MUSIC folk & world
FOLK & WORLD: MON ‘12 continued Edinburgh
I Javanese Gamelan Sessions Music Suite. Chessel's Land. Moray House. 6.30—8.30pm. Information Neil Houston. 558 6007.
I Riverdance Playltouse Theatre. Greenside Place. 7.30pm. See Edinburgh. Fri 3. for ticket information.
I Jim Knight Canon's Gait. Canongate. 556 4481. 9pm. Free. Folk singer attd pals.
I Better Crack Club Clutlta Vaults. Stockwell Street. 8pm. Donation. Storytelling club hosted by Ewait McVicar.
I Edinburgh Songwriter's Showcase Tron Ceilidh House Cellar Bar. 8.30pm. £1 (performers free). anuiries 228 8245.
I Riverdance Playhouse. Theatre. Grcenside Place. 7.30pm. See Edinburgh. Fri 3. for ticket information.
I Javanese Gamelan Sessions Music Suite. Chessel‘s l.and. Moray House. 6.30—8.30pm. lnforntatiott Neil Houston. 558 6007.
I Dick Gaughan The Ferry. Clyde Place. 552 0588. 8pm. £9.50 (£8.50 iii advance). The virtuoso Scottish folk troubador’s enduring message remains the same: Socialism aitd song. Tickets iii advance from Glasgow Ticket Centre. Candleriggs. 227 5511. I’arl of 1W ayfc's'l .
I Eleven Elves Scotia Bar. Stockw ell Street. 552 8681. 9 )1". Free.
I Weekly Scots Fiddle Workshops Govan Parish School. Cornwall Street. Kittitiiig Park. 7.3(l—-‘).3Upltl. £4 (£1.50) Information 636 I450. Iain Fraser leads the season of worksltops on Scots aiid Cape Breton fiddle styles. for ntore advanced players: other tutors lead the beginners and intermediate levels.
I Taigh na Gaidhlig Concert and Dance St Bride's Centre. ()rwell Terrace. Dalry Road. 7.30pm. £7 (£51. lslibel MacAskill of ilte beautiful voice leads pei'foriiters front Scotland. Wales. aitd North aitd South America. Organised by the Celtic. Scottish Stttdies aitd SCottish History Departments of Edinburgh University.
I Bente Kure Edinburgh Folk Club. Pleasaitce Cabaret Bar. The Pleasattce. 332 7067. 8pm. £4 (£31. A return visit by the entertaining young woman front Denmark. performing songs iit Danish aitd English. Etttries for the Annual EFC Songwriting Competition on 4 June. ittust be witlt the secretary by 21 .May. Information 652 147 I.
I Riverdance Playhotise Theatre. Greenside Place. 7.30pm. See Edinburgh. Fri 3. for ticket infortttatioit.
I The Govan Spoonful New Daw it Folk Club. Glasgow Press Club. West Regent Street. 332 1674. 8pm. £3--£5. Top ceilidlt band also siitg and perform a concert set.
I Eden La Belle Angele. Cowgate. 225 7536. 10pttt—3am. £6. Skye's Peatbog Faeries feature live (it the club w itlt lights. drummers. masks. face painting and live band in tribal/Celtic dance groove. Supporting DJ. See Music preview.
I Riverdance Playhouse Theatre. Greenside Place. 7.30pm. See Edinburgh. Fri 3. for ticket information.
82 TIIELIST 2—15 May 1997
classical &
opera listings
Concerts are listed by date, then by city. Classical 8: Opera Listings compiled by Alan Morrison.
I Nemo Brass Quintet Stevenson Hall. RSAMD. 100 Renfrew Street. 332 5(157. lpltt. £2.50 (£1.50). The group plays music by I.utoslawski. Bach. Michael Berkeley. Grainger. Kerry Turner attd Gershw in. A free brass enseittblc masterclass follows at 2.30pm iit the
I The Marriage 0i Figaro l’leasatice Theatre. The Pleasance. 650 2423. 7pm. £7 (£4) at the door. Edinburgh I’niversity ()pera perform Mozart's masterpiece of musical delights aitd inter-class satire. David McNally directs: James White is musical director.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Steven lsserlis Mae Robert Arts Centre. University of Stirling. 01786 461081. 8pm. £12 (£‘).5()/£6). Acclaimed cellist Steven Isserlisioins the SC() aitd conductor Mark Wigglesworllt for Shostakovich's (iv/la ('rrm'r’rlu A’u /. The rest of the programme includes two popular symphonies - l’rokofiev's Syrup/tony No / t (Tantra/'1 and Beethoven's Syrup/mar Mi 3' I "limit (1').
I Xerxes New Atlteitaeuiit Theatre. RSAMI). 100 Renfrew Street. 7.15pm. £5 (£3) front RSAMD Box ()ffice (332 5057) aitd .‘ylayfest Hotline (287 5000). Handel's ‘anti-Itei'oic' comedy opera balances humour and heartbreak. irony aitd intrigue iii this production by the RSAMI) ()pera Department. Nigel \k’arrington returns to the Academy as director and Catherine Mackintosh makes her debut conducting an opera. Part of .IIav/evi.
