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WEEK DHE Friday 12-Thursday 18

Readers are advised that programmes may be subject to late change at any time. [D] indicates that wheelchair access is available, though prior notification is advisable. [E] indicates the availability of an induction loop tor the convenience of hearing aid users. Film listings compiled by Thom Dibdin.


I ABC 380 Clarkston Road. M uirend. 637 264I. £2.80 (£2 before 5pm Mon-Fri). Student: £2.20 (Mon-Thurs). Child/()AP: £2.

1. Mission Impossible (PC) I. l0pm (Itol Sun). 3.40pm. 6. I0pm. 8.50pm.

2. The Hunchback DI Hotre Dame (U) I.40pm (not Sun I. 4.05pm. 6.25pm. 9.05pm.

3. The Cable Guy ( l2) I.30pm (not Sun). 3.55pm. 6.20pm. 9pm.

I ABC FILMCENTRE 326 Sauchicliall Street. 332 |592/95 I3. Two bars. £4.30 (£3.20 before 5pm). Student: £3. l0 (Mott-Thurs). ()Al’: £3. l0. Child: £2.80. Mission Impossible (PU) I2.30pni. 3.I0pm. 5.50pm. 8.35pm.

The Hunchback DI Hotre Dame IU) I.I5pIn. 3.40pm. 6pm. 8.45pm.

Fargo ( I8) I.I0pm. 3.30pm. 6pm. 8.40pm.

Muppet Treasure Island I U ) |.|5pnI. 3.30pm.

How To Make An American Duilt ( I5) 5.40pm. 8.25pm.

The Rock ( l5) I.30pm. 5.05pm. 8.05pm.

I CCA Centre For Contemporary Arts. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 332 ()522. Cafe. Bar. £2 (£I concessions).

Chicken Farm Fri only. 6pm and Speaking Sofas Fri only. 7.30pm.

A Small Shifting Sphere Sal only. (rpnr and Chicken Farm Sat only. 7.30pm.

I CITY CENTRE ODEON 56 Renfield Street. 332 34 I 3 (24 hour info line: ()I42 693 34 I 3). Bar. |l)] screens 2. 3 and 4. £4 (£3.25 before 5pm). Student/U840: £3.25. Child/()AI’: 2.75 (£2.50 before 5pm). Superior seats (no concessions): £4.50 (£3.75 before 5pm). Advance booking on Access/Visa/vaitch hotline: 333 955I and at box office from I lam—7pm.

The Hunchback DI Hotre Dame (U) I lain (not Sun). I. 15pm. 3.45pm. 6. I5pm. 8.45pm. .

The Cable Guy I I2) l.30pm. 4pm. 6.30pm. 9pm.

Kingpin ( l2) I2. I 5pm. 3pm. 6pm. 8.45pm.

The Rock ( I5) 2pm. 5. I5pm. 8.30pm and late.

Mission Impossible (PU) l2.30pm.

3. I 5pm. 6pm. 9pm and late.

Muppet Treasure Island (U) I I. ISuIn (not Sun). l.30pni. 3.45pm.

See also Glasgow l.ates.

I GROSVENOR Ashton l.ane. Hillhead. 3394298. £3.60 (£2.50 before 6.30pm. all day Mon/Tue and students all perfs.) Child/()Al’ £l.60. Seats can be booked fot last evening and late screenings. Box office open I lam—7pm.

1. Mission Impossible (PG ) Fri/Sat: I.45pm. 4. I5pni. 6.45pm. 9. I5pm; Sun—Thurs: 2pm. 5pm. 8pm.

2. The Cable (ill! I I2) Fri/Sat: 2pm. 4.20pm. 7pm. 9.30pm: Sun-Thurs:

2. I0pni. 5. l0pm. 8. I0pm.

See also Glasgow l.ates.

I MGM PARKNEAD The Forge. Parkhead. 556 4282 Access/Visa bookings. 054! 560562 24 hour information line. [D]. IEIIscreens I. 3 and 5). £4. I0 (£3 before 5pm Mon-Fri). Student: £3 (Mon—Thurs).

