festival film

it} itihhlc Ill lllL‘ hitwiiicni nl' llicii‘ ullic‘x' Muck .tl‘ici' .m .llxlllll wart. l’cixmiul \L‘lltll‘llxl\ cwnlaic lllltt nmllci'x xil~ lll'c HI xlmlh. Illltltllt‘-L'|tl\\ l.ix,‘.tx|x'\ illL‘ \“x‘pl .|\\.i} .iiixl ihx‘ l‘.i\L‘\l HI Illllllxlll \‘llltllltllh Il\L' lt‘ lllt‘ \lll IxIL‘L‘ .I'IAII‘A‘L‘A' Ill lllL‘ mum \Vllll llix‘ t'II.II.tL'lt'i\. lllt‘ xllltllL‘llL‘t' xI|\H ll;l\ llll

ltll‘xl \\li.il I\ cum: till lll lllL' Ulll\lllt‘ \\Ul|t|. I'IIL' .’ l'.l|\t‘ .il.n m \tie'lx‘.”

.5 :

The incredibly True Adventure . . .

ullnck. \\ llll L‘\L‘I}tillt‘ L‘l\t' : g g ‘¢. xl‘;l.’().l|c xx x ~.-i - ' Luinlt larcx'. min lull H: finmllmlx 33:: I: [m .l P8“ meets present Ill lone Star rina‘lllx‘lfl'pKitty T‘H‘ lx‘ilxn l\l humhmg ' Tlll‘ buried ill "IO past cannot be avoided * * it.” til Z'x‘inc' lllllll‘lllJLlll" “ding l\ “WHEN. [ht * * * * in mic present - "om the “kindling 0' THE INCREDIBLY xxx.» lijllx -llp ill irx : "";'l"'°'”f" ‘,""";1"““ "3'" :am 8 adolescent affair with Mexican .~ g r . t m l \L‘I x'x .uix upon eauty Pilar t0 the local 8' ll \llllL'L'lC It) L‘IllCl lllL‘ I CC Cl'lS ~ e l ‘. x. .- . .\ x t TRUE ,H‘HWWHL m. Slum “" "f" """f ”’ [ONE STAB that threaten to overturn Frontera‘s . _ ~ ' I Fallout l llllllltllhl. l7 ADVENTURE 0F l.t\‘.ltlc xii ( /II('/i'\ \. xx nix Am 4W; Wm”. 33 The discovery ot a skeleton with a white minority’s long-tenn rule. Even Two GIRLS m le xx xx mom llix‘mc. xx .i\ My. 5‘ Wm U, (U ,_ sheriit s badge ion a Texan desert stirs in the schools, history is being much Ilixilt‘ \uln L‘l‘\l\ up some unsettling memories in the challenged as the Mexican community LOVE ;"I;g:é“"'i‘l;i "We border town oi Frontera. local lawman campaigns to: a more accurate l‘ll'\|| lixnii llll‘ -\Iiix'i rum Adventure 0' Twyo Gifls by sam needs becomes inc'eafiing" venion 0' "'0 A'mo 8‘0" '0 be Hm. Wm“ ,,,‘. _ Love (“mm '7 A“? convinced that the corpse is that ot taught. /,,, ,, ,/,/,/\ ,, m. 3 “PM 33 My. 5W“. U) corrupt, racist predecessor Charlie Sayles’s supporting summon; are \./x. Mum xix... ix Ilix' . Ll) Wade - a tact that would barer raise gripping in their own right, but also mum v Immnw an eyebrow oi interest lrom Frontera’s contain a dramatic mIovancg to the "“'“ """ "‘ " “7‘ “""“"" THRILLER inhabitants if it wasn’t $813801 is whole, connecting past to present "2'" “M. i” ',“"” I . * * * also sure the killer was late town with seamlessly edited cuts. little by “' “"" "‘ 75' “""‘ ' legend, Sheritt Buddy lleeds, his own lime the twin dusts or desert and \\ Iiilt‘ ll.I\ll shaker Rxllltl). . ! mi ix n, .. NM FALLOUT lather. time are blown away to reveal the ....,.n,.,...,.i l.,x_.xxx xx go I. mm,” m ,Wm Unlike the typically shallow hidden truths that rest uneasily below \ulolilt‘ lni le uni—he.” ...,,.l,...‘,,,.\ 1,, m], MW“, "OIIWOOII Who‘lllnn" . ditecmf John the surlace at modern America. (Alan hurtime .ilitl lillm‘lxtth .1“, “Junnmhum m, ,HL... Sayles weaves wide-ranging social Monison) wmw i‘vI In! IIMIM‘» the tut/LN nexmxxn .xnxi issues into his drama. like Wade’s lone Star, Caneo, 18Aug, 9pm; 24 \lxn) Ixxxtx .mw Jim‘- ixuunma mu x mm m kc: \ body. events thought to have been Aug. 10.15pm. £6 (£4). “"“"'”1~'t‘\"“k'\""\‘""&|” l'iiixl lIiL‘lll\L‘l\C\ ll.l|‘l‘L‘tl Fanom


g‘fi’fi‘k‘k America’s answer to S f? ALL 7f; AV: "Jeeves you with a wicked ehuekie’


hero in Jude

Christopher Eccleston ls Hardy’s doomed Hardy’s ‘modern’ views concerning the mac flown“ inability ot the marriage contract to * * * * allow lor swings at true emotion; these may have lost their scandalous JUDE edge, but, with the inevitability of the greatest tragedies, past deeds cast an Thomas llardy’s linal novel, Jude The inescapable shadow over present Obscure, is a ditticult read, relationships with devastating overflowing with the author’s cynicism consequences. and bitterness. The greatest success Christopher Eccleston allows Jude’s at Michael Winterbottom’s moving lilm passions to simmer beneath a suriace

version is its shiit away from the oi determination, while Kate Winslet excessive spiritual, social and brings a physical and intellectual psychological tortures heaped upon vivacity to her portrayal oi Sue. And, the book’s titular character, while avoiding period lrippery, the lilm emphasising instead the doomed is beautifully shot and designed, with

romance that shares the film’s tragic the Edinburgh locations - particularly events between Jude and his cousin the High Street university processron

v i , ' v *l . A A I ' , ' . " 7 1 Sue. involving its 500 extras - proving , x The sense ol injustice over the spectacularly cinematic. (Alan W eat... drink..- and be buried-.- quashing at country boy Jude’s Morrison) ' i ambitions to be a scholar are as Jude: Dominion, 17 Aug, 6.15pm; EFT, "u “wanna” 013‘ 559 07" “"50 immune“ "131 223 “41 keenly ielt today as in the late 19th 18 Aug, 8pm; Cameo, 24 Aug, 7.30pm, A“ GLASGOW 014‘ 3321592 century. More pertinent, however, are £6 (£4).

75 Tlit: List I642 Aug I996”.