SAC invites applications for the following funds
Combined Arts
Cross-Media Collaborations
(\Nith Performing Arts Department)
Support ior the development oi experimental and innovative work created through the equal collaboration oi artists from more than one artiorrn. Applications
considered for projects commencing l April 1998 onwards.
Closing date: 31 January 1998
Development and Project Fund
(irants to support arts development. such as iestivals and combined arts projects. especially in rural areas and areas oi urban deprivation. Applications considered ior projects commencing 1 April 1998 orvwarcls.
Closing date: 31 January 1998 Minority Ethnic Arts Projects
(irants to encourage the development and promotion oi minority ethnic arts projects vvhiclv involve artists working iii the periorming arts (music. drama and dance). Support ior the work oi writers. craitsworkers and visual artists can also be considered within the context oioverall periormirig arts programmes. Applications considered ior projects commencing l Apri 1998 onwards.
Closing date: 16 March 1998
Awards for Individual Development
Assistance to makers in Scotlarvd to continue the development oitheir artistic. technical and business skills and to other appropriate individuals who present craits. to develop their knowledge oi contemjmrarv c'raits.
Closing date: 1 January 1998 Exhibitions
Assistance to improve the cjualitv and cjuantitv oi c raits exhibitions shown. initiated and circulated in Scotland.
Closing date: 15 February 1998
Special Projects
Support ior craits development projects irv Scotland. including the appointment and training oi oiiic‘ers with responsibility ior c'raits. educational programmes. residencies and masterclasses.
Closing date: 15 February 1998 Start-up Grants
Assistance to new craits workers who exhibit a high level oi creative and technical skills and who have a viable development plan to establish themselves as makers
irv Scotland.
Closing date: 1 January 1998
indigenous Crafts Development Fund
Support to c'raits groups and organisations which present craits and ior projects which promote the awareness and understanding oi the indigenous craits oi Scotland.
Closing dates: 1 January and 15 February 1998
Lite ratu re
Book Awards
Awards given to authors to encourage and recognise high standards in recentlv -pul)lishecl work. Applications
irom publishers.
Closing date: 31 January 1998
Grants to Publishers
(irants to assist established Scottish-based publishers with the publication oi works ol literarv merit that represent some iinanc ial risk. 'lranslatioiv also supported.
Closing date: 23 January 1998 Literary Events
Subsidies towards the cost oi a wide range oi literarv and book events within Scotland.
Closing date: 16 January 1998
Travel and Research Grants
(irants to support professional. Scottish-based writers and translators who require to undertake research. usuallv
ior a book.
Closing date: 9 January 1998 Literature for Children and Young People
The new scheme prov ides subsidv towards the costs oi a wide range oi projects and events which support and develop the writing. publishing and reading oi children's books in Scotland.
Closing date: 16 January 1998
Performing Arts eneral
Promoters' “Go and See" Fund
Assistance to enable periorrning arts promoters to see a wide range oi work. with a view to developing programmes in their venues.
Applications considered throughout the year.
Performing Arts Promoters Fund
Assistance ior the voluntarv promotion oi regular periorniirig arts programmes. partictilarlv in rural areas and other places where there are no established promoting
Closing date: earty February 1998
Choreographic Development Award
Assistance ior initial choreographic development oi an inclividual‘s or company‘s work. Applic atiorvs considered ior projects commencing 1 April I998 onwards.
Closing dates: 5 January, 23 March 1998
Dance Bursaries
Assistance to proiessionals working irv dance in Scotland
to undertake short-term or part-time training. or a period oi studv. Applications considered ior projects c'ornrneric ing l April 1998 onwards.
Closing dates: 19 January, 23 March 1998
Projects by Scottish Dance Companies Assistance ior the development oi experimental. collaborative new work. the creative cleveloprivent oi choreographers and c o-prcxluctions between companies and venues. Applications considered ior projects commencing
1 April 1998 onwards.
Closing dates: 19 January 1998
Scottish Traditions of Dance
Support ior residencies. workshops and other projects aimed at promoting and passing on skills within traditional dance. Applications considered ior projects commencing 1 April 1998 onwards.
Closing dates: 19 January. 23 March 1998
Drama and Mime
New Writing Development
Assistance to a range oi projects providing opportunities ior plavwrights. suc h as masterclasses. courses and workshops. script development and rewriting. writing ior a collaborative project and c ornrnunitv plavs.
