[1 Add a little something . 1.... reef] to your life this Autumn! LEISURE CLASSES

DANCING Day ' Evening ' Saturdays

This is just a selection from the full range of classes we have to

cAn offer for full details, come along to our enrolment evenings on MAINTENANCE Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th or Wednesday 11th September 5-8 pm. Classes start from 23rd September. If you miss the enrolment dates, call for further information.

DRAWING 8: PAINTING Reid Kerr College,Renfrew Road, Paisley PA3 4DR.

Call 01 41 -889 4225

(27} LANGUAGESI ext_ 2334

Reid Kerr College BEGINNERS GUITAR A l l

_ exists to provide 8 u r o p e a " further and higher I lWooltooo Courses in basket-

PARTNERSH'pV education and training.

your future

(l) WELLPARK ENTERPRISE CENTRE NBURGH. . FRENCH. . GLASGO glosésgicggigfihtgggggi-qucs E “The Centre of Excellence for Women 's SE8 green woodworking and dykiog, Business" An Tairbean Heritage Centre. 03 m > Full Range or Classes Tarben (01880) 820190. . 0 Autumn Training Programme > Adult; and children . .finmttgm'mcdh 15:33:23“ WI I I U I g MARKETING I (“WV > amino” Fm" imagery as source material. Sun -= Assamese ENHOLLING NOW! 9 'NTERN'ZT AWARENESS ALLIANCE FRANQAISE DE GLASGOW 7—9.30pm. 12 weeks fem CD a" "we ' ' ' 7 Bowmont Gardens Glasgow G12 9LR ‘5 0cm“- Tm‘” “by -+— s Camevale DA (Sculpture). C For details contact Clare: i Tel: 0141-339 4281 . Phone 0131 569 5136, LU Wellpark Enterprise Centre Underground - mun.“ I tutors provided (and .5 Tel: 0141 550 4994 . m Instill“ , “191% all “hw'gllgse h 0 Fax 0‘41 550 4443 g "" Institut Francais d’Ecosse :glifgf-sfi,?§,§;‘pmg';;g ' Q ema'k wallpark-SCOIneI-CO-Uk l < 13 Randolph Crescent Self-study tuition also available. = U Edinburgh EH3 7'1'1‘ - 0131 225 5366 mathematics and book-keeping] (1) Registered in Scotland No. 160989 2 accounts. Translations. most ; Recognised as a Scottish Charity by the < languages. .Iaymar Education Inland Revenue No. 80024105 x 01324 717114. L; d'Ecosse ENROL NOW! I Cello on! piano toltloo by New Session starts 30th September cxpfen'encedl. ffiegdly. d pro essrona teac er an (for 16 m) performer. Children and adult beginners, re-learners and . . advanced students all welcome. Higher Education I @ Creative. fun and supportive . ' . l 4 . Evenlng Classes um”. HI mug g Glasgow? First leaning Telél (1: 35 531 Recreational Actlvmes spams}, Cultural Centre Develop your creativity The List is publishing a special advertising Opens Its Doors The gfimflgfigfiwm feature on 5 September. 0L Satisfaction as; results - - 0 S i h I I III 808mm - Why not use this opportunity to promote pa" 5 c asses on we“ $$ ~05. Iooltlooo: 0131 5573215. last minute academic laces or activities mandating 8' '"te'p'eflng sum" or " "' p o 0 Saturday kids’ club 0 5 mm TO “IT m for the new term . 456, or college? Qualified tutor . 0 Corporate Training Programme M 05ers experienced advice on F or further details portfolio preparation and please contact Claire Gurm‘ma 'nstituto E Spafi 0| 3 Miller Su-eeeGlasgow GI IEA “summon. [momma]? on 0131-558 1191 79W“ 22' “6° ' “’60'4'12'850 mitoom 5501129.


The List 16-19 Sept 199671