
GLASGOW FILM THEATRE GRGSVENOR: GLASGOW - - glasgovv . Hlt LISt l2 Rose Street. 0l4l 332 8l28. Ashton Lane. Hillhead. 0|4l 339 4298. . Film Listings are listed by city. then Cale/bar. All performances bookable. CC booking: 0l4l 339 4298. £3.90 (£3 The best films this fortnight. alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings [D]. [E]. Matinees £3.25 (cones £2). before 0.30pm and students all perfs; £3 .. compiled by Helen Monaghan and Evenings £4.25 (cones £3 except Sat all day Monday). Child/()AP: £1.80. Miriam Duffield. evening). All double bills evening Seats can be booked for last evening and prices apply. late screenings. Box office open . Ham—7 )in (Sun: 2—7 in). Mic, MUIREND. GLASGOW FRIDAY .6 MAY . t p 380 Clarkston Road. Muirend. 014] 033 1. Koyla (PG) 2.00. 4.l5. 0.30. 8.45. FRIDAY 16_THURSDAY 22 2123. - 2. Microcosmosttl) 2.30. 5.45. 7.30. . Info: ()l4l 037 204 l. £2.80 (£2 before 9. IS. The Relic t l5) 5pm Mon—Fri). Student: £2.20 Daily: 2.40. 5.20. 8.l0. (Mon-Thurs). Child/GAP: £2. SATURDAY 17 MAY Fri & Sill late: l0.4(). 1. KoylatPG) l.l5. 0.30. 8.45. Liar LiartlZ) FRIDAY 16_THURSDAY 2; The Tm Drum ( 15) 3.30. l)(lll_\'3 2.00. 5.00. 8.00. 2. Dr Mabuse, der Spieler Parts 1 8t Blood And Wine ( l5) Donnie Brasco ( l8) 2(PG) 1.30. lit-i & Sat late: 1020. Daily: 5.25. 8.20. Microcosmosrtl) 5.45. 7.30. 9.l5. Anaconda t 15) _ Daily: 5‘45. SUNDAY 18 MAY . FRIDAY 23 THURSDAY 29 Sat iiiat: l2. l0. 1. Farewell My Concubine t l5) 3.30. Programme liker to be similar to the Sat & Sun mat: 2.45. Koyla (PG) 0.30. 8.45. l previous week. Phone 0l4l 339 4298 for Liar Liartl2) 2. Microcosmosm) 4.00. 5.45. 7.30. tietailsantl titties. Daily: 5.55. 8.45. 9.l5. ; New l'iliii due to open on Fri 23: Sat mat: l2. I5. I Anna Karenina ( I5) Sat & Stir) mat: 3.00. MONDAY 19 MAY l Scream ( l8) 1. Koyla (P0) 1.30. 5.45. g onfiofl crfv cEN‘mE; GLASGOW Daily: 8.35. . AsphalttPU) 8.45. . n nasr Run Ehle Retulrili The Jedi (U) (2).]:VIICI’OCOSI1105 (Lt) 2.30. 5.45. 7.30. , is}lft‘fllllil‘gill'cil. 014011335341)?“ When we Were Kings Muhammad Alps 2 (I l l'L'I .. -- - Szit 1Sun mat: 2.35. l Bali Ill)(] sereeii: 203 atid 4. £4 (£3.25 glprydays are rev'sned In an oscar. TUESDAY 20 MAY l bet'ore 5pm). Student/[1340: £3.25. W'nnmg documentéry abOUt the FRIDAY 23_THURSDAY 29 1. Koyla (PG) 2.00. 8.45. Child/()Al’: £2.75 (£2.50 before 5pm). legendary 'Rumble In the Jungle'. See . . . Walking 8t Talking ( l5) 4. l5. 0.30. Superior seats (no cones): £4.50 (£3.75 Frontlines and review, Edinburgh; Programme likely to be similar to the 2. Microcosmos (L‘) 2.30. 9. l5. belore 5pm). Cameo 3 ‘0 (3 24 ' ° .' 5.45. ' . Sicllilltlllrn:\lclicl:\m:llollc l4l ) 7 0 l lor The Conformist ( l5) 5 ’TRIDAY 1r THURSDAY 22 Love And Other Catastrophes Austraha New films. due u, “pm (m M 33: WEDNESDAY 21 MAY ‘3' scores another sleeper hit with this Beavis And Butthead Do America ( l2) 1. Walking 8: Talking ( )5) 2.00. 