Closing date: 9 February 1998
Training and Travel Bursaries: Drama
Bursaries to enable theatre practitioners to extend their expertise through short»term or part-time courses. a period oi studv or a special project.
Closing dates: Last working day of each month starting 28 February 1998.
Touring by Non-Scottish Theatre Companies Support ior non-Scottish drama companies to tour new or existing work to a range oi venues throughout Scotland.
Closing date: 9 February 1998
Performing Material Subsidy
Assistance ior composers with the cost oi preparing materials nec c-ssarv ior the periorrnarvc e oi their work — such as cojrvirvg. reproduction and studio costs.
Closing dates: Last working day of each month starting 28 February 1998
Music Commission Fee Subsidy Assistant c to organisations. ensembles or individuals with the cost oi commission ices ior original compositions.
Closing dates: 5 January 1998
Training and Travel Bursaries
(irants to enable proiessional musicians to extend their skills and expertise bv means oi specialist tuition which rivav involve travel within Britain and abroad.
Closing date: February 1998
Visual Arts Individuals
Small Assistance Grant to individual Artists (irants oi up to £7 St) to assist artists with the smaller. more immediate costs involved in creating and presenting
their work. '
Closing date: 5 January 1998
SAC Funding
Visual Arts Organisations/Groups Fellowships
.A scheme to assist a range oi organisations itv Scotland with the cost oi hosting a visual arts iellowsliip. lhese are intended to provide artists with a period oi time ior research and creative development and (diet the host a valuable insight into an artist‘s practice.
Closing date: 1 February 1998 Public Art Initiatives
A sc heme to assist artists with the c osts oi researching arid presenting innovative and challenging proposals ior art in public places.
Closing date: 5 January 1998 Exhibitions and Projects
To encourage and support the initiation oi innovative exhibitions and other visual projects through support ior research iees. project costs. touring costs. critical writing and educational events.
Closing date: 5 January 1998 Hiring Touring Exhibitions
(irarvts to enccnrrage the wider c irctilation oitouring exhibitions in Scotland and to assist galleries in presenting more ambitious programmes oi temporarv exhibitions through support ior hire lees. transport and travel costs and associated events. Applications ior larger projects and those concerning exhibitions not previouslv~ seen in Scotland will be considered bv’ the lthibitioris l’ariel.
Closing date: 5'January 1998
Travel and Training Grants
(irants to proiessiorrals working irv visual arts organisations to travel within Scotland and internationth ior spec iiic purposes relating to their work.
Applications considered throughout the year
Central Funds
Conferences and Seminars
(irants to support and enable attendance .rt c oniereric es aivcl seminars which address conternporar'v issues in and tor the arts.
Applications considered throughout the year
Consultancies and Research
(irants available to arts organisations ior consultancv or research commissions and to local authorities ior the clev eloprnent oi arts plans.
Applications considered throughout the year Marketing
'1 he iund aims to help arts organisations to develop co-operative approaches to marketing througlv support ior research and development. staii training in marketing arid the development oi marketing plans.
Applications considered throughout the year
Training in Arts Management
Open to organisations and individuals working in the arts. Support ior attendance at short courses in arts marragerrielit and ior in-house training in equal opportunities arvd
Applications considered throughout the year
international Initiatives Fund
Administered bv the Arts ('ouncil oi l.nglancl in association with the Scottish Arts ('ounc ii and the Arts (‘ourvc il oi \Vales. the hind supports events and programmes in lungland. Scotland and \Valc-s involving artists irom abroad. It aims to assist promoters to present a range oi artiornvs iroin diiierent countries.
Closing dates: 19 January and 5 May 1998
[or further (lt'lclll\. time to flirt dcltlh‘vv lie/ow or
telephone the .\.l( Help Dev/t on ()I 3i 2-“) 2-1-1 3/2444 l‘c‘iflc'c’li [0- I.) and 2-4, .iitilicltrv' to l'riclcrv' xiii outline
of all [unclv and vchc'nlc'v curreiitli (“cliltll‘lt‘ [mm SIC
iv livrecl ill the publication '(iutclc to l'uriclv and Scliemcv'.
olttamirlile from the (onuriumc‘irtmnv Department.
The Scottish Arts Council, 12 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 700.
Website: http://www.sae.org.uk
The Scottish Arts Council aims to create a climate in which arts of quality flourish and are enjoyed by a wide range of people throughout Scotland.
s 18 Dec 190/ THELISTzs