SUMMER FAIR Charlotte Sq. Edinburgh Have a great day out
Sat June 8th
To donate items for stalls contact Valerie Gordon 01738 828224
I Cheap publicity posters. t‘lyers. T-shirts. C1)/record artwork. Quality design at very low rates. Also hand photography and press packs. Phone for a chat. Automatic Productions (1141 221 (11147.
I Talented and experienced keyboard player (with backing vocals?) needed by lidinhurgh hand yvith NBR recommendation t'Best kept secret in Scotland' 1. Original songs. vaguely Pulp. New ()rder. Stranglers. Practices soon. Tel (1131 477 41172.
NOT ALL ACCOUNTANTS DRIVE FLASH CARS Call Neil McGregor. Chartered Accountant. for all your tax and accountancy needs.
Tel 0131 557 6276.
PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALISTAIR Portrait and portfolio. theatrical and performance. commercial and illustrative. figure and glamour. Telephone Alistair on 01333 330996.
Small flat move specialist-£28 (single item £15)
Hands-on help with lifting. Sympathetic, friendly service. STRESS FREE Telephone Neil 0131 229 8361
“Wee Scone”
Collector Bears by Diane K emtedy m s?
139 Broiig/ht'on Rd. Edinburgh, EH7 41H
tel 0131 556 5962
“BUSTOM & TRA ' ONAL WORK 52 11017105 7:33.10 1011 .ONDON 110111) 311311161 5117 50101316532005
MANAGEMENT COMPANY 11110111111 a complete range ol~ services from one-oil gigs to lull representation. currently seeking hands with potential.
Send tape and biography to PO Box 13015, Edinburgh EH13 9Y8.
httcv 1'wwwanusicwehcouk
Generate attention "advertise 8t sell merchandise "list tOur dates with music samples. chotos and animation.
High level. low cost excosure 1300 visitors cer weekl on the
World Wide We'r.
Contact Paul Mustarde tel: 013‘ 773 567? e-mail: cwmoeasynetcouk
FOLK/JAZZ OUO require string player and/or vocalist.
Tel 0131 4671160.
I For sale: Musicman Stingray bass. black. good condition. £5511. l‘S Strat deluxe 1. 1983i green £275. Boogie studio 22+ cornho £450. (1141 339 1977.
I Female vocalist wanted roi- trip hop/hip hop hand. Influences: Tricky. l)ub Star. 111 liood. Beasties. Ant and Dec. and Cult TV. Phone Mairi on (1141 357 3898. Tori Amos need not apply?
I Established Edinburgh band urgently require experienced guitarist ilead or rhythm) to expand line-up ([11‘L‘It‘l‘ill1ly with backing vocals). lixcellent
demo reviews/nutional interest. I Good practice room. Pulp. New 1 (1rder etc. (1131 467 (1710. t
I Singer song writer seeks hand members for a serious go at making money. Original material only. Into Pixies. 1'2. 1 Oasis and everything magic. let's get it together. Tel: 11093 258275 now.
Virtue e Avertise yoor business worldwide. Complete design, one years publishing and publicity on the INTERNET from £195 per year.
Tel: 0131 553 5983
Email: virtue@dia|
STONE ROSES TRIBUTE BAND ill11111114111011..lt1llllSylllll‘t‘ (g'tlllat'l SL‘t‘l’sS RL‘III ‘tlt'lllltsi. .\Illllltl1;l.\\1;llltllilll Brown (vocals. vibes). Rehearsal time booked. gigs imminent.
It serious call lain:
0141 248 1632 (answerphone).
I Musicians still required ipercussion. horns. Ilammond. vocals 'i torom \ocals. guitar's. bass. drums lll tunky. bh.es_y. gt‘ooyc band? 1111,11 Sly. Meters. l‘unkadelic. Jon Spencer. (fhocolale Watch Band.) (iot‘tloll 111 :1 5.50 5447.
GUITARIST REOUIRED tor signed .-\cid .Ia// band. 1 Two singles. ('1) rust out. gigging regularly. (‘omrintment essential as bigger things planned tability to sing would be advantageous 1.
Phone 0131 6616020.
GUITAR LESSONS by experienced musician. Music theon scales ran/blues approach [(1 tlttpl‘oy tsaltiitt. (iioups welcome. For more information, contact Gabriel 0141 881 7049.
chords and
CREATIVE KEYBOARD PLAYER and guitarist needed to play with experienced
rhythm section. lnzluences il‘llt‘ \lc‘lc‘l's 11) I .IILIL‘I'\\I1III1I to l-unkadelic.
Phone Gordon 0141 423 9399.
BODY PIERCIHO by Jacqueline Geddes at 1111* (ilasgow Piercing Studio. l'nrt 5t). Savoy ('enti'e. Sauchiehall Street. (ilasgow
0141 332 1772/334 8687.
I lyengar yoga l‘Ul' tlt‘ltllls ol evening and day time classes Ill and around (ilas'gow. tel 11141 945 3931.
DEVELOP YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS |.earn to read 'larot. introduction to crystal ball. tea leaves. psychometi‘y etc.
