MUSIG classical & opera

CLASSICAL & OPERA: THU 11 Glasgow cont

prettiit‘rex til .\lit haci (itirtlori'x Ii'rt/rrt'rr. “and lungs Irrrt'rritrfrurrtr/ Hil\lllt’\\

.llrrt Iii/1c. Aaron la} Keiiiix‘x New. [[111 /)tlllt c and the toirtlnt roi \ mm (‘um erru I'Il/I' ( INN .‘lllt/ ()I't lit "It! l llt'lc‘-\ .tl\ti \xork b} Todd l.e\ in and too \' \ierlc. I Glasgow Phoenix Choir (ilttxgtnk Royil Concert Hall. Satichrehall Street. 7.‘\t)prrr to L‘) hour 28" 5-5] l. l!\ ('lrrixtmax time for the laiirotix choir. \\ll() bring their unique \l}lt‘ to \cavitttll lattitrritex.

I Chamber Music Concert (itillltlc‘xx Rtitilti. RSAMI). lllll l<etitreu Street.

“I 5057 7 ltipiii l'ree Various student chairiber t‘ll\t'llil‘lt'\ hour the Academy tlispla) their taierio


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Qiieeii\ Hall. (‘ieiit Street. (r(r.\’ Itll‘) (credit card hotlirie (it)? 77"(ri.7..15piii. £5 LI? 5() iLti.5ll/Li.5tlr. It's an all- .\lo/art progiaiiiiirc tonight. \\ ith l;r/rt' Klt'lllt’ .\'trt*/rr/irrtir'A. lei/rend Sir/critter I)c ('mr/t'i \tr/‘t'. ()i clinic: The .l/tlert Hare and (“urn/irrrru/r .lltrii. lori Marin conducts the orchestra. S('() ('lrorux aritl guest singers l.l.\;l Milne. (‘atherine \Vyri Rogers. Tiiiroth)‘ Robmmn arid ('hiixtophei' .\laltiiiaii.


I Piano Recital Sttweiixon Hall. RSANH). lllll Rt‘llll'c‘“ Street. 552 5057. lpm, £2 50 (£1.50). Nikolai l)eiiiideriko. \Vlllllt'l' it ith the lili(‘ SSt ) ot’ the WW (irairiophoiie :\\\ aid. makex lll\ lir'xt appearance at the RS:\.\ll). pla}iiig Rachiiiarrinor'x /'I't'/IIr/t’\ and l’rokoliex '\ It'll /’rt't t’\.' lt’tr/rrt ti .l/It/ .lrtlrt'l.

I TOSCB 'l'llc‘ttltc‘ Rt)_\ill. llttpc Street. 553 9000, 7. l5piii. £3.50 £15.50. Scottish ()pera‘s laxt production ol 1907 uptlatex Puccini's tale of lust and corruption to Mirxsolitii's fascist Italy or ilie l‘)~lll\


Antony Besc‘h returns. to direct lllx original production. (itiido Aiirioiie- Marxari is the conductor. aritl till/abeth Byrne sings the title role. Sung in Italian “Illl ltrrglrxh super‘titles. .-\l\o rri (ilasgtm on Ttre lo. Thu lS. Sat It). Tue 2“ and Sat 27.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘irx Hall. Albion Street. 7.30pm

£4.50 £|5.5t)t£1.5t)l hour 337 55l|

See Thu ll.

I Charity Concert ('ilasgow l{ti_\al Concert Hall. Sauchrehall Street. 7 .‘itlpiri {9—}; H from 387 55l I. John (‘tirrie conducts an evening or carol singing b} the .\la.\\etl Choir of the (heater (WISE-W“ Health Services aiitl the Malcolm Sargent (‘arol Orchestra in aid or the Malcolm Sargent C'aricer l'lllltl. l’eter \lttl‘l‘httll t\ the guest artist


I Choir of John XXIII College St (irlex' ('athedral. High Street. l2. 15pm. tree. with retiring collection. The choir troiii Western Auxtraha present a lurichtriiie



I Strathclyde University Christmas Concert Steieiixon Hall. RS:\.\ll). ltiti Rt‘lllTL‘W Street. 7..‘~t)pirr £5.50 t £2,5tl/C—tr troni Director or Music. l'nixerxit} ot' Strathclyde. .loliri Anderson (‘aniptix

l.i\ rrigstone Tower. Richmond Street. (ilaxgow (il lel (54S 34-14). Strathclyde lfiiix‘ersit} (‘oricert liaiid. liraxx and \Virid linxeirible. and (‘hairiber ('liorr take to the stage tor a ('hrixtmax coricert teatirriiig light t‘ltt\\'lc‘ttl and popular seasonal llltl\lt‘


I National Association of Choirs (‘entr'al Methodist Hall. Tollcrosx.

