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120 THE LIST / 2’; t '
The bald one from the hit BBC TV show They 3 Think lt's All Over rs now avarlable on vrdeo for
' Majesty’s Theatre, London where Hurst performed
the show he drd on last year's major sell-out UK
the seat of hrs pants and encourages the audrences to add therr own (ontrrbutrons durrnr; hrs Q and A sessrons Naturally, the questrons tend
’\'\"or;:l and rlarry Hz'l on a desert
L . the frrst trrne Lee Hurst Live was recorded at Her
totrr Hurst seems to be at hrs best when he's il‘i’W'Ti W
to lead to the bald state of his pate and Hurst rs often asked whether or not bald men make better lovers Faster than a shake of a (ftl( k's tarl Hurst replies Wltlt one ' Boom boom'
This rs even better one of Hurst's frrst Jobs was delrverrno frsh He used to stand rn a
’I don't know I've never slept
river and shout 'Push' Push" Well, rt (racked me up
The vrdeo rs 2n the shops now but we have ten (opres of rt to orve away to the readers
who can answer thrs
Why drd the (ltlt ken cross the road7
Answers on a postcard rrude ones always appretrated' by Fn 21 Nov Mark them HURST COMP, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE.
Kevrn Smrth, the man ‘.‘.ho brought you the hilariously downbeat C/erks, returns with hrs tltzrd rnovre, Chasing Amy
1 tut-olden rs attracted to Alyssa .,Jr‘.f()rtt:.'ratel‘,' for hrrn, Alyssa has a
‘ girlfriend Not to be put off, a
frrendshrp develops between the parr and eventually they start sleeprnr; together After
that, rt ail gets a lot more complicated with threesomes, thwarted lesbian'sm and latent
male homosexuality all getting a look-tn at some pornt down the lrne czke Clerks, the
I dralooue rs on the t utt:n<;-edrte of rnnovatren and pat ked wth enouoh inventive
swearrntt to make the most foul-mouthed s:xtl'r former blush with envy The frlttt rs in the trnemas now but we have frve screen plays of the movre (so that you
A can learn all the swea bits b\ heartr, five >osters and three ( rates of Pete's Wrcked Ale, / l
as drunk rn the frlrn, to (trve away to the readers who can answer thrs
What frlrn drd Smrth make rn between Clerks and Chas/rig Amt/7
Anssxers an a post: aid by in 2‘. No: Hark them AMY COMP, The List, 14 High Street,
Edinburgh, EH1 1TE.
.f ‘ffLLr out B'h Eltor‘, W1 3”“ . . s ' ( l ( )lf/ 7 . i . “
\Nhat <11,» you t;et
rs.and> have no :dea but!
<<;rri<irr't th'nl: of any ather tr) be';:n teltrn'; you about thrs (ompetrt‘on The afor‘ernenttoned
lrurrrntx drspensers have all trot
new vrtleos out Ben Elton has :orrre out ‘.'.:rth a 90 'rrrnute routrne
about Tit-3; .frli’fa", the SAS, loaded rrw;a/:r‘.e,<
lvl: Dcnalds, \‘Joetf has got sorne
;;:r-r'rr tests and
observatrons on pub.< harr, Lil-lets and <<-l!;.1:tr- :3, tr rag] mt) (35m.
Lsf bender about
rsrt (Ol
Yotr'l' str'l be (ltlit klrnr; unreakly as your rr‘testrnes sprll otrt of
’ lief-s hi eat it video to ’i".e a: t’: t“:e folk who ansxz'er thrs
rely wer‘e xi Ben Eltan's books
Ansuzwr'rs an a pestt arff by it: 21 Nov
Mark them WOOD?ELTON?HILL COMP, The List,
v 14 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE.
STILLS GALLERY Strlls' new cafe, the canteen, rs offering two for the price of one on coffees, teas and cakes to the frrst 25 Lrst readers brandishing thrs rs3ue of the magazine Stills rs at 23 Cockburn Street, Edrnburgh
mct Theatre Company are offering five pairs of tickets to see Christopher Dean's Molly’s Collar 81 Tie at the Tron Theatre, 63 Trongate, Glasgow on Sun 9 Nov. Bring this edition of The List to the Box Office on the day of the performance.
FT AT GILMOREHILL Gilmorehrll Centre for Theatre, Frlm and TelevrSron, 9 University Avenue, Glasgow rs offering two trc kets for the price of one for each st reenrng of Gilles lttrmounr's thriller L’Apparterrrent from 14 16 Nov Tickets wrll be offered to the frrst two people who show up on the day wrth
UNIVERSITY this issue of The List
lrvruriroo'rERRr's tucenseo AMERICAN lSANDWICH CAFE
Buy two sandwiches and get the second at half price with thrs voucher at Mungo Jerri’s on Parnie Street, Glasgow (that's just behind the Tron). You tcould also pick up a MJs loyalty card and enjoy a lsandwich on the house.
MUNGCD fllElRRH" tLlcensed American Sendwlch Cfe
OFFERS: Cut out the coupon or take along the
whole magazine and present it to the relevant box office or cash desk. All offers are subject to availability and managements reserve the right to refuse admission. COMPETITIONS: Only one entry per person per
1 competition. If you are entering more than one
; competition, you need use only one envelope, but
f please make sure that your name, address and
l voucher are attached to EACH entry. Competitions
7 are open to all UK residents (over the age of 18 in alcohol-related offers). No responsibility can be accepted by The List for prizes which cannot be
obtained due to unforeseen circumstances. To obtain a list of winners, please send a SAE to The
List Competition Winners, stating which issue(s) results you require.
i"rt‘.t(‘~i tr, Stettzsh : fitlft't". Press, Sherwood Industrial l'state, lionnyrrgq, i.lrdlothran_ Tel: 0131 663 2404.