FILM index


Night Falls On Manhattan ( IS) (Sidney Lumet. US. l996) Andy (iarcia. lari Holm. Lena Olin. I 13 mins. Veteran director Lumet (12 Angry Men. Serpim, Network) goes back to his pet subject of police corruption. btit with diminishing returns. Hot-shot attorney Seati Casey ((iarcia) faces a moral minefield when he investigates a drug bust shoot-out iri which his policeman father (Holm) was wounded. Top class performers give the movie a rock-solid bottom for its feverishly unfolding saga. (ilasgow: ()deon Quay. Showcase. UCl Clydebank. Edinburgh: UCl. Paisley: Showcase. Non-Muslim Representations Of Islam A day-long event viewing and discussing representations of Islam generally arid Muslim women more specifically iti British and American feature films and documentaries. The panel includes ligyptian novelist Alidaf Sotieil and documentary filmmaker Antonia Caccia. (ilasgow: (il’l'.

187 ( l5) (Kevin Reynolds. l‘S. l‘)‘)7) Samuel l.. Jackson. Kelly Rowan. John Heard. ll‘) mins. Disillusioned science teacher 'l‘revor (iarfield (a commanding. charismatic performance from Jackson) relocates to LA following a near-fatal attack by a pupil at a New York high school. bill this time is far less prepared to go by the hook when dealing with aggressive kids. The film is beautifully shot in amber tones.

htit the real triumph is in the manipulation of

audience perceptions. See preview and review. (ilas‘gow: ABC Film Centre. Showcase. lidinburgh: ABC l’ilm Centre. UCl. Paisley: Showcase.

Photographing Fairies ( l5) (Nick Willing. UK. l997) Toby Stephens. limily Woof. Ben Kingsley. 107 mins. Worlds reriioved from the cinema of (\ler'chant-lyory. this British period fantasy film follows traumatised photographer Charles Castle (Stephens) exploit his 'echnical knowledge to debunk supposedly authentic photographs of fairies. only to discover a picture he can't explain away. With an obvious affection for l’owell

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and l’ressburger. Willing taps itito our current millennial angst. See preview and review. (ilasgow: ()deon Quay. UCI Clydebank. lidinburgh: UCl.

Plein Soleil Purple Noun (l5) (Rene Clémenl. France. l9()()l Alain Delon. Maurice Ronet. Marie l.aforet. llS mins. Clement's ltishly filmed reworking of a Patricia Highsmith story hooks viewers into its skewed moral universe. Ripley (Delon) nurses a grudge against a friend w illi girl trouble arid hatches a plan to kill him on a yachting trip. 'lhe film clumsy in places. over-long in others becomes an absorbing excercise iii careful plotting and spooky emotional manoeuvering. See review. lidinburgh: l’ilriihouse.

Private Parts ( l8) (Betty Thomas. US. 1997) Howard Stern. Rohiri Quivers. .‘ylar'y McCormack. ltll) mitis. ‘l‘his autobiography of America's leading ‘slloek-iock' Howard Stern is as abrasive. lotid and raunchy as you might have anticipated; btit it's also highly intelligent. ironic. downright hilarious at times. and burns with an anti- censorsliip fervour that‘s really cheering to see. Stern plays himself. and by the end. we've rooted for him in his struggle against airwaye bureaucracy and the repressive

network powers-that-be. lidinburgh: Cartieo,

Pulp Fiction i l 8) (Quentin 'l‘aratitino. US. l‘l‘l-l) John 'l‘ravolta. Samuel Jackson. l'ma 'l'hurman. Bruce Willis. l5t) mins. Much more ambitious than li’t'wrmir Does. the most awaited second feature of the ‘ltls has

many scenes that crackle with 'l‘arantino wit.

and a few others that fall llat as the writer- director bravely exrwriments. Interlocking stories in the ptilp crime manner concern hitmen. ailitig boxers. gang bosses and their molls. drug fiends. and assorted riff-raff. A

surprise Cannes l’alme d'( )r winner is a trip.

all the way. lidiriburgh: Catiieo.

The Children tl'l Jeflries. CK. l‘)7()) Dinah Sheridan. William .\lery y ti. Jenny Agttlter. ltlS rmns. A trio of youngsters find that their involvement w ith the railway that runs past their garden is to lead them into adyenture. l’leasing fatiiily film w iii) an old- fashioned. comfortably British feel that sets II

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apart from contemporary kids movies. Stirling: .\lacRobcrt.

