l sw YOU

V I saw you at Shed Se\ en. Queen's llall. You. drop dead gorgeous lll checked shirt. Me in white shirt and dentin skirt. I'm in love. please get in touch'.’ Ht)\ No [VCT‘I/J.

V I saw you ttltttttsl t‘\ cry Saturday iii .Ienners. between toys and cutlery M). heartbeats faster every time I see your

tw inkling eyes. fancy a candleltt dinner to get to know each other"? Ho\ \o [YIN/"5.

V I saw you Safeway s. l’artiek. Monday Islf‘il. 2”’-l’96. You: beautiful eyes. stunning smile. bought all the bread and milk Me: talked about torrential rain. Yoti had no time to wait. (iot time now '.’ Hm .\'o ['/279/l l.

V I saw you Rtlss‘ Meyer chick at Iidinburgh l‘estiyal (‘Iub ilast August!) Yoti: ltvitig w reckless tnear (‘hinimy (‘liungasr Me: riding high. tartan _iacket. but nntypieally sheepish. If you want wild living fast Box No i,'.".‘7‘)/l8

v I saw you legal eagle. cyt-tt same 22.'-1/96. i ,illpttt restlesst hunting your elusive prey among dusty tomes. Ill your

ey rte. your low er plumage distractingly displayed. To

w honi'.’ ('an w e go .r courtrng'.’ Ho\ .\'o [72").‘19.

V I saw you you. black Adidas 'I‘-\Illll. you w ith your friend tire with mine. in Sadie l'i'osts. Sat 4/5. I asked itl‘lIIII l.t)\t‘ Boutique. you said Hennets cause you were going. Wish I‘d gone! Ho\ No [7279/20.

0 I saw you (‘lan-t: 5/5/96 tbn'thday ) (‘etltdh Ilottse/\\'histle Hmkres. Meeting ot'(‘eltie spirits and touched. Never to meet again .’ Alt! Hut the soul is patient Memory will last forever. .loe. Box Nob/279122.

V I saw you tittlsidt‘ lllllltt‘dtl tube station. Saturday e\ enmg. 4/5/96. You Asian-looking. asked the tithe. I showed you tny watch. Should li.t\e spoken to you. (let itt touch. Ho\ .\'o [7279/26.

V I saw you again: Princes Street. 7/5/96. mid morning. You: no longer 7.20

(ilasgow -lidinburgh bus. stnall silver rucksack. You are the sexiest. I am attractive. older man. \Yrite and find out more. Box No [7/280/I.

V I saw you you. nice with casual. e\otic curls. me drinking far too much coffee. I‘IlltlltOUSC ~ weeks ago to preview Larry (‘larke's mess. Did you notice my sneaky stares'.’ Box No [7280/2

V I saw you lan'.’ I-‘rom Glasgow in (iladstottes. Saturday ll/5/96. Had a dance. should have asked for your number. l-‘ancy a drink iii Edinburgh or .-\rbroath'.’ Marilyn (Munro). Box No [7/280/3.

V I saw you National Portrait (iallery lobby. I found the cafe. btit had to wait for friends. Stiri. l2tlt. 4pm. Am I out of luck‘.’ Ilox No [’/280/~I.

V I saw you Stmday Silt. lunchtime. l6 bus-stop. l.othian Road opposite MGM. Yott cute boy. dark hair. eyes into forever. I wanted to tt';t\el there with you. Me colourful boy. tlustered but waved bravely. Box No [7280/5

V I saw you Stirling Royal Infirmary. You gorgeous auburn corkscrew hair. geriatric student. Me surgical. ()ur meeting in April was fleeting. llow abottt more Sarah'.’ How about (‘ilasgow/ lidinburgh link'.’ Box No 17/280/6.

V I saw you 'l'indrum petrol station. Sun 5th May morning. Yoti very. very tall. dark. handsome. walked into you. melted! Saw you again Anmesland. motorbike. black and red backpack. Me short lady. silver car. Box No ['1’280/7.

