:Soapbox Fag-ash Dot is back, but what have

the Easties got to hide? Should we suspect Fo wler-pla y?

w)" r- 1: t‘ i :»i ".21: vznunpliy x " m». (.1 ' tifu:"~.""! seem llke .; " . ’1" \H‘ I St “(3.? t‘ :3 . ‘. ' '22-: "z." tut 3.1.“) C" tut '- 2 '4‘ :t. .'-‘ ..ere (Its-U» It) ft 't" V" '12'.1'l[‘{""‘t§ iii: Of 1". It" 't‘v" "n Eas Enders it M “teri'Q-r‘t} ft: xet- ‘3?th the‘; z'. ".\ " "eterzttvns I t ' 'f’t' "‘f V";!t" ’)(""l E. ' ' ' 't '1} I'HI‘ ‘_:‘ " . " ' i‘tzfl-d "‘ x ' '3‘ t " /‘ ert W I ' . :ir' '. :0th l" t: . w' ' " xt ‘» ‘r it ' ‘1 ' :17 f tr' z" t I "I I ' 1? \ . I \ r r(: 9“ I,“ " w v t :. 3w m r' ' - 1 an in “w u' ' . _" ' l ') \ : : .: " A : ruht v I A\.( ' ..' )‘ , ' ,\\: \:; 7 22.1’ ‘: ~tz'ti t ' t : ' ‘Pit- :v‘ :t t'. - t-t “‘ ht" I q, u ~l‘ ,‘f‘ 0' -' \ t:‘ r '.t '1 ' "t" ". Y' ' v' \{r ,)f\ ' "K ' X‘) . ' ' ; MT 1" . H g , ' t‘ \. « K. L ' " "-‘. ’T v ' " " f' ' 171' I 1‘ 0 1'1»

Cottoning on: Dot gets the 9055

86 THELIST. '1 '



The Eurovision Song Contest 1997

BBC 1, Sat 3 May, 8pm

Tetry Wann hosts hls seventeenth Ellf(7‘.’/§I(')'7 50/70 Contest as Katrina And The Waves fxnht II out for Queen and teuntry Jonathan Knnr: says 'Katnm And The \N’ax'es' entrv 1% one nf the mnst (att hy, anthemu‘, mm;- aln'tn, f:’)( Ix, pep ret‘er'ds In yearx and t)

demi tort t ‘\..:?T t (Net/VALE mil

guttxnts' my the French, tierrnans,


Belnmm anti the test (‘1'

At-pthe'ttty, 1f trehnti me. an m then

It’Tt‘t‘Y.IttU\-\ttf‘.t.’\. ..’hl {,1‘ 211‘ 9243! tmnu‘npt xznt'e the U ' MINI 1 "."2'

EN ‘nree hax New J'Htte-I t"-’-

191.3".I‘. 0' s'i-nzettnnn

{\Jettzer‘mna entry e. tatkn’i thenmrvi

Heett t; u; 'Tlltt' \'.’h!\ h t' HM! ate‘ .i\ it.

One Hm, Tune Anymzwe’

Uf‘.:t,‘f’.t.‘"~.:tt’!y’, It “('th J: {Ham}?! 1' 0.

Scotland - What Next?


uepend m n mutt nag-gun! 1g: t-t

elettzun rtznht, thus xizxt male!) n" the

t ‘m‘! 'nttue, t.. atmi m, “emu: 'UM‘MHDy, \.'.I1l)t'ti'1t’i.'H t HM. (3- :|-'

‘.'.~th :amed ha; Hex tint: \y"\::ex t'nm 21!

Grumpy Old Men

Scottish, F.7Cri ‘3 8. {cos K" n H 4' :\'-‘\. 1" . ‘1... 1': v ' : 'w.;tt . t a t. v ~ VI It I( u" "\v\'\)?, ' I, K,"‘L’:)

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itt'nt the runes ;'\. tat; mm the ' .2'! " 1‘":}'it7r‘.u1 ".srex NH!" flu

.v\(;v:)',‘\ 4111',

The Simpsons: The Crepes Of Wrath

2, '1'” ) -I|J\', '_)|.-r‘-t 133:1‘.‘1'.t">;1:'{,‘f"!‘1“:t' W2" : I I .' (.11‘1“1’ iv Pfir . I ’g I, . ' .."--.'"t"" 1‘ ..I h I t' t ft\)v\v\f\ " V r ' .1 In ‘Pxxx (_ ,;.' t “, It): '3 v Q” '3... . e' t ‘.\'I: h' ’3 « myth-t.“ ; tern, 'etw '~--»:\,e'

HER-q»; it“? :I-ej'htxfl ...‘.t,\

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,3 tt-r native made «"4" 9: (yer Snubq'h \VCA 7 O 51'. 8.x,“

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“(f-:11"! Bea." ;~><~'-;s;1gz~)“"v:am: 'tmqeii, The'e'x find“: :3 'A'.e and the Cut (2‘ his eiw‘ts Tends tr: we unuSuaHy tt<;t‘,t F-fQOI it"s hittitie

“pixel, here's the Indy“ sglfllt‘tén Clvxt : .'


three-em ter

The Lying Game BBC ~~ ~ ->

8 J", 41“,

t t t, t t

Jonathan Creek BBthtOtfiav

A ('erpse Inateruailsueq In x: !n< kezt' ‘t’élt'tiltflbP? A sthnnlgm vanishtnn thrennh a Frenth wrnttnw‘ don't tw/w'.re st,' yen try Yet the new senei by Dawn Rent'mik, (renter n: One for): in The Gar/e, v; at! about the .nexphmhle, Renx'ntk'x former work untimes it ;‘-n.'e-wnnm; Anatna Lhnstle adaptation; and he loves G K Chesterten‘a Mm ENTRY/'1 \ICr'Ds, of wch he says ’Fav mnre tttIIIQUIHt] than trying to guess the identity (3 the 'nnrtterer t5 trytnn In fathern nut how the < rune - whtt'h appetm physuz'aify :r‘.i;‘-()‘,‘_»"tI-lt" (euld ever hswe been (‘nnwnttter't '

The Pile marque: e, fine mtwmi-z'nuektnn (It‘HIUB heiulnd a flamboyant lilnslnnlst

time 9w.

her uinnnd exposes

aha/tux: stand—up content/m ALW {Le/tea MM Cmelme

wht; thrust.) Hunt-'1 I’tl‘." .3! Lad“; ‘.!«1t,‘“H(Hl n

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