The People Show: wired for sound. vision and bike-mounted cameras
People Show 103 Glasgow: CCA, Fri 9/Sat 10 May.
Way back at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the flourishing 60s counter- culture produced assorted free-form entertainers, who channelled the philosophies of the times into all manner of zany, often spontaneous performances. And so Happenings were born, rooted in dada and subversive in intent.
In Britain, there was The People Show, a noisy collective of artists and mUSicians who included Jeff Nuttall — author of Bomb Culture, one of the most important factual accounts of the time -- among their ranks. A continual company identity was created, free of perceived expectations and loose enough to embrace new energies. Their shows were Simply titled by number: 30 years on we're at People Show 703. But the times, they are a- changing.
'A lot of the older people are getting fed up of being on the road, so the company's constantly changing,’ says Bruce Gilchrist, who first worked With veteran members like George Khan on Peop/e Show 700. ’George’s great loves are cycling and Jazz, so the day we arrive in each town we put a camera on George’s bike and see what happens. Onstage, George comes together With DaVid Gilchrist, whose roots are in electronica. We also overlay v0ice recordings of life prisoners talking about their
Italian Bar and Bistro
285 Sauchiehall Street
. Glasgow 62 3HQ
0141 332 2272
incarcerated environment onto the more localised stuff. There's a lot of live cameras there, too, which is mixed live, as is a sound-jam which we do with local musicians. ’
These juxtapositions create a fragmented narrative on liberty and containment, and functions more as an installation than theatre. ’lt’s not totally reliant on the human presence,’ says Gilchrist, who sees the use of hi-tech as a natural progression. 'Jeff Nuttall said it actually reminded him of the very early days,’ says Gilchrist, ’and we are working towards the same ends. The People Show have always said they’ve survived this long because there’s never been a hard and fast ideology, and we're usmg a different language is all.’ (Neil Cooper)
"A whole lot more than great theatre.
Bars/ Restaurant 0141 552 8587
Box Office 0141 552 4267
preview MAYFEST
thur 15m Silencers
fn' 1cm Pearlfishers with Swiss Family Orbison (acoustic)
sat 17th Ezio
sat 17th Adagio Cabaret w Experience with the Meditemms, Boudoir and a host of sophisticated tum's sat 24a: Big Vem ‘n' the Shootahs
in- 2nd Soul Sisters with Horse, Mary Kiani, Lorna Brooks + gliests Strange Fruit and Phar Out present
Deep Six & The Psychonaughts l-lumpff Family Carol Laula
thur 8th Rounder Records Rolling Blues Revue
Tartan Amoebas plus late Ceilidh
.sat 10th An White & lac ie Leven
sun 25th "'9 Jazz
3m WoletLeigiiton
sun 4th + more
8pm Hue and Cry fri 30th Ceilidh
sat 31st Counselled Out ‘ Club
4% CElLlDll Every Ride in April on the erry For ticket information call
0141 552 0588 (renfrew ferry)
0141 227 5511 (ticket centre) tickets subject to booking fee
wed 7th
sat 10th Club Rumba with
® Salsa Celtica
and DJ Simon Hodge (Club Latino) wed 14th Dick Gaughan
I 00 “aux of
at Broomloan Depot, Robert Street, (iovan, Glasgow (close to Govan Underground Station)
0 See how the Underground is run behind the scenes.
0 Control Room &Workshop visits ° Rides and interactive displays.
° Full programme of entertainment -
for all the family.
' Children's fun and activities.
()l’l \ l|\\l-3l’\l
° Souvenirs, stalls and sales items. \lrifllfisltn \m I l L). O . i mil \ L3 °Tickets available from Glasgow ( H” I)“ “V l 88”“ , I
Hillhead, St Enoch and Buchanan Bus Station Travel Centres from 24 May and from all Underground Stations on | June.
2-—is May 1997 THE LIST 21
°Ticket includes Underground transport to and from the Open Day.