I T.|.T at Trash. llpiii~3aiii. £2. Student night featuring DJ Rory (formerly of Cop atid Chopper) with house classics and future anthems in Room ()ne. Graham with student faves in Room Two and extra beats in Room Three. Drinks promos.
I ranked Up at Jet. ll).3()ptt)—-2. 15am. Commercial house froin a selection of Glasgow DJs. Drinks promos.
I Bennets ll.30pm ~3am. £2.50. DJ Sara with upbeat dance. Drinks promos. I Betty’s at Betty 's Mayonnaise.
llpm 3am. l-‘ree. (‘oiiiiiiercial datice with DJ Geoff. Drinks promos.
I Cheeseburger at The Velvet Rooms. llpm 3am. £3 (£2). Miss A..l. presents a night of big party tunes iii two rooms. Drinks promos.
I Chopper at (‘lub .\'chaiige.
10.30piii- 3.30am. £3.50 (£2). (iarage. house and ‘)0s disco and pop from (‘J (Archaos 'l'hursdays). Drinks promos.
I Cul De Sac Cul De Sac Bar. ‘) -l lpm. l’ree. Richard Brown of Glasgow's Sonia Records guestiiig every week with a huge pile of white labels. Drinks promos.
I Disco Wonderland ill The Cathouse. llpm 3am. £2 (£ l .50; free before ll.30piii). Super sounds from the 70s with drinks promos.
I Fab at Reds. llpm 3am. £3 (£2 ). Groovy garage and club classics. Drinks promos.
I Go West at Cleopatra's.
|0.30pm 2.30am. £2 (U with ticket). A mainly student-orientated hill of fare.
I Ground Control at Jet. llpm 2.l5aiii. Kevin Dillon and Norden of the Ground Control sound system take up residency here every week for the finest hip hop and drum 'n' bass night in the west end. Drinks promos.
I Latin Dance Club at l.ime.
7.30 -l0pm. £3. Salsa. merengue and cumbia classes: 7.30pm beginners. 8.30pm intermediate.
I Relax at Bar 10. 8pm close. l‘ree. Downbeat dance night with .luiia and Romeo. l’re-club.
I Sticky Fingers at The Attic. l0.30pm--3am. £2 (£l t. (ierry with indie and retro sounds. Drinks promos.
I Wednesday Night Fever at l.ime. llpm—3am. £3 (£2 with matric card). Fresh 'n' funky 70s and 90s disco with DJ Ray Davren. Drinks promos.
I 21st Century Leisure Lounge at CCA Cafe Bar. 9pm midnight. l-‘ree. l2 Jtiii and fortnightly. Moog modulating. breer bossa pop. electro lounge lo-fi sleaze and exotic cocktail lit/l from your host DJ Mingo-go. l2 Jun. tlie Stib Club's llarri gets into the easy listening groove.
I 4th Dimension ill Brel. s30 llpm. l'ree. Andy Young plays ia/l. lira/than. soul. fusion and funk. Drinks pi‘oiiios. I Dig Karn's Party Night itl Beiiiieis. ll.30pm--3am. £3 (£2 ). Karn Dunbar with 80s. 90s and loads of camp nonsense. Drinks promos.
I Bloomers at Cleopatra's.
l0.30pm 2.30am. £3 (£2 with ticket). Mainstream.
I Bullseye at Tin l’aii Alley. llpm 3am. £3.50 (£2.50). New student night on the second floor of the club with DJ Ali playing indie pop.
I Casmo at Blackfriars l'nderground. 8pm midnight. £l before 0pm; £2 alter. Northern soul pre-cluh.
I Chief at Trash. llpm 3am £3 (£2 ). New night featuring DJ Rory (formerly of Cop and ('hopperi iii Room One with classic house and future anthems. Graham iii Room Two with his indie/party mix and Jilkes and Hatch (Knucklehead) in the backroom with electro bass beats and mellow techno grooves. Drinks promos.