Child/()AP: £2.60. U840: £2.80 (Mon-Fri before 5pm).

The Hunchback DI Hotre Dame (U) I lam. noon. I.l5pm. 2.05pm. 3.35pm. 4. l5pm. 6.30pm. 8.45pm.

Mission Impossible (PC) I I.|0am. Ipm. l.45pm. 3.45pm. 4.25pm. 6.35pm. 7.05pm. 9. l0pn). 9.45pm and late.

The Cable Guy I l2) l2. l5pm. 2.30pm. 4.45pm. 7pm. 9.20pm and late.

Kingpin ( I2) |2.30pn). 3. I5pm. 6.50pm. 9.35pm and late.

The Rock I I5) 6.25pm. 9.25pm and late. Muppet Treasure Island (U) I I .20am. l.30pni. 4pm. 6.45pm.

Moonlight And Valentino I I5) 9pm. Saturday Kids Club l .50):

Muppets Take Manhatten I U) I0am—I2.30pm.

See also Glasgow l.ates.


I2 Rose Street. 332 8 I 28. Cafe/bar open noon—9pm (Sun: 2—9pm). All performances bookable. [D]. [Ii]. Matinees £3 (concs £2). Evenings £4 (concs £3 except Sat evening). All double bills - evening prices apply.


Screen 1 closed until August for refurbishment

2. The Tit And The Moon ( I8) I .30pm. 3.45pm. 8.45pm.

Madeleine (PC I 6pm.


2. An Indian In The Cupboard (U) 2pm. The Tit And The Moon I I8) 4. l5pn). 6.30pm. 8.45pm.


2. Hixon ( l5) 2.30pm.

Dead Man Walking I IS) 8.45pm.

The Tit And The Moon I I8) (r. I5pIII. MDIIDAY 15

2. Dead Man Walking I IS) l.l5pm.

The Tit And The Moon I I8) 3.45pm. 6pm. Horseman On The Root I IS) 8. I 5pm. TUESDAY 16

2. Horseman Do The Root I IS) I. l5pn). The Tit And The Moon I I8) 4pm. (r. l5pin. Dead Man Walking I I5) 8.30pm. WEDHESDAY17

2. The Tit And The Moon I I8) I. |5pIII. 8.45pm.

The Most Terrible Time In My Lite I I8) 3.30pm.

A Place In The Sun (PG) 6pm. THURSDAY 18

2. The Tit And The Moon I I8) 2pm. 8.45pm.

The Most Terrible Time In My lite I I8 ) 4. l5pm. 6.30pm.

CITY CENTRE OOEON Renfield Street. 332 34 I3

Fri 12/Sat 13:

Trainspotting I I8) I l.45pnI.

From Dusk Till Dawn I I8) I l.45pm.

The Rock I I5) ll.45pm.

Mission Impossible (PC) I I .45pin.

I MGM PARKNEAD The Forge. Parkhead 556 4282

Fri 12/Sat13:

Mission Impossible (PC) I |.50pm.

The Cable Guy I I2) I l.35pm.

Kingpin I I2) l2.05am.

The Rock ( I5) I2.I5atn.

Trainspotting I I8) I l.30pIII.


I ABC I20 l.othian Road. 228 l638/229 3030. Bar. [D] cinemas 2 & 3. £4. l0 (£2.60 before 6pm). Student: £2.90 Mon—Thurs. Child/()AP: £2.60. Pullman seats cinema l: £4.80 (before 6pm: £3.60: child £3).

The Hunchback Dt Hotre Dame (U) lpIII (not Sun). 3.30pm. 6pm. 8.35pm and late. Mission Impossible (PG ) l2.20ptn (not Sun). 2.45pm. 5.30pm. 8.20pm and late. The Rock ( I5) 5pm. 7.50pm.

Muppet Treasure Island (U) 2.30pm.

See also Edinburgh Lates.

