Swimming With cm on A HOT rm Sharks ROOF

The Crtrzens’ Theatre, Gorbals, Glasgow is

Kevrn Spacey plays the ultimate boss-from-hell in thrs Offeflllq 1W0 ileC’lS for the WM? Of OTTO on full

debut frlm from George Huang about the cut-throat price tickets to see the Crtz' company in Tennessee

mores of the Hollywood movie IIIdUSiTy. As the parody W'H'JmSIS C'sISS'C Cs” 0” A HOT 77” ROOT 0” Thurs 27 unfolds, Spacey's character, production executive IM‘" 3‘ 7300”)- Take “"5 CODY Of The LIST 10 the

w Buddy Ackerinan, reveals hrmself to be a man for gCllVCnS' box 0mm 0” the “lth whom ritual humiliation of hrs underlrngs is as mrrc h a daily routrne as gettrng out of bed



Frank Whaley plays Guy, the naive but arnbrtrous assistant to Ackerman, who takes dog's l

abuse in the mrstaken belief that one day he'll be a big man like the boss. Eventually of ' course, the worm turns, but we don't want to grve the plot away so we'll leave it at that. I To wrn one of twenty copies of Swimming With Sharks plus rnatchrng T-shrrt, dip your toe i ' in the water and answer this question i What kind of shark featured Hi the frlm Jaws? l

: Answers on a postcard by Tue 8 Apr. Mark them SWIMMING WITH SHARKS COMP, ! ' The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE.

: I I h iTriptonIte Nort

' Avordrng the cheesy scenario of some other IIIIX CDs offerrng 40

. top frrrn‘ house hits and a girl in a fluffy bra on the cover, Journeys By DJ (JDJ) choose to release mix CDs from respected DJs who represent all genres of dance mUSIC In association With Mr C and Layo Paskrn, JDJ also runs legendary London club The End where Trrptonrte rs the flagship night. Trrptonrte rs about to release a trrple I CD cornprlatron wrth launch nrghts across the country rncludrng

: Triptonrte North at The Vaults, Edinburgh to announce its arrrval.

' The line—up at The Vaults includes Jay Chappell, Stuart Duncan and

: Gareth Sommervrlle.

Q) .2 U 3 O > C .2 0) a. E O U



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The Fruitmarket Gallery and the

r Edinburgh International Science iFestival are offering a Penguin Science Festival T-shirt, a poster and a popular science paperback to the first .five people to show up at The Fruitmarket with a :ticket to either Ruth Richardson or John Barrow’s ’Science Festival lectures and a copy of The List.

f To celebrate, JDJ rs grvrng away some extremely large prr/es. Fri'st Prize two VIP tickets for


Tr'rptonrte North on Frr I 1 Apr, a Triptonrte Trrple Pack on CD, an After Hours 2 CD, JDJ T- t shirt and £10 \i’rigrn gift voucher Second Prize same as frrst prize but rnrnus the T-shrrt l

Competi ion Voucher

(Entry valid only when accompanied with relevant voucher.)

, and gift voucher Runners-up frve of Tr'rptonrte Trrple Pack on cassette

r Want the goodies7 Then answer this

Whrt h (‘fldfi-IOIJDIIIQ dance act rs Mr C a member of7

Answers on a postcard by Frr 4 Apr, Mark them TRIPTONITE NORTH COMP, The List, 1 14 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE.


:Fresh Arr FM, Edrnburgh's student radro , _ _ ,7 gstatron rs hosting a night to remember at I Tevrot Row House, Sat 5 Apr wrth the A s 2 ESupernaturals, Ster'eophonrcs, Ether and Haidbody f iplayrng lrve followed by DJs Huggy and Stella from ,glarn house club Burger Queen keeping the 3dancefloor rnovrng untrl 3am

We've all been there of course You go on holiday and rmrneclrately meet two people who fancy the pants off you Before you know it, you've a thrrd admrrer and you're busy trying to Juggle things so none of them frncls out about the other two Okay, so rt never happens to you and me But that's ; > exactly the iammy seguenc e of events that occurs to E Gespard rMelvrl Poupard) in the thrrd part of Eric Rohiner's Four Season serres A Sir/riiner’s Tale Thrngs get all hot and bothered rn thrs subtrtled French frlm as Gespard trrple books a romantic week on the rsland of Quessant and tries to decide whether Margot, Solene or Lena rs the girl for him DCCISIOITS, decrsrons Thanks to Artrfrcral Eye we have five copies: of A Suirrrner’s Tale to give away All you have to do is answer thrs

Thanks to those awfully nice Fresh Ari people, we 3have one pair of tic kets for the corrrhrned grg/club inrght, a Hardbody CD and a Stereophonrc single

l eroc‘a/ Boy In The Photograph) to grve away to the frrst frve people to send a postcard to The List by Frr

28 Mar I.lark them FRESH AIR FM COMP, The Lrst,

l4 Hrgh Street, Edinburgh, EH1 ITE

l 31-1.2.3! II If If 5.3L _|l.Jl it it; [Til ii

l_i--‘ _V n

OFFERS: Cut out the coupon or take along the

whole magazine and present it to the relevant

box office or cash desk. All offers are subject to

availability and managements reserve the right

to refuse admission.

COMPETITIONS: Only one entry per person per

competition. If you are entering more than one competition, you need use only one envelope, but please make sure that your name, address and

voucher are attached to EACH entry. Competitions

are open to all UK residents (over the age of 18 in

alcohol-related offers). No responsibility can be

I accepted by The List for prizes which cannot be

I obtained due to unforeseen circumstances. To

Whrc h male acto' starred in the remake of The Postman Always Rings TIL/[(07 ' Obtain a “St 0f Winners. Please SBNd a SAE to The

- . List Com etition Winners, statin which issue s) ans‘.'.«eis 9') a postcard by Hon 7 Apr Mark them ELITE COLLECTION COMP, The Llst, 1 results ygu require 9 ( v 14 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE. '

Competi ion Voucher

(Entry valid only when accompanied with relevant voucher.)

Whrch country did the world's most farrrous ladies' man Casanova harl from7

Answers on a postcard by Wed 9 Apr Mark them SUMMER'S TALE COMP, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE.

Elite Collection

As part of rts Elite Collection of movie greats, \‘t’arner Home

Video is releasing three Hollywood frlm norr classics well worth curlrng up on the sofa for on a Sunday afternoon Kiss Me Dead/y is the classic frlrn ric)!.", a ZIdIK, moody and dangerous adaptatron of Mrckey Sprllane's crime thriller of the same name The Aspha/t Jung/e is John Huston's hard-hittrng portrait of the criminal underworld whrc n sparked the career of an unknown lvlarrlyn Monroe And bound to get a fey. pulses rac l":il is the :‘rrgrnal version of The Postiizan Ai’rt'ays Rings Trance with :hat srz/lrng sexual cl‘eri‘istry I:etv.=een co-stars Lana Turner and John Garfield A killer trio \.'.e think you'l



Warner Home Video are grvrng away five copies of each of these Videos This is a Joint promotion run by The List and Warner Home ‘v'rdeo To get your filthy, dirty, cheatrng hands on the booty answer the followrng guestron

o .2 U 3 > c .2 '07 w :L E O U



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100 THE LIST . ' ML” '."~°"'i' I‘rrnted by Scottish County Press, Sheruneod Industrial lslate, Bonnyrrgg, l.lidlc,thian. lel: Olfil 663 2404.