rock & pop
Gigs are listed by date, then by cit . Performances Will be listed, provi ed that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Rock 8. Pop listings compiled by Jim Byers and Fiona Shepherd.
Ticket information
Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:
Just The Ticket Virgin. Union Street. 336 4679.
Tower Records Argyle Street. 204 2500.
Credit card bookings from: T()CTA: 556 5555.
Ticket Link: 227 55] 1.
Virgin Princes Street. 220 0925. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.
Credit card bookings from: TOCTA 557 (i969,
I DJ Shadow The :\i‘clies. Midland Street. 33l 973o. ('.-\\(‘lil.l.lil). Boo lioo.
I Carolyn Hester, Lucy Kaplan and Ann Armstrong Big Big (’ountry. ()ld l‘itiitmarket. Albion Street. 337 55l l. 7.30pm. Lo. .-\ triple hill ol' the linest l‘eiiiale country talent Te\;is has to ol'l‘er. both new like Te\as col'l‘ee-house gal Armstrong and oldier) like (ireenvvich Village l'olk \eteian llester \\llt) is something oi .i mentor to Nanci (iril‘l'itli. I Stilgoe And Skellern (ilasgtm Royal (’oncert llall. Saucliieliall Street. 33-. 5.: l l. Split. ‘3 l 3.50 [‘ltls l‘tittktltg lee. (iig ol the year. you'll all agree. li\citement in /./it' / I\l ol'l'ice reaches lever pitch as those too seminal ivory- tinklei's Richard and Peter ioin lorces tor a celebration ol' all that is vibrant in popular music.
I Walter Trout The (iarage. Sauchieliall Street. 333 NJ) 7pm. £15.50 plus booking lee. lumbering blues rocker.
I Ian Hunter The ('atliotise. l'nioii Street. 345‘ (ililllt 7pm. £5.30 plus booking lee. The l'oi'iiiei‘ .\lott The lloople man in 90s mode. so he\ pi‘olial‘ly tltoi‘pctl the glaliitiiy 7lls lock trimmings.
I Million Dollar Band, Sound Temple and Silverback King Tut's Walt \\';ili lllll. St Vincent Street. 33l 5379. S30pin. £3.50. Soul and lunk llglll'c‘ highly in this local band triple bill.
I Captain Sensible, Bladdered and Hanx Nice 'n‘ Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street.
333 9637. 9pm. Yes. it’s that Captain Sensible. heading out on the appallingly- named Punk Floyd Tour. Wot. no ‘Happy Talk"? Support from local Stiff Little Fingers tribute outfit.
I Mighty Fine, Diesel Bone and Riverdog Cavern Bar. Strathclyde Student University Union. John Street. 552 l895. l0pm. Free. Students and guests.
I El's Red and Frozen Moses The Arena. ()svvald Street. 22l 30l0. 9pm. £3 (advance). £3.50 (door). including entry to The Friday Club.
I Rollin' Joe And The Jets Me(‘huill's~. High Street. 552 2135. l0pm. Free. Fifties and 60s rock ‘n' roll sounds.
I Hideaway Blues Band The Brewhouse. John Street. 552 380i 9.30pm. Free.
I Rev Doc And The Congregation MacSorleys. Jamaica Street. 573 0l99. 9pm. Free. Trad R (k B.
I Whumff Tvva ('orbies. Kilbov. ie Road. (‘iimbernauld 0l23o 72747 3. l0pin. l-ree.
I Velvet Jones and Lupus \‘enue. (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £4.50 iii advance. £5 on the door. Headliners Velvet .lones‘ main claim to tame is that they can count (iiles Martin isoii ol' Beatles producer (ieorge Martin) in their line-up. Musically. they trade in trad- indie rock.
I Motown Magic ('ayeiidisli. West
'l‘ollcross. 328 3353. 9pm 3am. £5.
(‘lassic retro pop and soul. ()ver 3 I s only. no jeans or trainers.
I The Captives The Tap ( )‘lauriston. l.auriston Place. 329 404 l. 9pm. Free. The ('aptives trade in a suit-rock ‘n' roll
style similar to The ('i'anips.
Glasgow I Dale Watson And His Lone Stars
; and Radio Sweethearts Big Big
(fountry. ()ld l‘ruitmarket. .-\lbion Street.
‘ 227 5511.7.30pm. £8.5(l(£().5()). See
preview l'or this lionky —tonk artist. Support lrom (ilasgovv‘s e\ponents or line country rock in a (iram Parsons
\l} lc‘.