0! I saw you

Glasgow —l{dinburgh. 5.20. every day. You: gingerTintin looks and padded jacket. Me: shy. belnnd and hot. Add value to my season pass and ring my bell. BM Ni) [7280/8

V I saw you swimming in \Vari'ender. usually on Wednesday. ’l‘hursday and Friday mornings. Are we both too shy to tnakc the first movement"! (“an we meet‘.’ Hos .‘\'o [7280/9

Edinburgh EH1 1TE


The List Classified, 14 High Street or at the CCA

and we will forward it.

Remember to write the Box Number clearly in the TOP LEFT-RAND CORNER.

Replies will be forwarded once a week. If you send several replies. send them in one large envelope. Don't stamp the replies. but do write the appropriate Box Number on each envelope.

350 Sauchiehall Street GLASGOW 61 2.12

v I saw you at Joy on Sat

l l/5/96. You: white T-shirt. white shirt. Me: red T-shirt and stripcy shirt. I was interested but occupied. Do you know anywhere private'.’ Box No [V280/l0.

V I saw you Mark in my bedroom. You sexy London student in red shirt. originally from Africa! Didn't make it to City Cafe Sat llth May. Want to hang out'.’ Box No U/280/l l.

V I saw you on 3pm bus. Friday l0/5/90. You got off at Perth I didn't. Me female. long dark hair. leather rucksack. Sat next to you. male. checked shirt. team. Please write. Box No ['/280/| 2.

V I saw you Cream. Honeycomb. You: gorgeous hair. Me: white baggy-sleeved shirt. cheeky smile. You'd some of my water/all my attention! Was the tall guy your boyfriend'.’ Hope not . . . l.ct‘s dance! Box No [l/2S(l/l3.

V I saw you little Italy. sunny May evening. You: blondeish. shiny shoes. with short haired guy. Me: grey suit. You smiled and smiled! l’ancy throwing pix/a together“! tor just a drink'.’) liox No ['/28ll/I~I.

V I saw you Alistair C at the lieis. (‘an someone. anyone. please tell him that I fancy him‘.’ BIN No [I/ZSII/IS.

V I saw you Sick-boy look- alike. l6/5/96. William Street. Me: blonde girl. you crossed in front. Me. yotr spotted as you turned left?! Is it your walk. or could it be The Chocolate Digestives'.’ Box No [.3/280/16.

V I saw you Sat llth May. 2lst birthday party. You: large CC and lemonade. stunning in that dress. Me: stuck behind the bar. Would loye to see you again in a better environment. Box No [7280/17.

V I saw you Mark. Negociants. l‘ritlay |0th May. You from London and wearing red shirt. Didn't make it to (‘ity (‘afe on Saturday night. Please get iti touch! Box No [‘/28()/l8.

V I saw you at the Science festival Pi/Ia Lecture. We L‘ltttllL‘tI. You were IIIC aromatherapist cum linglish lecturer. ()Id fart waylaid me as we were leaving and I lost you. Box No ['/28()/l‘).

V I saw you along the bar at the Bailic. l8/5/96. You green blouse. black jeans. Me grey shirt. glasses. We looked. we smiled. Let the prove I know more words than ‘busy'! Box No [7280/20.

V I saw you beast that stalks or ts it kitty that cowers'.’ Mark. why haven't you written'.’ I'd promise not to bite. but I can't. It's no fun unless you play. love rogue. Box No [l/280/2 l. V I saw you Paul. Norwegian. studying naval architecture. Met late Friday l7th May. We talked (Monty Python). kissed. Call me. .I. Box No U/280/22.

V I saw you self-confessed sceptic at the Susan Jeffers talk. Waterstones. [6/5/96. Feel the fear and do it anyway blue skies are there for the making. Box No U/280/23.

V I saw you cutey chef at Maison Hector. Tu f t or not you're still the best thing on the menu. Forget dinner with Hector and come and have a bite on me. Yum yum! Box No U/280/2-1.

