(‘orrespondences is the major new international show of work by l2 leading contempo ‘ary artists from Scotland and (iermany. Their work represents the vibrancy and diversity ol‘approaches seen in art today. It includes painting, sculpture, installations, photography,
video and light projections.
THE The List and the National (ialleries of Scotland invite you to an EXCLUSIVE l’RlVA'l‘li VlliW ol‘ (‘orrespondencesz Scotland/ Berlin cuscownunenmauncu at the (iallerv ol‘ Modern Art, Bellord Road, Edinburgh EVENTSGUIDE “
Wednesday 3 December I997, 6.30pm — 9.00pm.
illustrated: . Kerry Stewart (I . w I ,v ' d 'l'bis (iirl Bends I‘No (detail) “n 5’ Ldndp‘S an g7] 3.
liN'l‘RY BY 'l‘l('Kli'l‘ ONLY. To apply [or tickets:
l’llONl-l: ()ISI $38 Il‘)|
MX: ()Hl 537 8500
liM:\ll.: corresl)omlencesQOIist.co.uk
l’()S'l‘: (‘orrespondences, The List, l4 High Street, lidinburgb lilll l'l‘l’.
Please state whether you would like a Sl.\'(il.l-‘. or a l)()l/'Bl.|i ticket
and give your .\':\.\lli, .\l)l)RliSS and POS'I' (‘()l)li.
(Tickets will be posted out prior to the event.)
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