i_ rim» Ii ..ri» u |)\ltt)()((]llls(\|tbt(,sf]t(1\ I‘ ..I-‘I cbh-it t), it Ml l _' \‘4"\)c I tilair. .. t .- K“ [firstfid ' . _ ht :n m: ritf; 9n 1“ (e at tlxw rtther mmht‘emes tretmse ar‘l has nth-1‘ tl‘e xut t ili'l‘ltitzlllt“,

arguments than rehearsing

'lt is tax 2/: \a'. that with errlrat :t was more of the more atalalty than the. haw net Luv-32:1 mane, nutter-gas. ether {"rtlltuiltwh were offering taken a .t‘lV pasttue “eh t;tr‘~.'.'ar<l N"! 'r(,i,_‘iit\‘\. ‘.“t!ilrl(trt (ill('(1()rD.'t‘.’l(i Maclennan

'Our ambition outstrips the money'

PAUL PINSON, artistic direr er of Burlerln'tuse, says The Brrmingham-horn (illmiifl has scored illiS Scottish Arts Council funding terms littte more than With The Dorm, lrvme Welah’s Headstate and a base for hr: mmmny's future planmnri The Set/er, rsaerfmmed :n the open aar at the 1997 Edinburgh-based theatre company was mite u.’ six to Eiilllbrllu". Festival rengt“ ‘Ser'.r'v.=r icy-st over receivt: feur-year lranctnse tanning in the Scottish £50,001} to stage,’ Pincen parrste'l nut 'T'rtat puts

Arts (Dunc! (SACK runt'nversurl round or awards £100,000 Into perspective] Boilerhouse and Glasgow-based Suspect Culture The tempany's promc‘u, for :995 m; iudp ,3, mle

were each awarded £100,000 per year, and (O-[NOdUCilOFI math the Mic-lllCiiC’Silfr-iMlSQd Walk renlaced Wildcat Stage Pv‘rxlut'trons On the SACK The Plant (on.;',-a:‘.‘,/, witch terms and performs on resterofrevenrrefundedtouring(:omnanres board a sea-germ) vessel Arn-tiunu protected

‘lt's me to knot-v that we car: plan longer term,’ overseas (ellabu'atrons, Putson cited South admitted Prnsen 'But our amhrtrun still trutstrms the Armgnra, the Net t<~>rlanrls, Burk-town and {virtnrclt Ambitious: Boilerhouse actor Tam Dean Burn in Seizer money we liave (AB)

And finally . . . election Rigg-ed as students find Avenger m :?§::er;:cgghe:ah;mfzetf out of a job he Not to mention a mere 30 TV

channels. The grand irony of the .TIS THE SEASON to be jolly and a” ANOTHER WHO IS fighting for those “(hoie th'mgls that it to?“ a TOW: _ that cobeerS' so this is the time at the foot of societyis Dame Diana Lichtreld 5 Michael Fabrrcant, to raise when the yawning (hasmic mack Rigg, Stirling University's new the Issue. After all, there are a fair hole between the wenflff and the Chancellor is getting stuck-into the few 0* hIS 0W“ Who Spent the be“ pissed-on is most pronounced. This government Over its plans for part Of two,de.s.on t,h.e SUper' being the first Christmas under student fees another wizard idea ('35 gralVY "8'" I llV'ng 'lke bloate“ Labour for many a moon, many are nicked from the previous tyranny. Limo-005. " some 0f the b'tter WOFdS surprised how little is being done to 'Mfany Péople “Fm to, “‘3”? e aimed at Brussels bureaucrats' bring relief to those in need - sing|e Universmes are incredibly nch,’ MAYBE 31 SHOULD apply the same parents, the disabted and mum” quoth the actress who once wore a rules upon the slush fund MEPs as it tenants in Glasgow facing rent hikes fake beard bes'de V,'n_cem Pr'(e° ‘A is f0Ming U90“ tardy bill'Payers- are among the latest to cop it. While |°t Of Students are "Wm-3 0”. the Rather than (Ut Off the Offenderst Blair is welcoming the rich and POVertY "net "01 eat'”9-' 5"”: at they are installing incoming phone pompous into his humble home, it is '93“ they,“ be able to Slide

services only. Emergency calls will

gratifying to learn that there are themselves into the kind of catsuit I . . be allowed, though to the chagrin some who are prepared to (any on that made Patrick McNee’s cane Rigg: fighting for those at the foot of many, no facility appears to be in the principles they demonstrated in _ Stand on end' _ , , , , Place for those terribly DOPU'a' 0891 opposition. Stand up Malky AT LEAST our government ha'rdress'ng,fac'l't'es' Zero numbers WhiCh are Often . Chisholm and shame on those ' representatives in Europe are having telephqne wig and a fz’ooo deSk respo'mb'e for sum “mopping b'ns twisted souls who suggested that a fine old time at all our expenses. are ava'lable,m the plush in the “'5‘ Place- 0' ' am mid-

he was merely using this as an Apparently, saunas, bars, accommOdat'on on Offer to MEPS' (Brian Dona'dson)

l“ liltt/ 8 Jan W98 THE LIST25