V I saw you Thursday. dancing with the Beltane puppets at Eden. I’m not 8ft l0in but would ya dance with me next time they play that mental drumming track‘.’ Box No U/280/25.

V I saw you again!! My fluffy wuffy sheep. Just when I thought it was over. you appeared on a hill off the A9. Please meet me at midnight. outside the Clacbaig. 25/5/96. Snogtastic! Box No [l/280/26. V I saw you Roger (3 Feb). Me: drunken. kilted Scotland fan. You: friendly guy. good conversation. Fancy a drink'.’ Did I leave something? Please write. Box No U/280/27.

V I saw you ll Sept. Butlins. You: blonde. hated Calla. with two friends. Me: alone. brown hair. leather _iacket.jeans. yellow shirt. Will you marry me‘.’ Box No [.'/280/28.

0 I saw you Robb R. last summer. July 7th. West lind. Experienced something wonderfully special. unique —- met again you promised to call. still waiting! Sounds crazy. btit I‘ve missed you ! A. Box No L’/280/2‘)

V I saw you Diana-esque. 082-1 llyndland train. Wedding ring'.’ Me. blonde tongue-tied. be still my beating heart. Give tne a sign. read The 1.151(2) I‘m yours. Box No Ll/280/30.

V I saw you outside Fopp Records. Byres Road. [8/5. You long brown hair. blue denim. black leggings. black boots. talking to friends with pram. Me in black. ()ur eyes met. Please write soon. Box No U/280/3 l. V I saw you Surtees. man with speckley beard. Were you real. or was it my imagination! Wardrobe girl. Box .\'o U/280/32.

V I saw you the girl in the green leather coat. on successive Tuesdays at Buccleuch Place. I thought you wore loose clothing because you actually liked it! You're embarking on an artistic life let me know when you‘ve amassed a few etchings. Box No [.‘l280/34.

V I saw you at the Roscoe Red launch. ()ld Fruitmarket.

2 l/5/96. You had a fistful of dollars; I was the man with no name. Go ahead. pink-face. make my day . . . Box No U/280/35.

V I saw you at Henry J. Bean‘s party. You like my hair and fancy ‘Sex On The Beach'. Bloody Mary! that‘s a bit sandy. How about a ‘Long Slow (‘omfortable Screw‘ until the ‘Tequila Sunrise"? Box No [1/280/36.

0! I saw you Tall. dark and handsome. Bespectacled bookseller in Waterstone‘s (liast [ind Edinburgh branch) 22/5/96. Me. girl with brown curls hovering beside him section. Too shy to talk sorry! Box No [V280/37.

V I saw you Mr Philips near the Iliin Street. You‘re very quiet ‘- how do I turn you on‘.’ Box No [.’/280/38.

V I saw you on Thursday [601 May all over Glasgow delivering The I.i.\'!. Are you the new delivery girl'.’ I hope so! Deliver to me and I'll subscribe. Box No [.’/280/39.

V I saw you in the pub once. Apparently you saw me too. I can't remember l was blind drunk. Want to refresh my memory‘.’ Box No U/280/40.

V I saw you smiley man iii ()ddbins. Bruntsfield. wearing a bag on your head. having a bad day (car trouble) and forgetting my lylarlboro's. Enough room in your bag for two‘.’ Box No [7280/4 l.

V I saw you last at Hroughton Place over a standard security. You: sexy Inverclyde solicitor. Me: hapless home-buyer. Can I register my interest'.’ Box No [7/280/42.

V I saw you in the bashed Punto. You dark and lovely. Me handsome de\ il. Let me do the work on your chassis. Box No [.'/280/-13.

V I saw you in the City Cafe at lunchtime. You: tall and gorgeous with orange hair. btit a bit smelly. Change your clothes and I'll share a plate ofchips with you. Box .\'o L'/280/~l~l.


Until further notice,I SAW YOU adverts are FREE of charge.

Just fill in the Classified form and send it off.

96 The List 31 ‘May-i3 Jun I996