
This section gives details of special selected events taking place within Edinburgh and Glasgow and around the central belt this fortnight.

Listings are compiled by date, lace

etnphasis is placed on children. and

Magic Bob. the Starl .ab and Space Shovv

and the Science l’layeentt'e are sure to keep thetn fascinated. Matty events and

exhibitions are free vv ith others starting at

just El. See feature.

All Formats Computer Fair iVleadovvhank Stadiutn. London Road. 661 535l. 10am-3pm. £4 (£2). Whether computers are your hobby or just tools lot’ education or business. this is art essential event. Savings are promised on nevv and second-hand equipment vv ith a vast range ol‘C‘l) RUM titles available.

.-\tlllllSSl0II is £2 alter 2pm vv hile the event is liree all day to disabled vvheelchair tisers.

mum— Edinburgh One World Festival See l‘ri . 2|. Edinburgh ,

Edinburgh One World Festival \‘ai-ions Glasgow

venues. into: 22o 4 W2. l'ntil Sun 2“.

Tile lic'SllMIl lt';tc‘llc'\ llS c‘ltlslllfJ \l.l:_'c'\ All Formats Computer Fair The Time (‘apsttle. (‘oatbridgtn “1230449572. See

and then event. Listings compi ed by Brian Donaldson.

vvith a l‘att 'l‘tatle l-ormn. Sli.-\l) (‘onletenco \lillc‘dll mnsic atid dance and

l'esti\al ot l'atths ('ill the mtornia'ion Sat 22.

line roi- lull details. Edinburgh One World Festival See Ian 2 l.


Renfrew 500 \ZntotIs venues. into; ill-ll

Shh l‘)‘)7. l'ntil .il l)ec .»\ vear—long

celebration to mark Renl'reiv‘s status as a Glasgow

No Place Like Home Brel. Ashton lane. 342 4966. 7pm. l‘ree. The Talking Shop returns to Brel vv ith speakers ll'Ulll Shelter and The li’ie /.vv.:n' asking questions such as -\v'haI delines a honie'.’ llovv do people becotne homeless'.’ l)oes giving money help‘.’ The Talking Shop provides a place l'or people to discttss and learn about a topic in ati iiil‘ortnal environment vvhile eschevving atiy notions that simple solutions can ever be Ic‘ac‘lic‘tl.


Morningside Justice and Peace Group ‘)pen Door, Morningside Road. 445 l(i2t\‘/22‘) 1020. [0.30 ll..‘s()atti. 50p. During the autumn atid spring months. this group meet every Wednesday morning as an open l'oruni to discuss issues of local. national atid international

Royal Burgh vv ill see the good people ol' the tovvn sharing many platl'orms vv itlt various atttstes in celebration ol‘ their ovvti talents. achievements atid heritage. This litll'llllg‘ill'S events include a Sugarcratt Demo and Display tSun 23). Jump ltito Spring tWed 3m attd liaster ligg Picnic tSttn it)».

SATURDAY 22 Edinburgh

Edinburgh International Science Festival Various venues. inl'o: 22ll (i220. l'ntil (i :\l‘l'll. This science shindig is the vvoi’ld's largest public event devoted to the celebration ol all the things that most kids hated at school. .\'ovv thotigli. you can \ tstt a Doll Disease C‘hntc. attend talks on road rage. sex. crime and cancer or discover the secrets ol the theatre. The


BATTLE OF STIRLING BRIDGE 7OOTH ANNIVERSARY Various venues, info: 01786 401297. William Wallace’s famous victory at the Battle of Stirling Brid e in 1297 was a defining moment in the moulding of the Scottish

ps c e. 700 years on, Stirling marks the event with a 23-week long

ce ebration of the town's past, present and people. A mix of sport, colour, music, theatre, noise and fun will reach its dramatic conclusion with an outdoor spectacular and a stunning new exhibition exploring the legend of Wallace himself.

