m E Print in BLOCK CAPITALS court) FROM PREVIOUS PAGE 3 I Edinburgh village network A l r

. | ' netsvork ol' people who meet to PERSONAL (Box No is prime ................................................................... .. build a theoretical village included in prime , A M hecoriiing neighbours not by

. c . I 'L I‘CSS . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .w . e; .. , Lmeage: L I 0 10'. up m 30 I I , lllcll ph} sic tl location but by

V ~ . W H . _' ,_ U I ; exchanging their hopes. dreams \sords plus -_ prestia tsoi , I ................................................................................... .. I ml “mum,” 0m M3 “75 Semi-display: L14 for up w ' ........................................ .. 'ra PARACU lNC 2t) \vords plus Flip/extra word. I Saw You: Free l‘or tip to 30 words.







I OTHER SECTIONS I Lineage: £6 lor tip to 30 'l words plus 23p per extra : word. I I













Print mess we one word per box I l - . QUEST v . . m I . A , tr ' . i i (lav oi lesbian and ( atholie.’ (NB lelephone \unihers count as one word) ; 5” MC “.Ci 0m.“ i811 sell. lrclp support group.

i III times ot‘ calm or crisis. ' telephone 0141 552 8328.

livery Sundas hetvveerr 7—l()pni. PERSONAL

ll‘HlTE WATER RAFTIA’C l ' For days and nights packed with action.

excitement and sheer unlimited {an join : the club that has It all. and hare a ball. Members enjoy exclusiie priaelages and discounts on a huge range of adienture

Semi-display: t‘ l (l for tip to 30 words plus 50p per extra \vord.

Display: to per single column cm. excl VA'I‘.

(BOX ND costs £6 extra/ issue Mr non-Personal ads).

nEcnurrMEttr l . . I i “filmm- AWARDS I WIIICII SECTION? m '

I How many issues? I DANCE CLASSES : r _ Ami—:— _* _ _ - M I T s THE LIST PERSONAL ADS SERVICES : I‘Ck ‘l Ml“ will“ U semI'd'splaV ad J a TM emu" "'c ""°"‘“'°“5 'e‘” E are designed l'or Irtdividuals BANDS/MUSIC | , c. . . ' . . . Join now Ca“ to meet other individuals. rrritEss CLASSES t It“ 1‘ WU W 1130* "0 (Obllgatml '" Personal) J f ; \vt- tam-w mt- right to rerun- I‘IEALTH : Tota| cost g i I an} advertisement vvithotit INTRODUCTIONS : '-____ _ I i:pltllltlllltlll I

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ANNOUNCEMENTS ' should he made otrt to The LISI Ltd fi“ 5.. , ..4 . . i “In” dmmuw' .“ lull VOLUNTARY WORK ”= 5" "I'M Mimi-"‘- (”“”*“l“- I receive such material With ) ,t ,‘ ,. I . .- u \ s

BUY AND SELL I enclose cheque/postal order/cash for £ _,_________ . '7‘““*””“- “W”! “"“ ! pm“ Hm wells-s riled» lat Us

NIIIIIIIIJIILIII. .‘\CC(IIIIIIIULILIIIIIII Eknu\\r' cncl08lng GROUPS : and cultural activities Included. :mulcriul‘ “,1 c'assified Ads ISAW You . ,4 , 5 limit U85 l'or tvso \veeks. gm '17“, [1,“. It sour advert doesn't .iol‘iv to arts 'ik‘llcrmm‘id-V )0” “my pay by ACCCSS or Visa “Cd” curd lel/la\ Isalli Hatertiatr. l

('aledoiira language (‘our‘ses

Please OEDIL m .’ _ _ . y “"55 I ; «it it 5m l is. V German male new In Glasgow

Access/Visa card A & l sle working for international

I 5 W cortipatt)‘. interested in a lot ot‘

! thinus. seeks woman to go out. “umber- / / l I c' h "rm P'us Glasgow lta\ e luri. improve tnv English. . u I ' _ Photo a i ireci'tted Box No

i IItI!‘ Illt‘ llllillltlc‘llt‘tl l0 lll'c‘c‘l 37x/Ig H

. , I .‘ _; . ( ardholder s Name ..................................................... .. : IIIE."“\1\T“'L‘l‘nmm ml”? 1”?" V Silverv'blue eyed, cuddly . . r ‘, e‘ \ ‘;tl' lYlL' s. t a .ccs. e , -, , ,-