I W'A‘S'P' The (image. Satichiehall Street. 333 ll30. 7pm. £7.50 plus booking lee. ()ne ol' the original hell- raising bands in make-up and l'i'iglitvvigs. Will they have gone like Kiss and got sensible poodle perms. or \\lll that degenerate spirit still burn stroiig'.’
I G.l. Soul Club featuring Counselled Out The Big Fringe. The l-erry. (‘lyde Place. 553 0588. 9pm. £6.50 in advance. £7 on the door. Big soul re\ tie in a ('untmilnir'lili style.
I Santa Cruz King Tut‘s \\';tli Walt lltit. St Vincent Street. 23l 5379. S30pni. £4. New crew on the block \\ lio recently toured with John Squire's Seahorses.
I Velvet Jones The (’athoiise. l'nion Street. 248 ()(il)(i. 7.30pm. £4.50 plus hooking lt‘c‘. See l‘i'i 30.
I Bartok and Malcolm's Cardigan .\'ice ‘n' Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 3 33
Tickets: £13.50 C/C Tel: 0141 287 7777 or 0141 339 8383 (24 hours). Personal application to SECC B/O.The Ticket Centre Glasgow. Vir in
Records Glasgow and Edinburgh. Ripping Records Edinburgh an
T.O.C.T.A. outlets throughout Scotland. (Subject to booking fee).
I Baltic, She Blue and Big Wednesday Cavern Bar. Strathclyde Student University Union. John Street. 552 l895. l()pm. Free. Students and guests.
I 05 Murray Quartet McChuill's. Hiin Street. 552 2135. l0pni. Free. Acid jazzy lllllL‘S.
I The Shakers MacSorleys. Jamaica Street. 572 ()l‘)‘). 9pm. Free.
I Hideaway Blues Band The Brewhouse. John Street. 552 3801. 5—7pin. Free.
I Bulb Chutney Blackli‘iars. Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. Free.
I Ian Hunter Band Venue. Calton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £9. This is the first time ex-Mott The Hoople singer Ian Hunter has played in the capital without his former band. Highlights from Hunter’s previous career include the David Bovvie-produced smash hit ‘All The Youg l)udes' and his book Diary ()7 .-l Rot/t 'Ii'Rn/l Slur which went on to become a bestseller in the 70s. lntruigingly. Hunter also went on to produce Billy ldol's band Generation X. This date iii lidinburgh coincides with the release of Hunter's T/ll’ xll‘lfll/ Dru/et'r (Citadel Records) album. which contains a tribute i‘Michael Picasso‘) to old friend and former lloople bloke Mick Ronson who passed away in l993.
I Horse The Liquid Room. Victoria Street. 235 2564. 7pm. £10. This is llorse's first solo appearance with a full band behind her. She's picked a good venue liil‘ it with The Liquid Room having recently been renovated.
I Ugly Groove Movement (‘zis Rock (‘ale West Port. 229 434 l. 10pm. Quality covers and originals from this large. ensemble band.
I Silouette (‘avendile West Tollcross. 22.5“ 3252. 9pm ~3ani. £5. Sixties and 70s rock 'n' roll.
Continued over page
rock & pop MUSIC
H it List The best live mis
fortnight. : ' 3' 3T“ .
Wu-Tang Clan All nine of the Staten Island rappers are popping up to bedazzle with their deck skills and vocal dexterity. Put your hands together for Master Killer, Ghostface Killer, Inspektah Deck, Genius and Ol' Dirty Bastard. Bet they weren't christened with those names. See feature. Glasgow: Barrow/and, Thurs 5 Jun.
Bob Dylan/Van Morrison Mind you, these two old timers don't use their born names and it certainly hasn't done them any harm, both having sold more albums than most. They're supposed to be doing a set each but don't be surprised if a spot of jamming takes place. Glasgow: SECC, Tue 3 Jun.
Sunny Murray and Charles Gayle A rare opportunity to hear two great players of free form avant-garde jazz improvisation in action. Tron Jazz Cellar, Edinburgh, Mon 2 Jun.
Herb Geller This west coast alto saxophonist played with Clifford Brown and Chet Baker back in the 505, and now . shares the bill with singer Suzanne Bonnar. | Queen's Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 6 Jun.
" [Bram
Weag 8h RIMES}? e wdc‘é‘iizztml Tolbooth Theatre; Broa a‘Stréet,
featuring various members of
BMX Bandits
The Pearlfishers plus special guests and video footage
x Jlun'e‘ilipm “ 3t"; 69" .
Tickets: Cottier Box Ofl‘k-e, Bar Brel (Ashton Lane). Ticketliuk (0141 287 551 I) 4; Albert Halls Box Office (01786 473544)
30 May—l2 Jun 1997 THE “ST 51