SATURDAY 29 Edinburgh Scottish Wildlife Trust Guided Walk Bavvsinch and l)uddingston Loch Wildlife Reserve. llolyrood Park. info: 332 6296. ii (50p). ()ne ol~ the UK's rarest birds. the Bittern. is currently vvintering on a reed bed in the Reserve's hide. The reserve is also home to breeding vvinterl'ovvl. small ponds. goose green and vvoodlands. which contain examples of every single species ol' tree indigeneous to the UK. European Baton Twirling Funny 28 Championships See l‘l’l 2.2

Edinburgh lnverness European Baton Twirling The Scottish CD and Record Fair Championships Meadovvbank Stadium. (.‘aledonian Hotel. Church Street. into: l.ondon Road. on] 535 l, Today sees the 014] 954 093 l. l()am—~5pm. L'l. This start of an event vvhere the Scots have a massive roadshovv' makes it into its better than even chance ol gaining second year vvilh the promise ol honours. Strange. l knovv. See photo collectors. dealers and fans from across caption. litirope getting their kicks l‘rotn

. . discovering or selling that elusive ratitv. Stirling '

otsurtneeridgevwm mm:-

Anniversary Various venues. into: . Edinburgh

01786 4l)l2‘)7. l'ntil ()ct 9. September is the 700th anniversary ol‘ William The Scottish CD and Record Fair Wallace's victory at Stirling Bridge. Roxbttrghe llotel. Charlotte Square. See Today sees the launch of a series ol‘ Sat 2‘).

European Baton Twirling

events attd exhibitions iii and around Stirling vvhich will reach a lt‘Vc‘l'c‘tl height Championships See liri 28. Aberdeen

oti the actual anniversary date. | I September. See photo caption. Aberdeen Antiques and Collectors Dundee Market Stakis .-\berdeen Tree Tops Planetarium Evening Mills Hotel. Springlield Road. into: 0122-1 ()bservatory. Balgay Park. 01332 3|3377. 10.30am 4pm. Ll (tree). 435846. 7. l5pm. 8pm. 8.45pm. liree. Scotland‘s premier antique lair March is a big month for lovers ol' the celebrates its 2 l st year vv ith more than skies. with a partial eclipse ol~ the Moon 50 exhibitors l‘rom all over the country iii the early hours ol‘ 24 March. The appearing. 'l‘housands ol‘ antiques vvill Moon vvill enter the main part of the be on display including (ieorgian. liarth‘s shadovv at 2.58am with the lidvvardian arid Victorian l'urniture. maximum eclipse happening at 4.39am. poetry and porcelain. rugs and carpets. at vvhich point ()2 per cent of the Moon's medals and militaria. \\ atereoiours. books and ievvellery

disc vvill be in shadovv. The Moon sets iii the vv est as the eclipse comes to art end at Edinburgh

()2 I am. For tonight‘s entertainment there

vv ill be the opportunity. vveather Edinburgh Greenpeace Campaigning Group See Wed 12.

importance. ’l’oday's heated debate is entitled 'Priorities in Health Care led by Janet Kells. Director oi(‘ottittiissioning at l.othian Health.

Edinburgh Greenpeace Campaigning Group Bannertnan’s Bar. Covv-gate. inl'o: 557 5204. 8pm. Free. With current campaigns on the go such as the proposed Nirex nuclear vvaste dump at Sellalield. the introduction ol genetically modified organisms and the development of the solar povver industry iii the l‘K. the group vvill be happy to greet new members.

EUROPEAN BATON TWIRLING CHAMPIONSHIPS Fri 28—Sun 30. Meadowbank Stadium, Edinburgh, 661 5351. This is an activity in which the Scots can claim to be among the to nations. Our baton twirlers are the favourites, along with England, Ho land and France. The other competing nations are Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Slovenia and Germany, With the event composed of solo and pairs action. This annual tournament is split into age groups with six to nine being the youngest category and Sixteen-plus the oldest. Check with the venue for times.

permitting. l'or vievvs oI~ (‘oniet llale- Bopp and Mars through the main telescope.

80 THE LIST 2‘. Lia: - 3 Apt l'st'sti