tlte Lyceum for the entertaining hos and fiddle \‘It'IllOSUS. See also 'I'tte It).

I Javanese Gamelan Sessions Music Suite. (‘ltessel's I.antl. Moray Ilttttse. 6.30-8.3(Ipm. lIlIt‘t'ltlélIitlll Neil Iltrttstttn. 558 6007.

I Jim Knight (‘attnu's (iait. (.‘annngate. 55h 4-181. 9pm. liree. littlk singer and pals.


I Better Crack Club (‘Ittthu \‘atlIts. Stoekwell Street. 8pm. I)t)natittn. Sttn'ytelling eluh Itttstetl It)" Iiwan MeVieat‘.


I Edinburgh Songwriter's Showcase 'I'rttn (‘etlitllt llt)llSL‘ ('eIIar Bar. S.3llpttt. £I tperl‘nrtners tree). lintlttiries ()(tl 5375. I Javanese Gamelan SQSSiOflS MUSIC Suite. ('hess‘el‘s |.antI. Mnray Home 0.30 S..‘*l)pm. Inlttrmatittn Neil Ilttustttn. 55S (\llll7.


I Big Big Country Setttia Hat.

Stock“ ell Street. 553 SM]. 0pm. I‘ree. I Weekly Scots Fiddle Workshops (ittt'an I’arisIt Selttml. ('trrnttall Street. Knitting Park. 7.3“ 9.30pm. L11 t£l.5tl). Inl'tn'tnatittn Mn I-I5t). I.ttn I’t‘aser IeatIs the seasttn (ll \Vttrksltttps tut Settts atttl ('ape Bretth liltltllt‘ sl_\ Ies. I'ttr mute atlx'aneetl players; other llIIt)l\ IeatI tlte Iteginnets and intermediate Ie\els.


I Tommy Sands Iitlinhurgh l’tllls ('IttI). I’Ieas‘ance (‘aI‘aret Bar. The I’Ieasanee. 333 70(37. Spm. {-1 (£3). Singer hunt the legendary Irish l'ttlk family.

I Lothian Schools Strathspey and Reel Society ()tteen‘s IIaII. (‘Ierk Street. (this 3()I‘). 7.30pm. U He3).



I Ingrid and Allan Henderson I’l‘tttees Square. Iltteltanan Street 5 7pm I-tee. Int) ml the truest emergmg e\pt)ttettts ttl' Setttttsh ttatltttttnal \\'est (‘ttast mttsie. playng superb t'ttItIIe .ttttI elarsaelt.

I Martin Curtis New I).t\\ n I‘nlk (‘Ittlx (ilasgtm’ l’lt'\\ (.Illl‘. \Vt‘sl Rt‘getll Street. ‘853 I674, Spit]. L5 £5. .\'e\\ /.eal;ttttl singer m er Itete ttn Ittllt'.



the following details are for regular free weekl dates: see main listings for one-o or ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by city, then by day. Residencies will be listed, provided that up-to-date details are supplied to us. Folk 8r World Residencies listings are compiled by Norman Chalmers.


I lock Iamson's Ilyt'es Read. Sptn. I‘ree. I.i\‘e (‘eltie hands

I O'Neills SauelnehaII Stteet. Spm. I-ree. lrtslt thettte ptth \\'llll In e muste. I Finnegan's Wake 7*) St \‘rneent Stt'eet. 343 498‘). ‘)pm I-ree. IrtsIt theme puI). I.t\ e l‘illKIS.

I Victoria Bar Stet-knell Stt'eet/Ilrttleegate. 553 NW) ‘lpm. I-ree Setttttsh and Irish sesstttu

I Clutha Vaults Stttekuell Stteel. S..‘~llpttt I'tee. Inik IIIU.

I Park Bar .’\If._'_\lk' Street. neat Kel\ ttt Park. 3 W I7l5. ‘lpm I'tee :\ecttttltttn atttI \ttealtsl I)t)tt.tItI .\Iael<.te.

I Molly Malone's IIttpe Street .Spm I'ree. lttsh theme [‘tll‘. I.t\e music.


I Tolbooth Salttnarket. S KHpttt. I-tee.

l.i\e sttteets.

I lock Tamson's Bytes- Road. 8pm. Free. Live Celtic hands.

I O'Neills Sauehiehall Street. 8pm. Free. Irish theme pub with live music. I Finnegan's Wake 7*) St Vincent Street. 348 498‘). 0pm. Iiree. Irish theme pub. I.i\'e hands.

I Clutha Vaults Stockwell Street. 552 7530. 3.3()~5.3()pm. liree. ('ttttntry and bluegrass.

