festival art
oil Scotland's ettsl Coast.
China - The Hidden Forest Until I5 Sept. Unique and beautifully detailed iitk paintings by Chinese artist |.ui Yilao.
I ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS ‘) Hill Square. 527 I649. Mon—Fri 2—-4pm. William MacGiilivray Utttil 3| ()ct. An exhibition marking the bi-centenary of MacGillivray's birth. and celebratittg his work as Conservator of the Museum at the RCS froin l83l—IX4I.
I ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings Gallery. l00 Princes Street. 225 l50l. Mon~Sun |0ain--6pm.
Karaoke (The Electric Geisha) Until 27 Sept. Drawing on both traditional Chinese techniques. and iitodei'n Western art practises. artist Ming Wong has created a series of paintings exploring the unliaggingly popular bar rootn ci‘a/e of karaoke.
I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY Princes Street. 225 667i. Mon-Sal |0ain—-6pni: Sun llttttt~()pltt. £4 (£2.50).
David livingstone And The Victorian Encounter With Airica Until it Oct. A fascinating iitstglit iiilo the life and work of Scotland's most eminent explorer. Cottiplc‘ttlc‘llletl by George Rodger: The African Photographs (see Photography). See review.
I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY l6 I)untlas Street. 558 I200. Mon~l¥ii l0ani--6pm; Sat I0am—4pm.
Festival Exhibition Until 4 Sept. The gallery plays host to five Festival exhibitions tltis year. with new paintings by Alberto Morrocco. including some colourful clown images; glassworks by iieiko Mukaide entitled 'l)i'y Landscape Gat'deti'; silvet'works by Adrian Hope.
w ho has just finished working wttli distinguished Danish silversniith Mogens Bjorn-Andersen; a collection of contemporary jewellery from the USA by a variety of artists. and-a small selection of paiiititigs celebrating the Gallery's continued involvement with the Festival for 50 years. featuring works by S. .l. Peploe. William MacTaggart. Anne Redpath and ntatiy more.
I SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF MOUERN ART Belford Road. 556 892 I. Mott—Sat l0ani—5pin1Sun llani—5pm. An impressive collection of 20th century art. including works by Picasso. Matisse.
Henry Moore. Hockney and Bellany. plits a recently acquired selection of Dada and surrealist paintings by Salvador Dali. Paul Demos and Picasso.
Alberto Giacometti (1901-1955) Until 22 Sept. £4 (£2.50). This major exhibition features some 220 works by the outstanding Swiss-born artist. including 35 sculptures. 40 paintings and a large selection of drawings.
I SCOTTISH NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 556 892 I. Mon—Sat l0am—5pnt; Stilt Ham—5pm. A stunning collection of portraits of famous faces from the |6th century to present day. plus the national photography collection.
Speaking likeness Until 30 Sept. The Portrait Gallery breaths life ittlo some of its tnost illustrious residents. with this unique exhibition of audio visual paintings. Not only can you see ltoxcltsi Irvine Welsh. Labour leader .lolm Stiittli or comedian Billy Connolly. but now yott can hear them as well. including a soundbite froin William Gladstone dating back to I88‘).
I EOITH SIMON STUOIO Chaplaincy Centre. Brislo Square. 650 2656. Mon-Sat |0.30atn—6.30pm.
Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis Until 1 Sept. Simon presents her annual Festival show. featuring paititttigs. sculpture. graphics aitd video. backed by the bold proclamation ‘You can see what it is. you don't have to ask or guess' - go along and
judge for yourself.
I ST BRIOE’S ()rwell Terrace. 346 I405. Mon—Sun l0ani—l0pnt.
Brian liartiey Until 3| Aug. Ati exhibition of drawings and paintings inspired by the energy of dance.
I ST JOHN'S CHURCH Corner of l.olliiait Road/Princes Street. lttfo: 66l 6600. Mott—Sat llam—6pin.
Edinburgh Etching Group Utttil 3t Attg. ()riginal contemporary artwork by six local artists. featuring city views. landscapes aiid animal studies.
The Great West End Graft And Design Fair Until 3| Attg. A wide selection of contemporary craftwork. from decorated mirrors to hand-made designer jumpers. with new exhibitors showing each week. I STUUIO ONE II) Stafford Street. 226 58l2. Mon-Sat i0ain-6pin1Sun 2—5pm.
Gone fishing: John Byrne’s Day With A carp in Unique And Original at 29 Castle Street
Living In Eden Until 7 Sept. Paintings aitd Raku sculpture inspired by the Eden Valley iii Cumbi'ia by artist l.orna Graves. whose work is on permanent display at the Tate. London and Metropolitan. New York.
I TALBOT RICE GALLERY University of Edinburgh. ()ld College. South Bridge. 650 22l I. Mon—Sat l0atn—5pni1Sun 2~5pm.
A Man Tied Up In His Own Composition Until 8 Sept. New paintings and prints by Adrian Wis/mew ski. highlighting the recent style developments of this exceptional Glasgow artist.