I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4 I4 I. Bar. [l1]. Cameo I: £4.50 (concs £2.25); tnain evening perf £4.95 (no concs). Cameo 2 and 3: £4 (coucs £2): main evening perf £4.25 (no concs). l.ate rep shovvs and Sun Inatinees: one Iilm £3 (£2). two films £4 (£3). Mon: All seats half price (no concs). Wed: First show in all screens £l cones. Sunday afternoon perfs of Cameo I films are shovv n in Cameo 3.

1. Dead Man I I8) Ipm. 3.35pm. 6. I5pm. 8.55pm and late.

Apocalypse Now ( l8) Sun only. |.30pm. 2. Beautitul Thing ( l5) |.20pm. 4. l5pm. 7.05pm. 9.20pm and late.

3. Secrets And lies ( l5) not Sun. l.30pm. Fargo ( l8) not Sun. 4.25pm.

Small Faces I I5) 6.45pm.

Trainspotting I )8) 9.05pm.

See also lidinburgh l.ates.

I DOMINION I8 Nevvbattle Terrace. 447 477 I/2660. Restaurant. Bar. [1)]. £4 ((‘hild/Student/UB40/()AP Sun-Thurs: last show £3). Shows starting before 6pm: £2.60 (screens l and 2). £2.80 (screen 3). l’ullman seats: £4.90/£4.50 (cinema l). £4.30 (cinema 3).

1. Mission Impossible (PG) 2. l0pm.

5. l0pm. 8. l0pm.

2. The Hunchback Dt Hotre Dame (U)

I l.50am. 2.20pm. 4.50pm. 7.20pm.

3. The Cable Guy ( I2) |2.20pm. 2.40pm. 5.40pm. 8.30pm.

I 7 Clc‘l‘k SII'L‘CI. 667 733 “668

2 NH. Bar. ID] screens l. 2 and 3. Adults £4.50 (£3.75 for side seats screen I and front seats screens 2. 3. 4 (k 5). £l off all seats. first show. Mon—Fri. Child/()AP/ Student/U040 £I off all shows except late night and final slimvs.

The Hunchback DI Hotre Dame IU)

I0. I 5am (Fri—Sun only). I2. l5pm. 2.25pm. 4.35pm. 6.45pm. 8.55pm. Kingpin ( I2) Ipm. 3.30pm. 6pm. 8.30pm and late.

The Cable Guy I I2) l2. I0pm. 2.20pm. 4.30pm. 6.40pm. 8.50pm.

Mission Impossible (PG ) I. l0pm. 3.40pm. 6. I0pm. 8.40pm and late. Muppet Treasure Island (U) l0.50am (I‘ri—Sun only). l.05pm. 3.20pm.

The Rock ( I5) 5.25pm. 8. l5pm & late. See also lidinburgh l.ates.

I UCI Kinnaird Park. Newcraighall Road. 669 0777. Recorded information (24 hours) 669 07| l. [D]. [Ii]. Access/Visa/

Antes/Switch booking line: ()990 888 990.

24 hours (service charge 40p per ticket). Box office open from I lam. £4.25 (£3 before 4pm). Child: £2.60.

Mission Impossible (PC) I lam. I I.45am. I .30pm. 2. I5pm. 2.45pm. 4pm. 4.45pm. 5.30pm. 6.30pm. 7. I5pm. 8. I5pm. 9pm. 9.45pm and late.

The Hunchback DI Ilotre Dame (U) I latn. I2.I5pm. I.30pm. 2.45pm. 4pm. 5.I5pm. 5.30pm. 7.45pm. 9pm.

The Cable Guy ( I2) I l.30am (not Sun). 2pm. 4.30pm. 7pm. 9.30pm and late. Kingpin I I2) I.45pm. 4.15pm. 6.45pm.

9. I5pm.

Muppet Treasure Island (U I I 1.30am. 2pm. 4.30pm. 7pm.

Toy Story (PG) noon.

Down Periscope (PG) II.45aIn.

The Rock ( l5) 2.30pm. 5.45pm. 8.45pm and late.

How And Then (PC) I I. I5am.

3D The List l2-25 .Iul I996