' news
He nose
As Edinburgh’s Balmoral Hotel reopens its number one restaurant, The List asks what's in the cellars?
Jonathan Trew
‘y’Utr fr;/ who ; ‘ "10"]? A tr‘rr.trsa",:: or
"H t '.tt‘ ". 'l.t',, ), '.(:‘> ttl‘rit'rl (me!
‘...' es s rte :7 e t,t-,;rr‘..',rr‘.n ta th.s ,ea' an: otter :r the last rnontlr
.vtt' \..w,.'r, tr ,’(,t.‘ “1'. t,t‘l .l
new sornrneirer and
'rrarvev rs The the retently revarrrped
nurrrher one, the hasernent restaurant
unt- :rtryer at
rn Edrrihur'pr’s prestrfuous Balmoral as ref:ttrnr;, redetoratrnd ar‘d ft‘t?‘.’i‘,?(-.’t't‘.f} the premrses wrth the < urrerxtiv ntadzsh lower (ase letters,
As we
they nave l).'(,r.f;."ll t". a tornpretery new
team fr 71.." unit: tl‘e rsttiter‘s and the than: at House ‘\.\‘§'i;.e itead (hef Jeff
Eifarid, tor'ner‘iy of the fameror: House
motel, ,‘lel lornond, frr'rnt; up the
mars, Haney has {,('2'l‘. at ‘./f)lP\ prttnrt, the trust, nr; art-tam, to toe 23o
hottle stronr; wrne lrst
Le Sept
7 Old Fishmarket Close Edinburgh
Lunch and Dinner Monday to Thursday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday open all day
telephone 0131 225 5428
If the somrneirer rs that 4:2? The trusty fluff huffer' haroor", a deep ahrdrnr; (orrterrtrx for
and thetr he's. mot-t- ...'t-s
tradrtronal pent-pt on of a who ar‘d Lrstomers toe". ér'arvey rs tlie exatt -f;;t_::r,s,fe Capper, the /ear of the true heirever, eéarsey detzrres hrs
youth.t.| and turn led'
‘" 'V \t 5f\.;!-l}l'fl;gg.‘ '
money Wuuiun': .zeed LU gay
thooust'rnrts great wine.’ [)avrrl l-larvey.
role as '( ssrstrnr; the tastmner to trrtd the best v.1:nturvarlahle n the sty.e that they're loolzrnn forf
If you want then he wril t(‘(().'t‘.tll(“lt(l
[PE 4
rs <7 Q \—: / ’/ to) ‘ PRIlel roam 8 rurrrvr N ttrNr «2‘22 rrrrurtrrr'
‘ "llllB lllllll lNll llllllllll1 Illllll' l5 ltlflfiflfllll'fi liltil" - llllllltfl llllllrl' ll)
durum bl’l‘llalfifét wrrKrrrrr BRI.Hdefitfiil‘rltaPPY HtlllRS
m ecurrarrrr >2
wrarrs wrlrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr arr rrr- arr 7|er
110 THE LIST l9 [m 199/ 8 Jan 1998
t("ld..’l watt-s to torrrpfiemer‘t v.rr‘.at you
have (nose-n to eat,
hut 'rr'arvey rs rteener‘ to pr’trriote a greater degree of experrnterttatpn than used to he (onsdered des rahe 'l.‘:at<h:r‘.r; wzth flied was the norm,‘ explain, irarvey 'l:t.t you («0qu end up pathnr; a
wrne to a (ertarn drsh purely rn order to
.lrllrpr' l-‘l‘. fk)(,'rl ‘illx‘ a," r,\ t. ,t .. ,r .t I..<lr () .-(/'l (l.‘../rl‘y”)
the hest approatr: it
i.‘ 3,. A :lr‘>t()'l.('.'\ HM)” “fltlt l.';:( .".t’ tr l/ .1 1 ll L..(r
tar: dude them ta a", rnterestrn'; varrety
(sf :"
Harvey has had an ertroyaom trrrre of rt \‘.‘().'i§ilt(] on hrs wrhe Lrst, so mu< it so rn fa<t that rt's easy to rrnanrne hrs passor: spreadrnr; outsrde of worlz.n<; s et‘t're frrfal rrorrtri's
lie spent it.
‘Hfixliy liftJr'lr .‘> ;,"’.l‘1t.\r (2 NC...
sate.y under l»
ti'lfl U"; .f‘. t: li‘tl‘tflé":
.m'll-lff' ..' th’t' r. ‘.‘.‘ lu‘
\‘varehonse ."
protetted front the ‘,t.::':(' .r‘r; r"".(”‘ hottle sarrtplrnr; 1.7’;( s h. 'r ae overs'./l‘.ei.'rr the .'...':e totetft' t
Wishes hrs hoard at horrie
Harvey's fervour extends to the danK (ellars at the iaimoral \‘Jltt(ll have funnus drowrnt; rr‘. them 'l'hey're perfe<t,' he heams 'Et doesn't get any hetter'
If perfettronrsm rs Harvey's mrddle narrre then he doesn't equate thrs V/illl wrne ostentatrous (onsrrmptron husznessrrren re<ently ran up a hril of {13,000 at a restaurant :n london
snohhery or lhree
the food (ost
O ' 9* 2,-1.0
David Harvey pulling out another corker
{200, the hrll for the wrrre tool; up what v as left They sent the most expensrve hottle of wrne (a snrp at a rrrere four” or‘andt had: to the l;rt(hen i:e<ause rt was rudned 'too younr;’ Would ilarvey ever envrsane payrnr} {#1000 for a srnnle hottle of wrne7 'Someone Wrth an astute sense of nroney wouldn't need to pay thousands of pounds for a hottle of great vnne,’ asserts Harvey ’l'here are at sorts of .nzredrhfy .nterestrnt; wrnes avatiahae at a frattrorr of that rrtorrey
ll‘e trrtit to r;l‘.()\.'./ what you're iomtrnr; for'
.f yo-a don't l;now what you're rookrrtr; for then there rs a man workrnn from the (ellars of the
Balmoral who erl he only to happy to help
On a more neneral note, number one :s open anarn for lunrh and drnn >.' {Jrnner‘ from the a la (arte menu rs around the £50 per head marl: or you (()tll(l opt for the three (ourse ’rrrarket' {29 ‘50 At these prrres, nurrrher one rs armed squarely at the upper end of the S<ottrsh prrte range and, for most people, rs Irker to he saved for stretral ottasrons Bear rn m;nd, however, that the level of servrre and food that they are offerrnr; rs refletted rn these prrres Jeff Bland rs armrnr; for a Muhelrn star and he earned one for hrs last restaurant The lllll(fl menu at {13 9S and £16 95, for two and three (ourses respertrvely, offers an affordable way to sporl yourself rotten of an afternoon
menu at
number one, Balmoral Hotel, Princes Street, Edinburgh, 557 6727.