(name and initials as on card) i ’[3 Wm WNW ljiurictrn mimicry) \sith lust

m“ d " l ‘” " \' l C“ lor lilc. needs lire-starter male

ol the .i'tiovc sections please contact Us and v. e can arrange a tit‘\-. sct'IItirr Ili'iltIIIlE' lirit' _\0ll


It has a lioitler all the \‘.tt_\' round and we can include sour L‘tllllpilll} logo

Rates 3"? £5 Per Single I Address ..................................................................... .. I Wills Illltl lots more Ring: l)on s s - . ,. - ~ - . I LI )0) lot oodles ol ltiit III column centimetre (excl VAT). I . . o7so slim). - a . ~ ~ ,. 3 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Itdlnhlngh' [Tn-IU)'\ IHUSIL‘ . ' Iauuhs movies 'llltl cheese' Minimum cost £18 lus VA . ' ~‘ ' '. (p n : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Plum) upprccmlcrl Bux I\() I I III' NIIL‘IIL‘IIL‘ l’lilt‘llc‘l ltiok».t-likcs 379/2. I Stgnature | hecause \\ e alreadv li.t\ e them? '~ ' i- - - I I Socialls actr\c eroti i ol' EARLY 40$ GLASGOW GUY It has a line ahovc and hclovs I ' I i I k' v t ' r l I ' 4 - »_ I unattached prolesstotrals \s‘oultl U” 111:. (H La or sin. "MI “W I‘I‘mi—T 1-“ W’lmd- t c d_t_ I my ,U lm m. “Maimndm Should he tall. sultrv and drop I i. I " I n : I “I i- u ‘U‘ 'i " \hmmum U)“ h ti ) im up I o I Ions l indtv Iduals to meet Us dbl“ :“lst‘luh- I-I'LI‘.‘ “'“m‘ to 20 words plus Flip per I l Advertisers must stlppl} full name and addressINOT for publication). I plump pm p] m] \\ 1” l‘s' \Ullill‘lF I'L'Will'dul- extra \vord. Personal ads In : 3 The list reserves the right to ret'use or withdraw anv advertisement at 0141 942 1455 evenings. Photo essential. {his Style includc a Box NO I our discretion and \sithout explanation BOX "0 279/11. ' ' l 3. With series hookings. alterations cannot he made and no refunds ' and COSt "om I allovs ed on cancellations alter the first Insertion

o I -I In compliance with current legislation. ads lrom gas men can ortlv he A 9

Edinburgh 350 Sauchiehall St EH1 1TB Glasgow 62 3J0

For further details phone 0131 558 1191

3 consecutive Insertions 15%

I Is a ""3399 ad- I accepted if hotlt the advertiser and person sought are over IX _ . Mltltmtlttl cost Is [(3 lot up In : 5 :\tltlt'esses arid telephone numbers are trot acceptahle tor puhlication In Or lllr’.’ opportunity lO‘llndJUSl the 30 north; plus 25p per estra : l""“”"“' “‘I‘ right person? vvord.‘ Personal ads in this I @f \\ style Include a Box No and : /' I” “N {mm “(I I Copy for Classified ads must reach us by second post on (4, / ' V V 7 V V ' V 7 Y ’I

. l I IIL‘RSI)AY A W ItItK BIaI‘ORI‘. I’l'BIIK AI ION 7Ep‘roa Please note Lineage am] I p Sumvdigplml mix MC I WI: \\'I~ZI.(‘().\Il-‘, (V‘;\I.l.liRS at I4 High Street (opp John Knos's .1 b I , indmhc Uf'yfu- : llouse). lidinhurgh. during: business hours (an Prov“ (1 0t 1' -

I Personal Intodttettons and a host of smart. DISCOUNTS : Post this form enclosing payment to: sophisticated Occasiortsjor single. professional Lineage/Semi-Display/ i classified Ads pmplu Display : 14 H, h s The “SI W Tel: 01 786 825777 2 consecutive insertions 10% ’I '9 fleet 0' at the CCA to arrange t/ourfrec personal consultation


4 consecutive insertions 20%

Initial Approach. 23 High St. Dtutblane'. FKIS 0158

6 consecutive insertions 25%

Email: 10074 7.34 I 2'fti‘Cornpuserve.eont

94 The List .il May- I 3 Jun I996