/ . Once you‘ve seen a show. you can rant or W The biggest rave in the Unofficial Reviews Section and ever issue of

when you come over all inspired after a The List will particularly brilliant Shakespearean Punch Am/

kick off our

Judy. check out the section for future Fringe coverage of


I . . . performers. Also worth a look is the notice- the 50".. e board where people post Fringe-related Edinburgh messaues on everything from accomiiiodaiion —— F - , - c . . . - . ~ . estival. With to the availability of Japanese circus WE"— imcrvicws

pcrlormcrs. . g h . . _ EVENTS GUIDE previews and 'I he International festival is also getting its . . V . ~ ~ rewews to gurde you through thousands of

electronic act together. [is site at crfornnnccq “mm in [he Cit durin http://www.ed.ac.uk/~eit/ is in its infancy and august p g y g

' ' ' -' ' 3 to dat i it consists of a singl iag with lb 50 . . . It mlght be m "5 50th yc‘ui bm [ht H ‘L L In three weekly issues. The List wrll crack

- ' - - vears lotto and some blurb on the Festival. .0 l a C V . . s. V. a . I o c . 3 Edinbmc‘h FC‘SUV‘” 1‘8 IOOkmC‘ Keep your eyes peeled as more information is 0an m“ Edmburgh lmcm‘mondl chnvali m“

gOOd in Cyberspace. WI‘IICS Ellie added in the run-up to this year‘s event. FWSC and icprambmc Ed'nbufgh F‘lln Can-o The [)rambuie Edinburgh Film Festival has FC-‘UWIL brmg'ng X0” Star I'llch'cwsf “9 round n..- plucc rm [he Nu m name guest columnists. Festival gOSSlp and hitp://www.edtilmtest.org.ukl. Here you'll find critical opinion. The Sllth Edinburgh Festival is the most wired an overview of the Festival programme. with Out on Thursday 8 August. the first Festival to date. The Fringe Web site broad information on this year‘s events and issue of The List will expose comedian Ardal http://www.presence.co.uk/tringe/ made its themed ‘strands‘. Lots of interesting titbits and O’Hanlon. star of television‘s Father Ted. debut last year courtesy of the city‘s Web l3 info. bill if you want more details you‘ll need a without his dog COMM. Actress Milanda Internet cafe and is back in its 50th year with copy of the official programme. The site hasn‘t Richardson will Speak about making a ram lots more to offer virtual Fringe-goers. been updated since April 90. stage appearance in Virginia woolfis Orlando. This year Fringe organisers have notched up at Information on Fringe performers with their And CU“ film director David cmnenbem will Fringe first of their own by allowing ticket own Web sites can be found on the \‘f'ViCW at talk about the film they won’t let you sec. reservations to be made online. And once again http://www.webconsult.com/gratittiguide/sho Cram you can ditch that dog-cared programme and ws. . Tim List will help you plan your Festival plug into a digitised version complete Will] a You can gain accessio the Internet-at . days. dividing its coverage into easy-to_usc unique search facility that allows you to track reasonable rates in Edinburgh at the following . | m A star 5 stem for revi ‘ws will t6“ entries by performer. show. categories such as cybercafes: “me S 0 ' y‘ . I a ‘conicdv‘ or ‘tlieatre‘. or key words like Cyberia. 88 Hanover Street. 220 l-I()3. you how gOOd a Show "8,2" “Eldmc- And , ‘surreaF and ‘scary‘. The famously unwieldly Electric Frog. 42-44 (‘ockburn Street. 226 when your feel are bjcggm For‘mcmy’ We w'” fold-out Daily Diaries will be available in i‘ai- |5()5. 8W0 Y0“ 3” “‘0 FCSI'Val brat" loddcr YOU can wicldier on—screen form and you can plan your Web 13. I3 Bread Street. 22‘) 8883. [akc- . . show—hopping route round town with a digitised Look (iiitjoi'_/iii‘I/im' techno/o‘er bulletins in I/It’ Make your Fesuval a g00d one- Gel The L1“ Eringe map. I’t'stii'ul issues ol'T/u’ List. j each week.

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15 The List 26 Jul-8 Aug I996 l