nusrc jazz JAZZ continued
I Glasgow Jazz Record Club Unitarian Church Centre. 72 Berkeley Street. 22l 3154. Membership details from Ernie Speirs. l4 Glendee Road. Renfrew. PAJ CAD. 886 2949. 7.30pm. Tom Moulds plays it ‘According to the Book'.
I Lenny White’s Present Tense Queen‘s Hall. Clerk Street. 667 7776. 8.30pm. £9.50. £8 (£5). Legendary fusion maestro Lenny White was heard at the Glasgow Jazz Festival this summer in a very different setting when he occupied the drum chair in Geri Allen's exploratory trio. but this hand sees him return to that more familiar fusion setting. The master percussionist isjoined by a heavyweight hand which features Bernie Maupin on
saxes anti Mark Ledford. best known for his work with the Pat Metheny Group. on trumpet. with [)on Blackman at the keyboards. and two bass players. ex-Miles main-man Foley on lead bass. accompanied by the former Maliavishnu ()rchestra stalwart Ralph Armstrong (who is the only one of these players not heard on White's recent Rent/crem- OILS/it'll! album for Hip-
Bop Essence). The band also play at the Music Hall. Aberdeen. on Thu 30.
Stirling University of Stirling. 01786 ~16l081.
ftiiik fusion. featuring Nikki King on vocals.
I Lizzard Lounge Cafe Graffiti. liast
' tart tttslit‘s
,mm, -
flame) 29 "WW
Wuhan 0131mm:
m 31 «mortar .
Aberdeen 2
I Basic Collective MacRobert Centre.
l0.30pm. £5 (£2.50). Sophisticated jazz-
l.ondon Street (Mansfield Church). Club
Relax and enjoy a
some of the world's most bea
Sublime Dissonance
Quintet Sensual
The Glasgow Royal Concert
The 'l'rOtit
with Paragon Ensemble
perfect Sunday with a new afternoon
concert series and lunch at The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.
Doors open at llpm for coffee. newspapers and a leisurely hour preceding
utiful music performed by Paragon Ensemble
and sumptuous food created by celebrated chef Anthony Worrall Thompson.
Sun (6 November i997 (It [.00 pm Mozart Quartet in C Mapr K465 (Dissonance) Mozart Clarinet Qumtet in A Mayor K58!
Sun i4 December 1997 at (30 pm Mozart Quintet for Piano and Winds K452 Beethoven Qumtet for Piano and Wind: Op l6
Sun I l jonuary I998 (it LOO pm
Mozart Oboe Quanet in F Major K370
Schubert Quarrettxotz
Chopln Piano Concert No 2 in F Minor (chamber version)
Sun IS February 1998 (2: TOO pm
Rouaael Serenade Op 30
Debussy Sonata for FIute,Vrolo and Harp Roussel Trio in F Op 40
Ravel Introduction and Allegro
Sun i 5 March I998 (it 1 .00 pin Beethoven Piano Trio in 0 Mayor Op 70 No! Schubert Qurntet in A Mayor (The Trout)
Sun 5 April I998 (it [.00 pm Dvon String Quartet in F Mayor Op 96 (The American) Brahms Clarinet Qumtet in 8 Minor Op I [5
Doors open for a leisurely brunch at midday. Concert Tickets (6.
Lunch (7 (2 courses) (IO (3 courses)
If you‘d like lunch. simply make your lunch
Bookings : 0l4l 287 SSI I Information :0l4l 3S3 4l37
52 THE lIST 23 0c(— 6 Nov 1997
reservation when you book your tickets.
starts l0.30pin. band on-stage midnight. All tickets on door. £5 (£4). Tonight's performer is MC Mello. with East Coast Project regulars lih'.’Wun! and DJ Joseph.
I Midnight Blue Cafe Graffiti. tiast London Street (Mansfield Church). l0.30pm—2am. £3 (£2). See Stir) 26.
I John Rae Trio l-lenry‘s Cellar Bar. 8 Morrison Street (opp ABC cinema). 221 IZSS. l lpm—late. £2 (£1). See Sun 26.
I The Monday Lizard Cafe Bar.
Tra\ ersc Theatre. 10 Cambridge Street. 228 H04. 8pm— l().30pm. l-‘ree. An informal jazz-theatre performance. iii which both playwrights and musicians can try otit new or experimental work. If you are interested in taking part. contact the 'l’raverse's dramaturg. lilla Wildridge. on 228 3223; otherwise. just go along and check ()(it what is going
I T.l.A (Transient lschaemic Attack) Kulu's Ja/r .loint. The Honeycomb. 36-38A Blair Street. 226 2l5 |. l().30pm~3am. band on stage midnight. £3 (£2). See Mon 27.
I Lindsay Cooper Free Underground Henry‘s Cellar Bar. R Morrison Street (opp ABC cinema). 22l I288. llpm late. £2 (£l ). Sec Mon 27.
I Kevin MacKenzie Trio Victorian Bar. Tron 'l'lieatrc. l’arnie Street. 552 4267. 9.30pm. £3 (£2). A new night and a new venue for lain Copeland's Basement .la/r. (iuitarist Kevin MacKcnric is joined by Kenny lcllis (bass) and Toni Bancroft (drums) to launch the latest chapter iii this story. Bancroft. meanwhile. is II) the process of launching a new record label. Caber. dedicated to the work of creative musicians in Scotland. He is selling a Ton) Bancroft Orchestra CD to help with set-(ll) costs call or f.(\ ()lo20 8266B or email: tombancm for more (lc‘lails.
