man act tag theatre company / dundee rep theatre
25 Albert Drive Glasgow G41 2PE
“it is brilliant in every aspect”
The Times
“The audience is left feeling it has been hit by a hurricane”
The Guardian
8 - 19 october (not 13/14 october)
8pm tramway 1 £7/£2.50
tramway hotline 0141 287 3900
24 — 26 october tramway hotline 8pm tramway 1 0141 287 3900
_ should weep
- - - cna lamont stewm l
An ancient tale of political exile, sexual passion and bloodyumurder ‘
1d F1market after Aeschylus, adapted and directed U Silvi Purcarete Albion Street, Glasgow G1 Saturday 12 October 8.00pm only £12.50 (£7.50)
Sunday 13 October 2.00pm & 8.00pm
l Sup orted by the Scottish Arts Council, Visiting Arts, Intemanonal initiatives, The AT& T Foundation, the ofan Foundation and The List
0141 227 5511
6 The List 4- I7 ()ct I996