The Casa
I Alan Jones Seotia Bar. Stockwell Street. 552 H68 l. 0pm. Free. (‘Ias‘sy acoustic blues.
I Weekly Scots Fiddle Workshops Ciovan Parish School. Cornwall Street. Kinning Park. 7.30 9.30pm. £4 (£1.50) Information 636 I45(). Iain Fraser leads the season of workshops on Scots alld Cape Breton fiddle styles. for more advanced players; other tutors lead the beginners and intermediate levels.
I Phil Campbell and Tom McFarland l-idinburgh Folk Club. PIeasance Cabaret Bar. The Pleasance. 332 7067. 8pm. £4 (£3). Iingaging songs and multi- instrumental accompanitnent from the popular I’Isler couple who regularly tour IllL‘ Scottish folk \c‘c'tlc‘.
I lean Redpath .-\delaide's. Bath Street. 8pm. £3 (£5 1. Information from the l.l\ ing 'I’radition ()1563 571 220. The veteran Scots folk singer now lives in the ISA (where she once shared an apartment with Bob Dylan) but regularly returns home.
I Bhundu Boys (‘ottiel' 'I'heatre. Ilyndland Street. 357 3868. Rpm. £8. /.ilnbab\ve's .lit to ers back in their adopted homeland.
I New Dawn Folk Club (ilasgtm- Press Club. West Regent Street. 332 I674. 8.30pm. £3 £5. Superb acoustic guitar and songs from legendary Brit blucser Win Jones.
I Eden Belle AngeIe. (’ow gate. 225 7536, II).()()pm 3am. £6. lis—Mouth Music singers and percussionists in the new sounds of Sola. the Inc band that IIII\L‘\ :t with the Usual lights. drummers. masks. face paint and tribal/Celtic dance groove. Supporting I).I,
I Looking East lletlty \Vootl Iltlll. (‘Iaremont Street. 226 386.52 £60.11). 7pm. Absorbing. exceptionally well played and accessible acoustic Indo- _]:i//ish Ittsltm from Scotland-fused band featuring Stun/nun cartoonist (iraham High on guitar. (iermany's Michael Magg. hansuri and tIutes; Vtiay Kangutkar. tabla. and l)avey lIaswelI. percussion. with (‘hlarl Schilska. tanpura drones.
I Ceilidh Dance Rl\el‘side Club. Fox Street. 2-13 il-l-l. Doors open 7.30mi). £5. I.l\e bands
I (Bilidh Dance The l'cl'l‘y. (‘Iytlc Place. 552 (I533. 9pm. £5. 'I’ickets at the venue or ill ady alice from the Ticket Centre. ('andlerlggs. 227 551 I.
I The Picts ( )‘ .\'elll‘s_ Sauclnehall Street. 353 ()436. 0pm. Free.
I Old Town Ceilidh Ape\ International Hotel. (irassmarkel. 7. 30pm. fl2.‘)‘). I‘ood. piping. music. and tombola. with dance music from the Robert Fish Balld. An ()ld 'I'own Festival presentation.
Latino All Stars light up Cafe Graffiti in Edinburgh on Fri 13
I Gaelic Extravaganza Cottier Theatre. Hyndland Street. £5 (£3). 8pm. Presented by Comunn na Ciaidhlig. Music. piping. dance and song.
I Ceilidh Dance IIiIlhead Baptist Church. C‘resswcll Street. 8pm. £3 (£1). Music from the Last Resort.
I Ceilidh Dance Riverside Club. Fox Street. 248 3 I44. Doors open 7.30pm. £5. Live bands.
I Wizz Jones Scotia Bar. Stockwell Street. 552 8681. 3.30pm. Free. Brilliant acoustic guitar and vocals.
I Ignorant Tongues ()‘Neilt's. Sauchiehall Street. 353 ()436. ()pm. Free.
I Fete de la Musique French Institute. Randolph Crescent. (rpm—midnight. Free. Bar and restaurant open. The annual event covers a wide spectrum of music that includes African drumming. (iamelan. French bagpipes. .ljau. chamber music.
I Peat Bog Faeries La Belle Angele. Ilasties Close. Cowgate. 225 2774. 7.30pm. £5. The boys frotn Skye showcase their .t/IeI/mvixilv album. Catch them before they head off on tour in Spain and lay Womad.
I Tron F0 k Club 'I‘ron Ceilidh Ilouse. Hunter Square. 220 I550. 8.30pm. £3. .Iaines Malcolm brings his powerful vocals. guitar and moothie. and his well- received original songs.
I Ceilidh Dance Assembly Rooms. George Street. 220 434‘). 8pm. £6 (£5). Advocates For Animals presents the Robert Fiin Ceilidh Band.
I Midsummer Ceilidh St Bride's
Centre. ()rwell Terrace. Dalry Road. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). ALP presents Royzone. Tickets from the Adult Learning Project. 337 5442.
I VSO Ceilidh Dance Walpole Hall. Chester Street. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Information 552 I264. Voluntary Service
()verseas presents Scottish/Irish band Islander.
I Midsummer Carnival Statts‘ fronl Botallic (iardens at 2pm and wends its way via Byres Road and University Avenue to Kelvlngrove Park. Colour. costume. music and dance with steel and samba bands. Macumba. (‘eol Balacuda. Rhythm Wave. I.P(‘() and others. Partly continues in Kelvingrov e Park 6pm Iate. All Free.
I Finn McChuilI ()‘Neill's. Sauchiehall Street. 353 ()436. ()pm. Free.
Edinburgh I The Angel's Share Iron Ceilidh
Ilouse. Hunter Square. 220 I550. 7.45pm. £5. 'I'wo drams of (ilenlnol'angie single malt. provided by the sponsor. will get you ill the mood lot this weekly. visitor-orientated show in song. poem and prose. celebrating Scotch whisky. I)evised and performed by Robin l.aing. I Open House ('anon's (.iait. (‘anongate. 556 44%|. 9pm. Free. Folk song and instrumental music in an informal session.
Continued over page
folk & world MUSIC
Dear Pals,
Well, it feels like ages and ages, and this letter is just to let you know that California is quite a cool place to be, in case you want to spring for a Visit. Thanks for your cards and letters and tapes. It was weird making adjustments here. So many people think I’m Scottish, and I can’t help hankering for shortbread while sitting by the jacuzzi on one of those coolish California nights.
So, what’s to tell you? First discovery: The Viper Room (the famous River Phoenix place) is truly wee. And...second one... The Roxy (where we’ve already had the chance to play!) is really incredible. You can still feel Jim Morrison snaking around the stage. (The backstage bits are loads like The Venue’s, though).
We’ve played out lots, particularly in Santa Monica, by the ocean, and
in Hollywood. And we just finished
recording a track for a compilation albulm that is going to be released this summer and distributed in the
US and Japan.
So, we’re performing with all these different dudes. Ralph our bass player right now is so cool. You’d really like him. He’s very groovy, and he’s got eleven big brothers so we dont give him any grief, ever.
We think about youse all the time. Hope MAYFEST was brillant. Reckon you’re gearing up for the Festival.
This summer we’re gonna get a website which will be great fun. Better run, the earth is shaking, and I’ve got to find a doorway to stand under.
You’re missed.
Keep reading The List.
Love Fjeare
(or Feef, as y’ve known me)
13-76 Jun 1997 THE LIST”