BACARDI Rum/The List Unsigned Scottish Band Search

The Lemon Tree shook, the bands rocked and BACARDI Rum supplied their own brand of party spirit. However, to paraphrase Christopher Lambert in Highlander, ‘There can be only one winner.’

Words Jonathan Trew

Ding, drng' Setonds out and rts round two of the BACA DI Rum/The Lrst Unsrgned Stettrsh Band seartlr rn Aberdeen And what a brurstng battle rt was, wrth all frye bands putting rn every last ounte of prz'zazz rn the fight for the glrtter'rng prrze purse offered by BACARl‘ti Rum, Sound Control and Qtudros Competztmn strff and all t'rs'e of the hands «Tarttrrrrrr touldn't make It, went at rt l‘rt'jl


unlortunateiy) or leather

Bagsy lurked off the night rn frne style, romrng on lrke The Beach Boys r,‘ they'd route from North East Stotlattd Instead of Californra Azi la-la-la harrnonrsrng and brg party Bagsy prompted somethrng of a tru'; frenzy among the (rowd, as ~.'.re|i as a loud yor al Stlt‘lfilli that (onttnzred long


nils lotgren

mon 21 april cottier' theatre, glasgow

after they’d left the stage Blatant butterrng-up of BACARDI Rum drd no harm to the Bagsy cause and they delrvered such an enthusraStrC performance that one Judge was strrred to compare them to Teenage Eanclub meets Cast Frye-prece Amoeba Red displayed a tethnrcally stunnrng delrvery of the:r brand Of rssue~drryen rock. Strrrrng bagpipes, txwr-handed strrng- hammerrng and swrrlrng keyboards brought rntrt effect to (reate the type of sounds more Commonly heard rn stadrums lf yOu |rl;e Bryan Adams then you'll love thrs The thrrd wave to lrrt the stage tame In the form of The [Datzrntreaders 'We're gorng tr, play a loud Late, a last one and a sad one] t."..".<1tllt;(‘(l leadman John Witt-1h rs exattly what they drd, although no one u uld have predicted that they'd have done rt wrth gurte as murh panathe All four of them seemed tompletely at ease on stage and exuded a rhee'rq, sense of humour y:hr< h sl‘nrrte through all three had a drstrnttty Arrwrrtan ss'ragger tt: them None of the ether ru'lges thought so, prefer‘r‘rrtr_t to use saw-his lrle "ly’ertrrrc',

were all

songs To my :rtrnd, they

sun 4 may cottier theatre, glasgow

. I 2‘ tri 9""&.sa , Oma mean 11 may cottier' tliia'atre' #:Itjlgdfal lyc_eum

glasgow ' TL


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SIIII 11 may cottier theatre BIBSBOW



Winners, The Dawntreaders, and two of the judging panel (second and third from left) gleefully clutch their BACARDI Rum goodies

‘anarchrc’ and 'punchy‘ The words we all agreed on were 'the wrnners'

Fourth to take the floor was the twrn gurtar verve of Easy Dressed to rmpress rn a natty lrne of surts, exrept for the bass player who looked Irke The Edge wearrng some of Cypress Hrll’s duds, Easy mapped out the rocklest ter‘rrtory of the evenrng. Exuberance was therr keypornt With therr frontman dernonstratrng a flarr for bouncrng from one end of the stage to the other rn the shortest trrne of the evenrng

More than any other hand, two-man outfrt Charr embraced the musical possrbrlrtres of computers wrth the greatest passron, mount; a Irttle dollop of Depeche Mode atmosphencs With a bucketlul of the Pet Shop Boys good-

trme sensrbrlrtres

Grven the lacl; of any fat lady srngrng to srgnal the end of proteetllttgs, the Judges toddled upstarrs and :ompared therr somewhat dogeared notepads It didn't need much drsrussron to deude to grve The Dawntrturders the \r-s/rnner's crown and a (,hegue for a hundred smackers and Bagsy, second [)la( e wrth a useful lrfty gurd They both celebrated by talzrng to the stage and bashrng out an anarthrr versron of the theme tune to Cheers Awww

A brg hand of applause to all the bands that took part Congrats to the wmners, comrnrseratrons to the losers and better luck next year.

The third heat takes place at Edinburgh on Thurs 10 Apr.

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Zl Mar ‘r Ara l‘N/THEUST 59