7. l5pm. £5 at the door. Teri choirs hour the liast of Scotland present a c‘llttt'll}' concert in association \\llll Braids Rotary (Tub.

GLASGOW 0141-287 5511 EDINBURGH - 0131-529 6000 R S N O ABERDEEN v 01224 641122 DUNDEE ' 01382 434940 NA‘CIOOYI‘TALSEiCTIIESSHTRA

m 7 [)UNDLL CAIRD HALL \Vednesday 3rd Dec ember Cl ASGO\V ROYAL CONCLRI HALL '3; lliursday 4th December j EDINBURGI t t isriVAi llttAlRL 1 Sunday 7th December i Q

Org-r A

w, T

0'1"" .

“mm m ABLRDLLN MUSlC HALL \Vednesday t7th December DUNDLL CAIRO HALL lriday 19th [)eCember LDINBURCH lLSllVAL THEATRE Sunday 21st Det ember CLASCO\V ROYAL CONCl Rl HALI Monday 22nd December WHY m LDINBURCl l l E St IVAL llllAl RL \Vednesday 31st Det ember m YEAR m ClASGOVJ ROYAL CONCL Rl llAl l. lriday 2nd January m mom 0‘ m \Vednesday 21st January (iLASCO\V ROYAL CONCl Rt HALL Thursday 22nd January Sunday 25th Januarv ALL CONCERTS 7.30PM


For further information and brochure, contact the RSNO on:

0141-226 3868

62 THE LIST 5 t8 lrc-t 1007

I Edinburgh Bach Choir Si (‘rrilrberrk Ptll'lSll (.‘htrich. lothian Road Titipm {S titii tizriln Queen's Hall itittS lllll); c‘It‘tltl card hothrie on“ 777(ii. l’xher Hall iZZS l l55i and :‘oxciiibh Rooriix/King‘x 'l‘heatie l 32") ~' i Ni ()l§tllll\l \ttiilt') Whitehead and tire lira“ l-.ii\erirble tom the choir tor (iabr‘relh .lll/Ur’tllt' New. e\tracr\ trom Handel's .llcurtr/r .tlltl Vaughan \Villiams’s l‘itlll/tH/tl (hr (Tl/TWIN!“ ('uru/i.


I Paragon Ensemble tilmgtm Royal (‘oiicert Hall. Sauclriehall Street. lpm Lo #43 5th lrom :57 55 l l. The t‘tl\t‘tlll‘lt"\ Sunday brunch concert xer'iex L‘t\tllltltlt'\ u ith a pair or ()rrr/rrcri I or [Warm .‘lllt/ ll’r/rt/ b} Heethm err arid Mo/ait

I Carol Concert litriiell ('ollectioii. l’()lltll\\lltl\\\ Road ipiii Tree. The l’tillok\lrlcltl\ ('otlticil til ( 'htrrcth

lll\ rte )ou to ioiri in air lIl\ll’tlIIlt‘Ill;tl arid \ocal conceit celebr'.‘itiiig the lt‘\ll\t‘

I University of Glasgow Choral Society and Chamber Orchestra ('hapel. lini\er.\rt) ot‘(}la\go\\. “ll -l()‘)3. 7..‘~tlpirr L5 til i by progiariiiiie at the door Sttltthh hour the l<S.-\.\ll)_ioiii the (ilaxgtm l'iirierxit)‘ \llltlt‘lllS tor lla}tlrr\ 'lt ltcrr/rr III (‘aiid .lqu .\'u /-1 .-\l\o on the programme I\ .\lo/art\ ('r’rtrr/it'r (lint e/‘rti \\ ith \t‘ltthl Seren Beckett.

I Glasgow Lyric Choir tit-mt with! Hall. 73 (‘laieirioiit Street “. itlpm to trorii 387 55 II and 3 H 71.13. Thix concert ot'(‘lirr\trrra\ lllllSlc' includes ()rlando (iibboiix'x Hour/rim 'lir l/It' Sun ()7 Ihrr'rt/ and .lltre/rrlit tll tlllt/ Nit/it I)IIIIIII\.' 'l'lit' (irctrr .Scr'i It c b} \Villiaiii ll'VItl.