I Magnum 4/4 The Honeycomb.
56 38-\ Blair Strch 22!) 2 i 5 l.
l0pni iam. band on stage llpm. £4 (£3). Sc‘t‘ THU 23.
mm Edinburgh
I Colin Steele’s Groove Merchants ls'ulu's .ia// Joint. The Honeycomb.
36 38A Blair Street. 226 2l5 l.
ltlpin i.(tn. band on stage 1 1.30pm. £11 (£5). St't‘ \‘v'c‘tl 2‘).
I Jazz Singers' Night Henry 's Cellar Bar. 8 Morrison Street (opp .~\BC cinema). 22l l288. llpm latc £5 (£2). Sc‘t‘ \Vc‘tl 2".
THURSDAY 6 Edinburgh
I Hung Drawn Quartet Trot) .la/x Cellar. Tron Tavern and Ceilidh House. lluntcr Square. 220 1550.8.30pn). £~l (£3) Classy arrangements and inventive soloing arc the hallmark of this fine (ilasgow -b.tscd s.t\ophotic quartet. featuring Raymond ‘ lacllonald and final) Ashley (alto at i soprano s.t\es I. (iracnic Wilson (tent r and soprano sa\cs) and .-\llon Beauvoisin (baritone
I Surely ls'ulu's .l.i// Joint. The Honeycomb. 56 -38.-\ Blair Street. 220 438k 9pm ‘iam. band on stage midnight. £2. Sec Thu 30.
I Eddie Severn Quartet Henry 's Cellar Bar. 8 Morrison Street (opp ABC cinema). 22l I288. l it‘lll'lillc‘. £3 (£2). Sec Thu 30.
Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances Will be listed, provi ed that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Jazz Listings compiled by Kenny
Mathieson. FRIDAY 24 Glasgow
'. I Boys Of The Lough and Wrigley
Sisters The ()ld l-‘ruitmarket. Albion Street. Box office 287 5511. 7.30pm. £8.50 (£6). Scotland/Africa ()7 presents the original Scots/Irish folk band led by Shetland fiddler Aly Bait). and singer/llautist Cathal McConnell. Young ()rcadian siblings Jennifer and Hazel are outstanding on liddle and guitar/piano. I Mick West Band, Arthur Johnstone and Deaf Heights Cajun Aces Bishoploch Residents Hall. Auchengill Road. 7.30pm. £5 (£4). liasterhouse Folk Doo presents two top Cilasgow traditional/political singers followed by some hot Louisiana licks -- from Scotland.
I World's Finest Pipers Piping Centre.
McPhater Street. 353 0220. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). The series of outstanding Highland bagpipers continues with Stuart l.iddell and .lohn Patrick.
I Martyn Bennett King Tut's Wait Wait lltit. St Vincent Street. 22] 527‘). 8.30pm. £6. Bagpipes anti club beats. See lidinhurgh Stir) 26.
I Shehallion New Clyde Auditorium. SliCC. .-\nderson Quay. 7.30pm. Tickets £l0 £25 (conc). 287 7777. Group bookings 204 (i200. Music/dance show based on the Scots warrior-queen myth. with an original score by Douglas Whyte. (iaelic songstress .\lairi .‘ylachmes takes the lead singing role. and a dozen-strong band including world champion drummer Jim Ktlpatrick's group. accordion. and bagpipes played by e\—Battlelield Bandsman Dougie l’incock.
I Kingston Bridge Trio (‘ltitha Vaults. Stockw'ell Street. 552 7520. 8 30pm. l’rec. Acoustic folk.
I Strayaways lll'lll'}".\' Hotel. (ireat \Vt‘slt‘t'll Road ‘lt‘ttl. l‘l'c‘c‘. 'l‘raditional acoustic foursome.
I Ceilidh Dance Riverside Cltib. hos Street. 248 3 Ill. Doors open 7.30pm. £5. l.i\'c bands.
I Ceilidh Dance The l‘erry. Clyde l’lac‘t‘. Bl‘ll). £5. ilitc‘kc‘ls ill lllc‘ \t'lltlt‘ ()t‘ in advance from the Ticket Centre.
Candlcriggs. 222 55 l l.
I Venture Scotland Ceilidh Caledonian Brewery. Slatcford Road. 7.30Pm. £6 (£5 :-. Tickets from 553 5333. Birl for a Bothy til the company of the Belle Star Band.
I Mustapha Tettey Addy and the Royal Obonu Drummers and The Vast Majority The ferry. Clyde l’lace. Box office 287 55] l. 8pm. £7 (£5 ). Scotland/.-\frica 97 presents ancient. esoteric West African drumming and dancing. contrasted with a new trad Scots band. c\-\\'olfstoiic. Capercatllie and Mouth Music.
I Manu Dibango and the London Community Gospel Choir The Old l~rtntinarkct. \lbioi) Street. Bo\ office 287 55 I 1. 2.30pm. £8.50 ( £6). Scotland/Africa 9“ presents a rich. Passionate fusion of :\lro- pup/ta/l/clllltcl) tools
I Michael Marra and Liz Lochhead The Piping Centre. \lc‘l’hatcr Street. Bo\ office 287' 551 l. 8pm £7 (£5). Scotlandifrica 97 presents an evening of wit and warmth. ses war and surrealism as two of Scotland's most observant cy cs entertain in original song. poetry and w ry humour
I Tunde Jegede RSAMI). Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 8pm. £8 (£4). Classical composition atid Western strings meet