4. l5. Liar Liar ( l2) charming ensemble piece about a group Jungle 2 Jungle (PG) gala/1a (PG) 0.30. p.453. I lDaily: l2l.l5. 2.30. 5. l5. 7.00. 9. 15. of twentysomethings on a college . icrocosm05( 3) -30 9. 5. it .v Sat ate: ll.45 - - , . . _- - campus in Melbourne. See prewew and ABC FILM CENTRE; GLAscow Testament des Dr Mabuse (l (i) Boinp-iegB‘rfscgoltils) review. Limited genera/ release. 320 Sauchiehall Street. ()l4l 332 I592. e \\'eektla_v mat; l.45. Female Pervmiéns Tilda SW'mO” takes lnl‘o: ()l4l 332 9513. cc booking: 0i4i THURSDAY 22 MAY l'l'I .x- Sal late: ||.45. on her first American role in a complex 332 1592. Bar. £4 (£3 before 5pm). 1. Flirt ( l5) (45. 3.45. . Scream 1 l8) and powerful feminist drama about igllél811l2£5 lor all perls. ()AP: £3. Child: Riggtgsmggltipgznfit P(i) 5.45. . :laile':S ll. ll5l. 3.45.42). l 5. 9.00. behavmur and sexuality. See preview -... 't... I‘l‘lt'.il QIL‘I ' ' .' 2. Microcosmos (l’) 2.30. E The Relic ( l5) and rev/9W Edlfiburgh' F’lmhouse‘ FRIDAY 16._THURSDAY 22 Kolya (PG) 0.30. 8.45. . l);til_v: l.l5. 3.45. 0.l5. 9.00. Kowa Th's Years OS_Car_"'V'nner ‘9’ Be“ 1 is” (e 3;” 1m; ((45 Foreign Language Film IS the delightful Liar Liar ( l2) FR'D/‘W 23 MAY a Anaconda ( l5) tale of a surrogate father and son living ii“). 6.00. 9.00. hatiglgtrleltislMZfingugiJSIg) 4 4_ R 4_ 7.(|llll.1‘_). l m Prague just before the Velvet . ( . . 5. «. 5. ‘l'l t' . at ate: .~ 5. ~ . - . Daily: l.l0. 3.35. 0.00. 3.30. 2. Microcosmos (ll) 2.30. 9. l5. ; Weekday mats: l2. l5. 2.30. ReVO'Ut'O” Glasgow GFT' Edmbu’gh' Scream ( l8) Kolya (P0) 4.30. 7.00. j The Return Of The Jedi tt'i cameo . Daily: 1.45. 5.45. 8.30. l l)ail_v: )2. 15. 3.00. Scream An edge-Oi-lhe-Seal Opening Romeo And Juliet ( l2) SATURDAY 24 MAY - Daily te\c‘ept Sun): 0.00. sequence eases into a funny and Rstalgnld: 12500. i Umbrellanstf Cherlliourngtt’tiz 12.30. IR)orlrieo And ngiet (121) knowing horror movie from master of ~ . i argare S useumt 5) .. 5. 5. at _v (e\cept fun): 5. h r If h Daily: 3.45. 8.50. ; Flirt ( l5) 0.45. The Empire Strikes Back it?) t legen 9 W55} Clave” .yOUGknOWt/ e The Return Of The Jedi (t5) , 2. The Commissar tP(i) 2.00, sat tv stttt mats: )2. I5. 300. r“ 95! you “"9 it 1”“ SUN'Ve' ene’a Dailv: l.45. i Kolya (PU) 7.00. Space Jam (t') release- Moll Flander5(l2) Microscosm05(l') 9.l5. sat (c Sun mats: 12.45. 2.45. REPERTORY DU")? 530. 339- ) SUNDAY 25 MAY 7 Taxi Driver To celebrate its 20th FRI AY 23 THURSDAV 29 ; 1 Taxi Driver ( m j H FRIDAY 23 THURSDAY 29 anniversary, Martin Scorsese's searing . I Margaret's Museum ( l5) 4.45. 8.45. Programme likely to be similar to the urban no” lighown In a restored and Programme likely to be similar to the Flirt ( l5) 0.45. ' pre\ iotts \veek. Phone ()l4l 333 955l tor enhaliced pr'm: spec'ally 'mportEd for previous week. Phone ()l4l 332 95l3 for i 2. Microcosmos ( PG) 2.30. 9. I 5. details and times. these screenings. G/asgow: GFT. (\JJClilllFlillld t'imels. F I u i Kolya (PG) 4.30. 