GLASGOW ART listings IHE Birth

OF Impressionism


23 May

-- 7 September 1997


Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow . Tel: 014L353 0809 Open Daily: 10am 5pm

Sunday: 1 lam 5pm

_ Café Shop Admission £5.00

Sponsored by 1’ Sialuiidorseta '/ Brand Papgwm

Wheelchair Access (£2.50 concession)


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118 THE LIST 15—21 Aug 1997



University of Glasgow. University Avenue. 330 5430. Mott—Sat 9.30am—5pin.

Altered States: The Etching Revival 1850-1929 Until Sat 23 Aug. British and French 19th century and early 20th century etchings drawn froin the Hunterian‘s collection. selected by students of the University of Glasgow‘s History of Art Department. The artists include Whistler. Meryoii. Millet. Degas. Samuel Palmer. Sickert and Graham Sutherland.

Tools For The Shaman ()ii permanent display in the refurbished Sculpture Courtyard. Jake Harvey shows monumental works carved front Irish basalt.


152 Park Road. 337 6727. Daily

()am—l lpm.

Urban Tribes Until Stiit 17 Aug. A series of 32 large format. black and white prints which document urban tribalism through portraiture.

KELVINGROVE GALLERY 8i MUSEUM 287 2699. Mon—Sat l0am--5pm: Stiii Ham-Spin. Cafe. [D]. Voluntary guides are available free ofcharge to conduct parties or individuals round the main galleries. Ask at the enquiry desk.

Open Sesame Until IOApr 1998. A large display of ethnographic and artistic objects from the world of Islam which have never been on show before. Part of a city-wide series of exhibitions and entertainment celebrating the art and culture of the Muslim world.

Old Master Drawings Until Sun l0 Aug. A selection of mainly Italian Renaissance drawings that have been loaned to Glasgow Museums from a private collection.

Pilgrim Of The Pen: Ghani al-Ani, Master Calligrapher t'ntil Hi 5 Sep. Traditional and contemporary work front this famous Islamic artist. with met 50 paintings depicting the skill of one of the last masters of the craft.

Cartooning For Equality Fawcett's Funny Girls Lintil Tue 7 ()ct. A collection of cartoons giving a light- hearted look at wotiieiis' struggle for equality through the press frotn the Ih’Slls to the present day. (‘artoonists include Posy Simmonds. Jacky l‘leining. Reg Stiiythe and Mel (‘altiiait


Station Road. Milngayie. 943 12-17. Tue-Fri l0am—lpnt; 2 ~5l‘llll Sat Stiii 2—5pni

Colour To Abstraction linul Sun 31 Aug. A summer exhibition based on the

I,» ; '

gallery's permanent collection ranging from the Glasgow C olourists to present day artists. Artists include Peploe. Cadell. MacTaggart. Redpath. Shanks and Bellany.


200 Bath Street. 33l 0722. Tue—Sat mam—Spin.

A Sculpture Round-up Until Thu 4 Sep. George Wyllie's sculpture on the theme of Americana and the Wild West.


270 Saucliiehall Street. 33l ISS-l. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun Ham—5pm. £5 (£2.50).

The Birth Of Impressionism: From Constable To Monet Until Sun 7 Sep. An insight itito how Impressionism evolved froin the Salon painters. early pioneers of painting (’11 [7/(‘III air. the landscape photographers and the foreign artists whose influence was vital. Over 200 works are featured. drawn from Glasgow‘s own collection with major loans from around the world.

ivtircueu LIBRARY

North Street. 305 299‘). Mon-Thu

9am-8pm; Fri—Sat 9am—5pm. Imagining A City: 20th Century Glasgow Writing Until Thu 25 ()ct. A look at how Glasgow has been portrayed iii 20th century literature. exploring the relationship between writers and place in themes such as work. childhood. politics and language.

The Terra Nova Project Until Sat 30 Aug. An exhibition of photographs produced during a series of workshops held last year with a support group for women having recently left the Womens' Aid refuge.

j Fit—oiE-cr ABILITY

Its Albion Street. 552 2822. Mon—Fri l0am 5.30ptii.

Sweden Until t-‘ri l2 Sep. Paintings.

prints and woven textiles by students

studying at the lNUTI Centre iii



2nd Floor. 14 King Street. 552 7080. Sat & Stiii iiooit---lptii.

A permanent collection of kinetic

sculptures by Eduard Bei‘stids‘ky.

giit’én LEVEL

26 King Street. 552 2l51. 'l'tie- Sat l0am 4—5.3(lptii.

The Parents llntil Sat lb Aug. Colin (‘iray's photographic project carried otit m er the last fifteen years which

documents the life of his parents front

domestic ritual and failing health to the denial of old age.