0141 632 5064; 0141 632 8515.
class followed by dancing to
The Venue Night (‘lub, 474 Sauchiehall Street. § In Edinburgh: Mondays/
rhythm. tap. _1;t//L‘1'L‘I.\L‘. .-\t
' classes. (‘all Karen Pasi tor
1113:. Karen Pasi11l41 330
I No previous dance
new and exciting ('i‘eative
tiltrayiolet light with
E ‘glow in the dark circus
props. Iiiiitiy' the 11m and
excitement olhemg ‘invisihle‘ i and creating extraordinary
colour el'liects. A stimulating
June 1990. cost £2b for both
I Ceroc The energetic. stylish torm of modern jive from l-"rance. 45 minutes beginners
111.3(1pm. Reggae. Charts. l.atin. Blues. Sottl. Rock 'n’ Roll. licensed bar. (‘orne along alone or with partner. Doors open at
7.15pm. Beginners class at
In Glasgow: 'l‘uesdays at The Pla/a Ballroom. liglinton 'I‘oll (near Bridge Street Underground). '1'hursday s at
1 7.45pm. l |
\\‘ednesdays at Moray House. 37 llolyrood Road. l-‘urther details 1111111111324 (113 2119.
I Dance classes Junior and adult. I.atin. Ill/l. street dance.
various venues in (ilasgow. Beginners welcome at all
timetable/detaiIs. (1141 339
I Latin dance class cumbia. merengue. rumba. samba. salsa beginners welcome - no
partnerrequired 'l'hursdays 7.311 S-I5pm. .-\delaides. 2119 Bath Street. (ilasgow (Guest House entrance). £3 per class. ,\Iaril/a Rodrigue/ 11141 341
t‘\[1t‘1‘lt‘|1c‘t‘ llt‘CL's’sal'y 1.1111110
11ance workshops in lidinbui‘gh. Dance in the darkness ol~
cxpci‘icticel \VtH‘Is'slttips (111 3/2:
days. More information l'rom lsabell Brien/111111131 22S (17%).
I Therapeutic massage \y 1111 1111) Stewart 11'1‘.\I. Relaxes and icy italises. cases aches and pains. creates a greater sense ot' wellbeing. .v\t the ladinburgh Holistic Health ('entre. 2t) liivei'leitli Row. 11131 551 51191.
I Holistic massage aromatherapy and Reiki healing can giy e deep relaxation and help l'oi' all health problems. physical and ctilotiotlal. 1 also teach Reiki. Phone \'.11 (ioyan
I Pentland Nutrition Consultancy Personal dietary advice Iron) .1 tully quahlied nutritionist weight loss or gain diet piogi'aiiiiiies .-\d\ice on healthy eating. yegetaiian diets. sport and exercise nutrition.
111 ‘sl 44‘) 29.51.
MASSAGE THERAPY Reliel' from stress and imiscular pain. Wholebody relaxation. linhanced sense of wellbeing. ('ontact Michael llastie B..\l.'l'..-\. S..\I.'1'.( 1. 0131 229 3374.
GESTALT THERAPY lixperienced counsellor and trainee psychotherapist otters indiy idnal therapy. Reduced ices negotiable for those on low income. Chris McKinnell 0131 667 Scottish ('it‘sltlll .i\ssociation member.
EM. ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE can help asthma. backache. arthritis. rheumatism. 11y peitension. anxiety. depression etc. Benelits include pain reliet'. improved physical and mental health. improved ctr-ordination 1111'spol'ls. playing musical instruments.
Telephone 0141 945 0474.
I Smile with confidence Quality dental treatment in a relaxing. caring environment. ('row ns. bridges. veneers. white lillings and a lull range 111' restoratiy e treatments. Nervous patients especially welcome. blame (ioldsmith Dental Clinic. 39 lirederick Street. lidinhurgh. 11131 22114077.
I Nervous about dental treatment. Sympathetic dentist can help. 'l'reatment now available under hypnosis. Miss li. .\1.()‘('onne||. 11(1 I.aiiriston Place. lidinburgh. 11131 229 1491.
I Edinburgh ladies Health Club Membership 1111- sale due to relocation. Nine months membership remaining. (’ity centre location. Multi gym and excellent exercise lacilities. Planned individual Iitness and slimming programmes available. l'llll cost £01111. will sell t'or‘c‘3511fl‘el (11250884 232.
I Women’s tootball (‘ome along to get lit. play toolball and go tor a pint alterwai'ds'l I'.llIlltl\l£l\lll is more important than ley e1 ol' l'oothall. Phone (111111111 53(141125 19am 5pm).
I Learn Spanish in Spain Beginners to advanced courses 111 Seville. Malaga. (iranada. Barcelona. Madrid and Salamanca. .»\cc1immodatiori and cultural activities included. 11111111185 tor two “Ck‘hs 'I'el/lax Kath Bateiiian. (‘aledonia Language (‘ouises (111155S 71 l.\'.
I Travel companion sought roi- ‘culture and country side‘ holiday in .'\ll‘.tlll;t this autumn: l 2 weeks duration entering y ia (‘ort'ir 'l‘wo travelling probably easier than solo. Ring 1113] ()()7 23M).
I Sail ’n‘ Stay Spanish Meditei‘ranean. relax aboard 4211 yacht oi llop 111 \ Illagt‘ house or combine both. The choice is yours. 1‘111'111111IL‘I Sheila 11141 3 i4 -1S_i(i.
I D reg red Suzuki scooter for
sale (iood condition will) .\I()'l‘.
l’ei't'ect tor summer. Including
two helmets and accessories
USU 11111), ’l‘elephone 11131 558 755 or (1851) 52(1892.
92The List 31 May-l3 Jun 1996