7.00 .J\'e\v 'l‘iliiiEduelto tipL‘ll on l‘i'i 23: Edinburgh; Fjlmhouse, . CW .l ms t ue 0 open on rt _.: } H ung e ung et ’(i) t ' BeaVis And Butthead Do America ( l2) 3 MONDAY 26 MAY Beavis And Butthead Do America ( 12) Hamlet Kenngth Brfanaghhs eplc' Space Truckers ( I2) : 1. Margaret’s Museum ( l5) l.l5. 8.45. comp 93? ve’i'onp the S. akeSpeaie Taxi Driver ( 13) 3.15. I play receives its first SCOttISh screening , _ , 3 Portrait Of A Lady ( 12) 5.45. in the 70mm format, seen so far only in to Fllm Llstlflgs l 2. Microcosmoso’m 2.30. 9.l5. ()0 Paisley Road opposite Harry London’s West End~ Edinburgh; i Kolya (PG) 4.30. 7.00. Ratiis-tleti‘s.()i4i 4l80lll. FHmhouse [Dl indicates that wheelchair access is TUESDAY 27 MAY i) will ills-()lléil‘lilaz’?“ ._. available‘ "wig". pm" nouflca.t'°'i is 1. Margaret's Museum I I5) I30. Student/[1340: £3. ('hiltl/t ).»\P: £2.50. lii'i tk Sat late: midnight. athsable. [E] Indicates the availability ; ~ . . . . . ~ ~- w ~— ' ~ a s - of an induction '00 f th I 3.30. . Stipeiioi seats tiiocoiics). L4. )5 (£3. /5 ' .\lon»-lhuis. 1-50. 3.l5. 0.00. 9.00. convenience in p- or -: t Fuzzy Eogic ( I5) 000. liei‘ot'e 5pm). All statttlattl seats £2 hei'ore f The Relic ( l5) 0 earmg a' use!“ Portrait 01A Lady ( l2) 8.00. K iiooi) Sgittll'tla}. l';iiiiil_\' ticket ;l\;lllill‘lt‘. l'ii‘i Still: 1.45. 4.|5. 0.45. 9.30. AMIPM is not iven in Film Listin s. l 2' M'Cr°(.°Sm°Sll:(” 330' 912' H" (V 34" lillk‘i '“ldllli—‘l‘l- _ 12.15isbetwegen noon and1pm.g Kolya (PO) 4.30. .00, :RiDAY 1,3 THURSDAY 22 . Nina—Thurs: 1:30. 4.00. 0.30. 9.l5. . . . i I . . High School High ( I5) 0030 " between "“dmght and ‘am' i WEDNESPAYfZB MAY Llar Llar l l2) s l-"ri-~Stin: t.45. 3.45. 5.45. 7.45. t0.00. Dmur f . . t 1. Portrait 0 A Lady ( )2) 1.45. in suit: 12.15. 2.30. 4,45. 7,00. 7.30. ; Mon fi‘iitit-s; (.45 3.45. 5.45. 7.45. place 0: 39655233323?ng33%;?" Margarets Museum l I5) 445. 0.45. 9.l5. 9.45. ; 9.45. ' : 8.45.. l‘ri & Sat late: midnight. ; When We Were Kings (PG) MAT refers to an additional matinee 2. MICTOCOSI‘I‘IOS(l’(i) 2.30. 9.l5. .\lott 'l‘ltttt-s: 12.45. Hit). 5. I5. 7.00, l lift-Still: L00. 3. l5. 5.30. 7.45. I000. screening, starting before 6pm, I KOIYa (PG) 4.30. 7.00. 9.l5. 9.45. l~'i'i & Sat late: midnight. Scream l l8) Moii-A'l'htirs: l.l5. 3. l5. 5. l5. 7.30. EVE refers to an additional evening 3 THURSDAY 29 MAY l't'l Sun: I45. 4. I5. 0.45. 9.30. t 9.45. screening. a 1. Margaret's Museum ( I5) 130. (It-i .v Sat late: titttlnigltt. ; Romeo And Juliet ( I2) . O . l 3.30. 845. Mon 'ritttts; I30. 400 (.30. 9. i5. , Daily: 5.45. LATE refers to an additional late-night i If . . .4 I5) 545. Donnie Brasco ( l8) l)ail_v (except Sat—Sun & Tue) tnats: screening, starting after 10.30pm. I 2. Microcosmos (PG) 230. 9. I 5. ' liri mat: 12.45. 3 I245. 3. I 5. . KOlYa (PG) 4.30. 7.00. l-‘ri Sun: 330. 0.15. 9. l 5. The Return Of The Jedi (U)

34 THELIST 16—29 May 1997