Edinburgh I The Marriage Of Figaro l’leasancc
Theatre. The l’leasaitce. 650 2423, 7pm £7 (£4) at the door. See Fri 2.
I Samson And Delilah l'estly al Theatre. Nicolson Street. 52‘) 6000. 7.15pm. £9 £45 (£7 £42l. I-or tlte first time. Scottish ()pera present Saint- Sa'ens's version of the ()1d 'l'estantettt story about slavery. rebellion. passion atid batl hair days. Antony McDonald doubles as both director aitd designer for a production conducted by Frederic Cltasliit. The leads are sung by acclaimed Aiiterican singers .Mark l.undbei'g attd Carolyn Sebi'on. Stiitg iit l-renclt w itlt English stipei'titles. See l'L‘\lc\\.
I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra (ireyfriars Kirk. (irey friars l’lace 7.30pm. Price (be from Mr A Myers. 30 Morttiitgside Park or at the door. Alasdair Mitcltell conducts the orchestra 111 Sibelius's Svni/t/ionv A}; /. Strauss's Four Last Songs (with .laitet dc \'tgitel aitd Wagner's ()l'c’l'llll't’.' Die .l/t'rvtci viliet'rv. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Steven lsserlis Queen's- llall. Clerk Street. 668 20“) (credit card hotline 667 7776). 7.45pm. £4.50—£17 (Ht/£3.50). See Fri 2.
I Trio Serenata Burrell Collection. Pollokshaws Road. 331 1854. 2.30pm. £5 (£3.50) front 0| 355 302869 or at the door. Soitg. dance aitd poetry combine in a special Sounds of Scotland charity concert itt aid of LEPRA.
I Choral Evensong St Mary 's Cathedral. 300 Great Western Road. 33‘) 6691. 6.30pm. Free. .A traditional service
ofevensoitg given by the Cltoir of St Mary's Cathedral with Stuart Muir playing the organ. This evening's concert features music by Bruckner. Howells and Mendelssohn. l’ari (grannies-r.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Steven lsserlis Queen‘s Hall. Clerk Street. 668 201‘) (credit card Itotline 667 7776). 3pm. £4.50 £|0 (cones on the day). Cellist Steven lsserlis continues his weekend visit to Scotland playing front the Russian repertoire. This afternoon concert features Tchaikoy sky's .-ilIt/tllll(’ Cantabile and Souvenir De Flore/ire aitd Arenskv's Quartet No 2.
I Napier University Concert Band St Giles Cathedral. Hiin Street. 6pm. Free. The Edinburgh students play music by Sltostakoviclt. Grainger. Russell Bennett and Frederick Ft'ayling-Kelly.
I Scottish Sinfonia (ireyfriais Kirk. Greyfriars Place. 7.45pm. £6.50 (£6/£4) frotit Queen's Hall (box office 668 201‘). credit card hotline 667 7776). Usher Hall (228 1155). Assembly Rooms. King‘s Theatre (220 4343)) and at the door. The orchestra. conducted by Neil Mantle. closes its season with Beethoven's Svnrp/iaiiv Na 6 ( 'l’asiaral'l. Walton's ()l'r’l’llll'c’.‘ l’m‘ti‘mollI/l l’at'iil. Sibelitts's dark arid moody Syrup/tony Na 7 and Slrauss‘s‘ ‘l‘ll/ Fulani/Hegel.
I Xerxes New .-\tltenaeuiit 'l'lteati'e. RSAMI). 100 Renfrew Street. 7.15pm. £5 (£3) front RSAMD Ho's ()fftce (332 5(l571aitd Mayfest Hotline (287 5000). See Sat 3. l’ar! a/flllav/mr.
I Musica Electronica Concert Hall. University of (ilasgow. 330 4092.
1 15pm. Free. A concert featuring electi'o-acoustic music selected front international festivals. pri/es and studios around lhe world. prepared attd diffused by final year students of the Bling ll':lt‘clr()lllc‘s With Music) course on special sound diffusion equipiitcnl.
I Rachmaninov Trio Hutches-oil‘s Hall. 2 John Street. l.l5pnt. £2 on the door. The threesome play Raclnitanntov’s I‘m A}; 2 in I) (ii/inn:
I Linn Choir City Hall. Albion Street. 7.30pm. £4.50 from 'l'icket Centre (287 55l l l and May fest Hotline (287 50001. The (ilasgow based cltoii combines forces with the visiting (to-strong lliglllield Male \'oice (ditdl. for a \\ ide- ranging concert which includes sacred and operatic groups. folk songs. spirituals and a selection from law ,l/ixer'a/t/et. I’ar! Ill .l/tH/t’tf.
I Electra-Acoustic Music Rent Concert Hall. Bristo Square. 650 242 3. l.|0pm. l't'ee. Students from the l'ittyersity of Edinburgh's Faculty of Music present a concert of colilclllt‘ot'ttl'} electroacoustic
I Samson And Delilah Theatre Royal. Hope Street. 332 (1000 7.15pm.