I Club Xchange l 1pm 3am. £2.50 (£l.50). Gay. DJ Tasty Tom. Drinks
I Cop at Archaos. l0pm--3aiii. £4 (£2.50). Busy student house night from DJ CJ (Club X. \k'ednesdays) and Vance. ‘Turn up. get down. cop off.’ Drinks promos. Tam Coyle ‘The l'iltll.‘ does his indie/pop/kitsch stuff iii Betty's .‘ylayoiinaise. part of the Archaos complex.
I Cul De Sac Cul De Sac Bar. 97-] lpiii. l-‘ree. Mark Ryal from Aquaplanet and Redcell with an underground dance warmer before he heads down to the Subbie. Drinks promos.
I Dee Jays In Disguise at Variety. 8pm close. Free. Hatch and Jilkes of Knucklehead with a duhby mix of new dance and techno. l’re-club.
I Donkey at The Cathouse. llpm-23:11]]. £2 (£ l; free before 1 1.30pm). lndie/ grunge rock in the new ('athouse with drinks promos.
I Easy Life at The Tunnel l0pm 3am. £4 (£2 with matric card). Student night featuring Kevin and Scott (Tunnel weekends) and Lisa playing a house/ indie/disco mix plus some freebie giveaways of real cash. 'l‘hursdays revamped and redone so they‘re bigger and better than ever before. Drinks promos.
I Flashback at l‘iddlers Court.
9pm midnight. liree. Deep house and drum ‘n' bass from JP and the liiiture lingineers.
I Free Flow at Glasgow School ()f Art (downstairs). 9pm 2.30am. l‘ree. Jazz funk night. Quiz before. from 7pm. Drinks promos.
I Fromage at The Hive ((ilasgow l'iiiversity Student l‘nion). 10pm 2am. l-‘ree. Students and guests. DJ Musty playing the very best and worst of classic student tunes.
I In Tone at Bar l0. 8pm close. Free. l’aul ('aw ley from l’har ()tit with a weird underground pre-club experience.
I Leisure Box at Tin Pan Alley.
llpm 3am. £3 (£2). Two ofGlasgow's most influential and w ell-respected DJs. llarri (Sub Club) arid Andrew Wicks. on
listings GlIlBS
a funky house vibe. Drinks promos.
I Loveshack at Fury Murry"s. l0.30pm--3.l5am. £5 (£3). Fine indie house and disco sounds in two rooms. Drinks promos.
I Lure at R.G.‘s. Spin—midnight. Free. DJs Ziggy and Bob get housey fora crowd heading off to Archaos and Sub Club. Pre-club.
I Mothership at The Apartment. llpm—3am. £4 (£2). New seriously funky disco and vroove night. Drinks promos. I Natura Selection at Lime (formerly The Cotton Club). llpm-3am. £3 (£2). lain Fitzpatrick with funky dance and indie. Drinks promos.
I Neon at Jet. llpm—2.15am. £4 (£3). Kevin McKay and Richard Howie in this glitter ball of a club playing deep house and disco. Drink promos.
I Passion at The V‘lvet Rooms. llpm—3am. £3 (£2). DJ Skud playing soulful grooves. mellow hip hop and sexy swing from Busta Rhymes to Marvin Gaye. A groovy alternative to student nights. Drinks promos.
I Red Cell at Sub Club. llpm—3am. £3. The fleet-footed techno individualists who brought us Science. Aquaplanet and UK Gold concentrate their attention on this night to make it one of the deepest. darkest underground club nights in Scotland. Mark Ryal. Twitch (Pure) and Dominic every week.
I Reds llpm -3am. £3 (£2). DJ Graeme with a night ofclassic disco. peppered with the best contemporary house and garage. Drinks promos.
I Rumble at The Garage. llpm—3am. £3 (£2). Cardow and Ross with an exceptionally busy night of charty dance faves. cheap drinks and drunk students. Snogtasticl
I Snap, Crackle And Pop at Cafe Qudos (Queen Margaret Student lfnion). 8.30pnr-2am. £2.50 (£2). DJ Toast with the best in cheese products.
Continued over page
13 )6 Jun l99/THELIST77