Raining Stones ( IS) (Ken l.oach. L'K. IWRi Bruce Jones. Julie Brown. Ricky 'l‘omlinson. (it) mitts. Another slice of real life from one of Britain's riiost dedicated filmmakers. Ari unemployed father brings terror to his household when he goes to a loanshark in order to pay for his daughter's first communion dress. throughout. the northern community’s sense of natural humour makes this a heartening. amusing and very accessible film indeed. (ilasgow: (il’l‘.

Riff-Raff ( l5) (Ken l.oach. UK. 199]) Robert Carlyle. liiiier .‘ylcCotirt. Ricky 'l'oiiilinson. Jimmy Coleman. ‘)-l mins. A lighter-than-usual investigation of British poverty from our foremost political director. written from first-hand experience by former labourer Bill Jesse. (ilaswegian-in- l.ondon Sley ie (Carlyle) grinds otil a meagre living on a building site and enters into a relationship with Susan iMcCotirt). who has musical aspirations. 'l‘he jolly badinage of Stey ie‘s co-wor'kers (among them ex- ' liniqu 'l'ortilinson) provides ati enjoyably humorous backdrop. for which the (ir'im- Dow n-South message comes over all the more forcefully. (ilasgow; (il’l‘.

Ring Of Bright Water il’(i) (Jack Conifer. l'K. 19o”) Bill ’l‘r'ay’er's. Virginia McKemia. lI)7 mins. .‘yiodest story of one man and his otter. l’crfecl. credible filming of a heartwarming animal story. A treat for adults and children alike. with lovely wildlife photography (ilasgow. (il’l‘.

Romeo And Juliet ( l2) ( Bal. l.uhrriianti. .’\lt\lt'illl;l/l..\.. 19%) Leonardo DiCaprio. Claire Danes. l’ete l’ostlethwaite. lltl rtiiiis.

'llie Strictly Ballroom director’s treatment of

the Shakespeare tragedy is a magnificent not of colour. action and sexy teen romance. without any need to sacrifice the text. lo call it '.\l'l'\' Iilttiriiaking' misses the point that the camera tricks and iii-jokes don‘t in any way distract from the fact that l.uhrrtiami has coriipletely grasped the issues at the centre of the play. An intoxicating. breathtaking Itll\ of Catholic iconography. high camp and street y roleiice that's botli

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deliciously feverish and studiedly cool. l-Zdinburgh: liilmhouse.

Romy 8: Michele's High School Reunion it?) (David Mirkin. US. l997) Mira Sorvino. Lisa Kudrow. Janeane (iarofalo. 9| mins. It's been teti years since California's prettiest. most vacant airheads left Middle Ariierica. btit when they decide to return for their high-school reunion. old romantic longings might be given a belated second- chance. 'l‘et'rific sttiff from the two gals throughout and futi support frorti former teen iibergeek Alan Cumming. Looks like mainstream US movie comedy has a future after all. (ieneral release.

Scarface (l’(i) (Howard Hawks. US. I933) l’aui Mimi. Ann Dvorak. (ieorge Raft. 90 mins. 'lhe subtitle ‘Shame ()f'lhe Nation' and a tagged on morality ending is evidence that. on its release. llawks‘s fictionalisation of the Al Capone story hit a cltord with the campaigners who through the burst of gangster movies coming out of Hollywood were too violent for their own good.

llowey er. this is a fine piece of filrtimaking. with a classic plot structure. dark themes and a great look. lidinburgh: l'ilillllOUSC. Scream t l S) (Wes Craven. US. 1996) Neve Campbell. Courteney Cox. Drew

Barry more. lllmins. 'lhe teenagers of \‘y'oodsboro know they're typical stalker fodder. so when a killer hits town. they

gather Ill an enormous house to watch horror

moy ies as the real bad guy gets closer. Self- consciotts references are good fill). the opening sequence is genuine white-knuckle material. and -- if you know the rules ~ you'll find it perfectly scary and funny. (ilasgow: City Centre ()deon.

Screen Debates: Unspeakable Truths 130 mins. Part of Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Month of Action. this event explores why some professional w ithin the field of child protection are still met with a wall of silence when reporting cases of abuse. The panel includes Journalists Rtitli Wishart and Sarah Nelson. documentary lilitirtiaker 'l'im late and Sue Richardson from Cleveland. (ilasgow'. (ill

Sélect Hotel ( IS) (|.atrrerit Bouhnik.

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Cameo Edinburgh




- Film Theatre Glasgow - UCI Edinburgh - UCI Clydebank

Details correct at time of going to press. Check local press for details.

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