£3.50 £45. Sec Sat 3. I’M/'1 of .UtH/r'yl. I Xerxes New .-\theitaeum 'l‘healrc. RSAMI). 100 Renfrew Street. 7.15pm. £5 (£3) front RSAMD Ho\ Office (332 5057) aitd May fest Hotline (287 50001. See Sat 3. l’tll‘l or .l/at'rt'sl.
I Gothenberg Cathedral Choir St Giles' Cathedral. lliglt Street. 12.15pm. Free. The visiting Sw ediin choir presents a short lunchtime recital.
I One Voice Ensemble Queen‘s Hall. Clerk Street. 668 2(ll‘) (credit card hotline 667 77761.7.45pm.£7 (£3.50/schoolchildreit free). Titled 'l'iom Russia With l.o\ e'. this concert of 20th century music doesn't star James Bond.
btit you can spy Part. Sltostakoviclt. Marina Adatttia arid Katia Tchemberdgi.
I Lunchtime Concert Concert Hall. University ofGIasgow. 3304092. 1.15pm. Free. Glasgow University students Stephen Broad (piano). Seren Beckett (clarinet) and Julia Lynch (piano) showcase their talents.
I Academy Now! Stevenson Hall. RSAMI). 100 Renfrew Street. 7.30pm. £5 (£3) front RSAMD Box Office and Mayfest Hotline (287 5000). A three- coitcert exploration ofelectro-acoustic atid cabaret music begins with Berio's /.(l/’(ll'lrllll.\' II. pieces by Joseph Hyde aitd Trevor Wishan. and the premiere of a new work by Audrey Mackie. Alistair MacDonald is sound projectionist and Richard Jeffcoat conducts. Pair of Mar/22H.
I Organ Recital St Giles‘ Cathedral. High Street. 1.10pm. Free. Timothy Byram-Wiglield plays Bach's Fantasia (l’it"t'¢'1)'()reitt') aitd pieces by Bohm. Mendelssohn. Huntperdinck. Racltntattinov and Prokofiev.
I Academy Now! Stevenson Hall. RSAMD. 100 Renfrew Street. lpitt. £2.50 (£1.50) front RSAMD Box Office (332 5057) aittl Mayfest Hotline (287
' 5000). Peter Ittness conducts Academy
Now! and the Voices of Acadetity Now! iii a lunchtime concert that combines (ierman cabaret music by Kurt Weill with contemporary electro-acoustic pieces by Michael Brawley arid Graham Hair. l’arl
: or May/est. ; I Junior Academy Competitions
Guinness Rooiit. RSAMD. 100 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 5.30pm. Free. Young student musicians compete for the Gilbert litness Prize for Brass and the Nan Christie Memorial Prize for Strings.
I Xerxes New Atltenaeum Theatre. RSAMI). 1(10 Renfrew Street. 7.15pm. £5 (£3) front RSAMD Box Office (332 5057) and Mayfest Hotline (287 50001. See Sat 3. Par! of .Ilavrt'sl.
I Academy Now! Stevenson llall.
RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 7.30pm. £5 (£31 from RSAMD Box Office (332 50571 aitd Mayfest Hotline (287 50(10).
There's a jax/y theme to this Iinal concert
111 llte Acadeitty Now! Festival. as David Davies conducts works by Milhaud. lidward McGuire. Marlin Butler. Mark Anthony Turnage attd Sltostakoviclt. l’ari
tl/3/(It'ft'tl. . I Glasgow Philharmonic Male Vorce
Choir City Hall. Albion Street. 7.30pm. £6 frotit Ticket Centre (287 551 l ) aitd May fest lloiliite (287 5000). (iilbert and Sullivan. Cole Porter. lilgar. Burtts and
' spirituals all feature iii this concert under
new conductor David Hamilton. Soprano Irene Drumitiond is guest soloist. /’ari of .l/mft'yr.
I Song Players Reid Concert Hall. Brislo Square. 7.30pm. £6 (£31 from Queens Hall (668 201‘); credit card hotline 667 7776). Edinburgh liniversity Faculty of Music (650 2423) and at the door. The four-strong enseittble ~ soprano. bass viol. harpsichord. theorbo aitd lute play music by Cavalli. Monteverdi. l-i‘escobaldi. Purcell. Blow aitd others.
I Charity Concert St John's Clturclt. Princes Street. 7.30pm. £6 (£4/£l ) ftom Scottish Refugee Council. 43 Brotightoit Street. Edinburgh. EH! 3] U; One World Shop. St John's Church: attd at the door.
To mark tlte 200th anniversary of
Schubert's birth. the Edinburgh Singers perform the composer's .llaii' in Aflar. with soloists Karen l-latttilton. Katrine Towitltill. Ashley Turnell. Philip Blackledge. and organist lain ()gg. The concert also features the Quintessence Wind Quintet playing Schubert's