I Na Clarsairean Out-em Hall. (‘IerL Street. (tort ltll‘) tcredrt cartl litrtline ()(17 777m. 3.30pm. £0 tL-ll. l€tliiilitii'gli‘\ uriitiue harp orchestra team up \\'Illl (ieorge \\at\on'\ (‘ollege (‘aritax (llt‘ll tor a ('lirixtiiiax concert ol L‘tllt)l\ aritl l'extn e lllll\lL‘. l’roceedx \liared wth the .'\tlll\llc‘ Stl‘lt‘l}.

I Organ Recital Church or St John the l{\angeli\t. Princes Street 5.l5piii. l‘ree Richard Net ille-Toixle plan .\le\\iaeri\ lrt .Vrtlii'rit‘ I)” .St rent or l’trrr / b_\ candlelight.

I Rudsambee St (tiles' ('athethal. High Street. (rpm, l'lt‘t‘. \\llll retiring collection. The r: t ti/i/it'llu choir pcitor m carolx and (‘lirixrmas tllthtc'.

I Charity Carol Concert tiexrrx al Theatre. Nicolxori Street. 52‘) hill)”.

7. “Wm. £7.50 H.350. .lohri ('uriie conducts the 5llll-\ll‘tttlg massed choir from the l.othraii. Tayide and l‘Iit‘ Health Sen ice tor an e\ eiiiiig ol' carol surging iii aid ot the .\lalcolm Sargent (’aiicer l-tiiitl tor ('hildreir. The John (‘nr'rie ()r'chextra pla} airarigeiiierrtx or c‘ltt\\lc‘.ll and poptrlar l;t\ttllttlt‘\. \\ ith opera \opiano l.l\;l .\lihie ax gtrext .llll\lc'. I None Of The Above Hoiigo (Tub. H .\'e\\ Street. 556 520-1 Spin. '5 it ‘~ i at the door The club that‘s ‘a crucible tor a next alcheiii} ot lllll\lc‘.tl \t}le\' th.\ month l'eattir'ex earl} tllthlc‘ hour the Stiuari .\lile ('oiixoit ot \‘iolx. \\tlll\l c'l‘t\\\tt\ er ltt‘lll Moonbearii and (heck traditional lltthlc‘ and dance lttttll Tmela. ()peii until midnight.


I Carol Concert ()ueeii'x Hall. (‘leik Street. (roS Itll‘) lcredit caitl hotlme (io7 777m 7 .‘stlpm. L5.5lll£l.5lll (‘hi‘istophei' Hell conducts ltmgiiia lira“ and a mi\ed choir or puprlx trom tour pr'iiiiar} \choolx local to the ()ireeii'x Hall iii a ll\L‘l)' collection ol carolx arid (‘hi'ixtmax Illll\lc‘.


Glasgow I Piano Recital tluietremrrx Hall. 3 John Street. l.l5piii, L2 on the door.

-\la\dair ('airierori plays Schubert's 'l‘lrrt't' Irri/irt-rtr/irsti and Inn .llturrt'rrri .lliort trrrt. tllltl l.l\/l.\ [Midi/cl“ I. .‘t’l’t’h'r’t/

I Tosca Theatre Rinal. Hope Street. 3 Will” 715th: 1‘50 L315 5H See l‘lll


I Piano Duo Queen's Hall. Clerk Street. (itiS :l)l\)l\l\'\lll\tlllllllllllllk‘(1(‘7 "’Vtir "~15pm. L5 :12 :L.‘ L7). l’eter l)oiiohoe and Martin Roscoe continue the ‘l’aris. Cit} (ltilight' \eriex \\llll tlllhlc‘ Debuxx}. l’ouler‘c. Ra\el and Satie. chiria\irig iii Straiiiixlty's 'I'lrt lem- (21 Spline. l :\e broadcaxt on Radio 3.


I Strathclyde University Chorus and Brass Ensemble Haitiii) Hall. l'riixerxrt} ot‘Stiathclxde ‘~p:ir Tree The tlt|l\t‘l\ll_\ K carol \erx icc also reatuiex orgariixt l).-.\id Haiiiiltoii.


