SAC Funding
SAC invites applications for the following funds
Combined Arts
Development and Project Fund
Grants to support arts development, such as festivals and combined arts projects, especially in rural areas and areas of urban deprivation.
Closing dates: 9 August 1997 and 31 January 1998 Minority Ethnic Arts Projects
Grants to encourage the development and promotion of minority ethnic arts projects which involve artists working in the performing arts (music, drama and dance). Support for the work of writers, crafts people and visual artists can also be considered within the context of Overall performing arts programmes.
Closing dates: 9 August 1997 and 16 March 1998
Awards for individual Development
Assistance to makers in Scotland to continue the development of their artistic, technical and business skills and to other appropriate individuals who present crafts, to develop their knowledge of contemporary crafts.
Closing dates: 9 June 1997 and 1 January 1998
(I August daring datefor those seeking assurance to attend the North/ands Creative Glass li’orkrhops and Conference in [abhor [3-26 September I997)
Start-up Grants
Assistance to new crafts people who exhibit a high level of creative and technical skills and who have a viable development plan to establish themselves as makers in Scotland.
Closing dates: 9 June 1997 and 1 January 1998
Indigenous Crafts Development Fund
Support to crafts groups and organisations which present crafts and for projects which promote the awareness and understanding of the indigenous crafts of Scotland. Closing dates: 9 June, 8 September 1997 and
15 February 1998
Lite ratu re
Literary Events
Subsidies towards the cost of a wide range of literary and book events within Scotland.
Closing dates: 11 April, 25 July, 26 September,
7 November 1997 and January 1998
Travel and Research Grants Grants to support professional, Scottish-based vvriters and
translators who require to undertake research, usuallv for a
book. Closing dates: 19 September 1997 and January 1998
Writers' Bursaries Bursaries to enable professional writers and translators to devote more time to writing.
Closing dates: 27 June and 19 December 1997
Performing Arts Genera]
Promoters' “Go and See” Fund
Assistance to enable performing arts promoters to see a wide range of work, with a view to developing programmes in their venues.
Applications considered throughout the year.
Dance Choreographic Development Award
Assistance for initial choreographic development ofan individual‘s or company‘s work.
Closing dates: 2 June, 1 September, 20 October 1997 and January 1998
Dance Bursaries
Assistance to professionals working in dance in Scotland to undertake short-term or part-time training, or a period of study.
Closing dates: 2 June, 1 September and
20 October 1997 and January 1998
Projects by Scottish Dance Companies Assistance for the development of experimental, collaborative new work, the creative development of choreographers and co-prtxiuctions between companies and venues.
Closing dates: 2 June 1997 and January 1998
Scottish Traditions of Dance
Support for residencies, workshops and other projects aimed at promoting and passing on skills within traditional dance.
Closing dates: 2 June and 1 September 1997
Mime Bursaries Bursaries to enable performers to make use of training opportunities in mime to improve and extend their skills.-
Closing date: 5 May 1997
Training and Travel Bursaries: Drama Bursaries to enable theatre practitioners to extend their expertise through short-term or part-time courses, a period of studv or a special project.
Closing dates: Last working day of each month.
Mu sic
Creative Artists' Bursaries
Bursaries to enable individual creative artists working in various musical styles (classical, jam, traditional etc.) to devote time to cTeating new work.
Closing date: 14 April 1997
Performing Material Subsidy
AssistanCe for composers with the cost of preparing materials necessary for the performance of their work - such as copving, reproduction and studio costs.
Closing dates: Last working day of each month
Visual Arts Individuals
Small Assistance Grant to individual Artists (irants of up to £7 50 to assist artists with the smaller. more immediate costs involved in creating and presenting their work.
Closing dates: 1 August, 3 November 1997 and
5 January 1998
British School at Rome SAC Scholarship
To enable an artist to develop his ,"her creativitv by having the opportunity to live and work in the British School at Rome for a period of 9 months.
Closing date: 30 May 1997
Australia Residency
To enable an artist to develop his/her creative development bv having the opportunitv to live and work in Australia for 12 months.
Closing date: 1 May 1997
Visual Arts Organisations/Groups
Exhibitions and Projects
To encourage and support the initiation of innovative exhibitions and other visual projects through support for research fees, project costs, touring costs, critical writing and educational events.
Closing dates: 1 September 1997 and
3 January 1998
Seeded Posts
in develop the infrastructure for the exhibition of v isual arts in Scotland through support for new \isual arts posts. Proposals should be discussed in the vear prior to their
Travel and Training Grants
(irants to assist professionals working in visual arts organisations to travel within Scotland and internationallv for specific purposes relating to their work.
Applications considered throughout the year
Central Funds
Conferences and Seminars
Grants to support and enable attendance at conferences and seminars which address contemporarv issues in and for the arts.
Applications considered throughout the year
Consultancies and Research
Available to arts organisations for consultanq or research commissions and to local authorities for the development of arts plans.
Applications considered throughout the year
The fund aims to help arts organisations to develop a more strategic approach to marketing through support for research and development. staff training in marketing and the development of marketing plans.
Applications considered throughout the year
Training in Arts Management
()pen to organisations and individuals working in the arts. Support for attendance at short courses in arts management and lor in-house training in equal opportunities and customer care.
Applications considered throughout the year
for/indict details, write to the tit/drew ("C/UH or telephone the 531C Help “wk on U! 3/ 3-13 2-1-13 34-3-Jf‘c‘31vceli .’(l- I.) and 2-4, Hum/av to Indus: xln out/me oi .i.’.’_funtiv and schemes currentiv .nazlzl‘le from MC iv iivteti in the publication '(iurde to lunch and Scheme» ', tif‘:.iin.1.}‘le from the
(Uni/7iillilc‘tliltilii Department
The Scottish Arts Council, 12 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7[)[).
The Seoulin Arts (Lou-ml aims to err-art; .i (illiii.iii.’ m ‘.'.lil(.li arts of (jualitv flourish and are enjoyed by a wrde range of people throughout Scotland.