Artificial ilorizons And Eccentric ladders L'ntil 3 Sept. A major exhibition of work by influential artist Eduardo Paolo/Ii. tracing fix e decades of his collage and printing techniques.
I TORRANCE GALLERY 29b l)undas Street. 556 6366. Mon—Fri I lam—6pm: Sat |0.30am-4pm.
Scottish Watercolours Until 31 Aug. West Highland landscape paiittitigs by Toni Shanks. seascapes by Bill Wright. and still lifes by Norma Hansell. with gold aitd silver jewellery by Sheana Stephen.
I TRAVERSE THEATRE Cambridge Street. 228 I404. Mon—Sun Wain—midnight. Dazzle Until 3| Attg. ()ver l000 pieces of jewellery by 45 major contemporary designers working iii everything frotn gold atid silver to paper arid wood.
I WASPS GALLERY Patl‘iotltall. off Hamilton Place. 225 128‘). Mon—Sun noon—6pm.
IO Years OI WASPS Uiilil 3| Atig. The Gallery celebrates ten creative years with a joint exhibition of painting and applied art by artists froiii all three WASPS venues iil Stockbridge. |.eitli and Dairy. Work from the studios can also be viewed at Assetnby Rooms. George Street and Gilded Balloon. Cowgate.
I ZYW GALLERY 7—9 Bell's Brae. Dean Village. 225 3829. Mon—Sun
I lam—6pm.
letian Ghogoshvili: Paintings From Georgia Until 3| Aug. The Zyws hand ox L‘l' their gallery space to someone outside the family for the first time with the arrival of this prestigious Russian artist. whose work captures the nobility and heritage of historical Georgia.
I CITYLAO 35 I)undas Street. 556 7822. Mon-Fri 9am—5pm.
in Partnership With Design Until 30 Aug. Work by award-winning freelance commercial photographers Stephen Kearney and Paul Wall. featuring still lifes. portraits and panoramic landscapes. I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART Lauriston Place. 22l 6000. Mon-Sun l0am—-5pm. Prayer And Despair Until 3t Aug. ()ne of five Festival exhibitions taking place at ECA this year. the show features new photographic work by Pradip Maldc. produced during trips to India. Russia. Honduras and Japan.
I KING'S THEATRE 2 l.even Street. 22‘) 4840. Mott—Sat lilatti—Xpm.
The Green light Until 3| Atig. Documentary photography by Susan Richards. capturing life backstage at a theatre. from local ant drums to professional companies. taken during the final cue before curtain tip the green light.
I PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION CENTRE 68 Great King Street. 445 l5l5. Mon—Sat l0atn—8pm; Sun l—Spm. l‘|.50 (£I). International Photography Until 3t Aug. The Edinburglt Photographic Society present over 200 works Ill both black and white and colour. by artists from around the world. illustrating the diversity of styles evident ill the photographic medium.
I PORTFOLIO GALLERY 43 Candlemaker Row. 220 [9| 1. Mon~Sat l0ain—5.30pin; Sun noon—4.30pm. i.‘ I .50 (75p).
Stilled lives Until 2| Sept. Photographic and sculptural work by Helen Chadwick. who until her untintely death earlier this year. was considered one of the most prominent artists working in the UK. Entitled 'Cameos' and ‘Unnatural Selection’. the works feature portraits frotn medical museums and explore the in-vitro fertilisation process.
I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY Princes Street. 225 667 l. Mort—Sat l0am-6ptn; Stilt Ham—6pm. £4 (£2.50).
George Rodger: The Airican Photographs Until 6 ()ct. Complementing the RSA's ‘l.ivingstone' exhibition. the show features 90 pictures by one of the leading photo-journalists of World War II. who was seiit to Africa by I.t_'/t' magazine to cover the battling Free Frettch. and continued to photograph the continent and its people for many years.
I STILLS 23 Cockburn Street. 225 9876. Tue—Fri Ham—6pm; Sat l lam—5pm. Barbara is Until l4 Sept. The Iirst Scottish showing of work by this important American photographer. Using a pin-hole camera. Ess creates large-scale photographs which allow a different perspective of everyday objects. people attd landscapes.
I THEATRE EAST END St Paul's atid St George's. York Place. info: 556 |2()2. Mon-Sat llam—I0pm.
Martin Dence Until 3| Aug. Photographs by Martin Bence exploring the contemporary analogies to be drawn front medieval images of mythical bestiary.
I MATTHEW ARCHITECTURE GALLERY University of Edinburgh. Department of Architecture. 20 Chambers Street. 650 2342. Mon—Fri l().30ain-4.3()pm. Dye Arup1895-1988 Until 20 Sept. A retrospective exhibition celebrating the work of Ove Arup. one of the most important engineers of the 20th century. who worked on such prominent buildings as Coventry Cathedral and Sydney Opera
H I RIAS GALLERY l5 Rulland Square. 229
The List I6-22 Aug I996 89