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Seiko Arctura Drink Master

(0 7628 7/0 .988 for sIo( roars, [395' IP/‘ownrs [)Il'(‘( I, [85'

Fxporrmx'v but undonumiy (oo., thr- Ar<tum rs Pour-(I for (anythrnr; from The Bed

oox'.(‘-r0d 'oy (xivrtrrm: energy nonomwd by the body's froth banana rnflkshakm to alarm Clock

natural rno‘xonwnt Ono for lottery \‘-.'rnn(>rs ‘.'.'no Irko lotnaily (airohom (or «Mr!

to ho nun! tua‘ (onror irons, Ins Into-sowo 'Ilw (1“qu SM)” { 74 95’ rn:xo" rs (i own It's o'or) own For {no (ornrngttod iatv-sioopor, Ins nrfty (oo s-rxor (urn/(=3 3'.» Took tzrnoprmo was over: (rosronoo' ‘.‘.'rt'n (an nth en (no How", too ann'oo ‘dw, so you don’t (“.(‘H have to

ErfI your toosLou from from the prllov. to we and: trnw '1 rs

Life Faces John Loengard

rind/nos and Hudson, I .72 95, d.’dI/db/(‘ from a/l’ good Doom/mo» H10 Dost pnotoq'ao'ns f'orr the more man rm a rnrirron fares I'm: haw anomr'oo an {no louonrrary pages of L/fo maqu-no srnrr- 1.936 :3 notrtanq to no snzfrod a: From Elvrs Io Dossau, f‘~.1dr‘r!yr‘ Monroe to {no IRA ah rmnianxy rs new

I( all 0990 7 .7 .’ 999 for sror Am“), {/99 99!

Sn‘ai! nut pour-(1y ‘ornwu, Iris sleek omm‘ry of (a \‘mr'nr'ran

l '(‘rord {our ( [)3 onto [.1'nr[)rs( (and Imrn'm to honors“. {. .n..'(*"tr.:(> modern tor rtr‘orooy our, [rm-n“ bar K to you ‘.'.r‘rno\r2

any loss of sound quart; »\ Irn; rnrrar lo

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You'w lot I'm“ Krnu Into your nmn, no\.'. no” lo! yor. rnIo your nouw (1M marry to r.n|o(k 'n' roll'

~1 Dix "F‘I‘THEUSTflS