I Park Bar Argyle Street. 33*) I715. 0pm. I‘ree. Sttttgs atttl acenrtlitm in Ilighlantler's watering hole.

I Victoria Bar Stttektt'ell Street/Britlgegate. 553 (til-ll). 0pm. Free. I.t\e aettttsltc Itatttls.


I Finnegan's Wake 7*) St Vincent Street. 348 4%“), 0pm. I-‘ree. Irish theme puI). I.t\‘e hantls.

I Session Baltlut) Ilmrsters. Blackl‘riars Sit't‘t‘l. ‘lpttt. I't'L‘t‘.

I Victoria Bar Stet-knelt Street/Britlgegate. 55360.1(). Sfillprtt. I’t'ee. Sessttttt.

I Blues Band Setttta Bat". Stttekwell Street. 553 Host. 3.30 5.30pm. Free.

I Jinty McGinty's .-\sIttt)n lane. 33*) ()7-17. .‘x (mm. I-ree. I.i\ e hantls.

I Park Bar .-\t'g_'_\ Ie Street. ttear Kelx'in Park. 33‘) I715. ‘lptn. I‘ree. Int'ttrtttal Iltgltlantl muste.


I Finnegan's Wake "*) St \‘tneent Stteet. 3-1.S -l‘).\‘) ‘lpm. I'ree, Irish theme pttI). I.t\e Itantls.

I Jinty McGinty's .-\\Itlttlt I.ane. ‘lpm.

I’t‘ee. I .l\ e Ixtntls


I Finnegan’s Wake 7*) St \‘tneent Street. 313 .l‘lS‘l ‘lpnt I‘ree. Irish theme pul). I.t\e Itantls.


I Finnegan's Wake 7*) St Vincent Street. 345-10.“). 0pm. I'ree. Irish theme puh. I l\ e Itantls.

I Park Bar Ate) Ie Street. ttear Kehttt I’atk. 33" I715 ‘lpm. I't‘ee. I.i\e music


I Finnegan's Wake 7*) St \‘meent Street. 3.1.S .I‘N) ‘lpm. I-tee Irish thente ptth. I.t\e ItantIs.

I Park Bar Are} Ie Street. 3 i‘) I7I5. 9pm. I'tee. .-\ccttttlttttttst.

I Victoria Bar Stuck“ ell Street. 553 (wtl-ltl. 0pm I~ree. I we aettustte tnttste.


I 0' Neill's Sttttth Ilritlge. Itlpm. I-t'ee. I.t\e It'tsIt-tltentetl tnuste.

I Finnegan's Wake \'tett)ria Street. 226 NH). 0pm 3am. I-tee. It'tsh theme ptth \\ tth lix e music.

I Whistlebinkies \ttlttrt Street. 557

5 I I4. Illuillpltt IiIIL'. I'I'L‘L‘ I.t\‘L‘ t‘t)t)Is/It)II\ hands.

I Alan Hunter and Friends \t'aterttm Illlllt‘l. \Vaterlttt) I’Iaee. 556 7507. 0pm. l'l'L‘L'.

I Wally Allen Iznstett I'.\\.tl'l. I.;t\\lllll;ll'I\L‘I. Ittp trt High Street. 335 ~lit-ll), ‘) mt. I'tee.

I Sandy Bell's I'ttt‘test Road. 335 375 I, ‘lpm. I'ree. Settts/It'tslt sesstttn tn tltts Iatnttus Ittlk tub.

I Live Ban 5 'I'Ittstle IIttteI. Manttr Place. 335 ()I-H. ‘)pm mttlntgltt. I'ree.


I Tron Ceilidh House Hunter Square. 33” I55”. ‘tpm I-ree. Ittstrtttttental l'ttlk

I O'Neill's Stttttlt Ilrttlge. ‘lpm. I't'ee. Ittsh theme put). I txe Itantls.

I Shore MUSIC 'I‘Ite Sltttre Ilar. Shtn'e. letth. 335 375 I. 9pm I~t'ee. I-ttlk instrumental mttste.

I Biddy Milligan's (itasstttarket. 330 l3~l(r ‘) )m. I'ree. I.l\ e music.

I Scrulfy Murphy's (ieurge I\' Bridge.

335 MRI. ‘)pttt. l'lt‘t‘. I.l\ e It‘tslt ltlllstc.

Conttntted over page

folk & world MUSIC

QAilIC/Itt Cm‘é ttSAtthwtht Dell 9

OPEN 7 DAYS I0.00 - 22.00 57 Home Street,ToIIcross, Edinburgh

Te|:0|3| 22| I|4| v Fax:0|3| 22! I608

l0 May~lz Jun I997 THE “ST 59