I Carol Concert ()iieeri'x Hall. (‘Ierk Street. (ioS Illl‘) icretht card hotline (m7 “Wu 7 itlpiri L2 5HtL| 5th liberton High School pie\cnt an annual carol conceit tt~r all the laiiiil). .-\ special tree conceit tor \emor cilll.’t'll\ takes place at ll ‘stlaiir.



I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (ilaxgtiw Rt\_\dl (‘onceit Hall. Satichiehall Street 3 itlpriiarid 7 itlpiit

LT 50 H550 lL’tttlt‘H trom 3S7 55! l. The St ’( i'x taiiiih ('hrixtmax conceit has ax itx centrepiece the “Ulltl preriiiere til .i \t‘llll \taged |lltl\lc‘ttl adaptation ol‘ (;I'/(/lll‘t li .-l/it/ [In Three Ii’t'trr'i. ba\ed on Roald l)ahl'\ ‘Rex'oltiiig Rhyne'. \Vllll llttl\lc h} Schnertsik. .-\l\o on the bill are [‘It't‘t‘\ b_\ Str'auv. .\lo/art arid \Vt‘l‘ct’. See Kttl\ lISllllfJ\

I Tosca Theatre Royal. Hope Street. 3 ‘)t)(ltl. 7.l5prii. L ‘50 £15.50. See l'rrl I 150th Anniversary Christmas Soiree Slt‘\t‘tt\ttll Hall. RSAMI). too Rerrtiexi Street. “I 5057 7 itlprir L5 tL'Ri. The :\cadeiii_\' (lt'c'llt'SlI'il and (‘lraiiibei (’horr team up \\ ith students hour the School or Drama and orgarrN John Turner tor air :ltltll\t‘l‘\;tl"\' celebration baxed on the original 'grarid \oiret“ chaired b) ('harlex l)lc'l\L‘ll.\ in IN”. \ihrch lllttt’lxt‘tl the opening or the -\tlreiiaeiiiii. The prograiriiiie alm includes carol\ aiitl (‘hrixtiirax readings. I Cappella Nova Haron)‘ Hall. l'ni\'er\it)' ot' Stratlic|_\de. 7..‘~()prii.

L31 Ll: it: 50 {Si hour 33’ 55l l. The (I til/i/ic/lu choir IS ioirietl by the Scottish lira“ linxeriible tor a li'exlr selection or \t‘avillal Illll\lc‘. ('arol\. mince pie\ and mulled \\ me prepare _\oii tor a white (‘hrixtiiiax

I 8A Applied Music Chamber Orchestra lri-Seixice Suite. loidanhill ('aiiiptix l’iirxeisit} ol Strathclyde. Tittpm tree The student Illll\lc‘l;lll\ l‘l't‘\c'lll a tree chamber concert.

I John Currie Singers and Orchestra '\tlc‘l.tltlc‘l\. :ll‘l Halli Sltt‘c'l. 2-18-1970.

" ‘~ilpiii LS tLll.5tl/Llii The group'\ annual I‘cirorriiarice ol Handel's ,llt'iirtr/r talcex place III the (IMP .lt'rtthllc‘ ol‘ '\tlt"ltlltlk'i\


I King's College Choir ()UL'L'IbS Hall. (.lkllb Street. (itiS job) lc‘it'tllt card liotliiie (r67 7'77oi. 7.15pm.

L550 {1050 The (Xiiiihridge l'rii\ei'\it} choir. \\llll harprxt Siorred \Vrlliariix. celebrate ('hiixrmax \\ Hit a programme ot iiru\ic including Hiitteri'x .vl ('t'rt'nrnrri ()f ('tiruli In aid or liriperral Cancer Research l'tlllti.

I 8T Scottish Ensemble Si (tilec Cathedral. High Street. 7.45pm. U) i£5i lroiri ()ueeii'x Hall t(i(i.\ Ztll‘). credit card hotlirie (in? 777m The ensemble present 'Night .\lii\ic It} (’aritllelit'. l'eatiiring \lo/art'x Iii/re Klt'rrrt' Mir Irrrrrriirk aiitl Stir/mm .Vttlllll'lltt. ('i'arg .-\rrii\troiig'\ Ilc‘\\ “trek Nielrl .lurulrt'r arid Sc‘llttc‘tlltt't‘gK lt'I‘A/(It’l’lt’ Nile/II.