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LUKE 8035 has doite the toothsome teenybop heartthrob [hang and emerged bitter. He's done the grunge-rock serious musician rebirth and emerged with his lack ol’credibility intact. So now the former Bros drttrnmer and professional showbiz twin has done what any seltlrespecting entertainments industry puppet would do. and gone into the bubblegum world of the kitsch pop musical. a realm populated by es-soap stars and former Opportunity Knot-ks winners. The latest heir to the Rm-kv Horror/Return '1}; The Fur/ridden l’lunet audience participation line is Plan 9 /-'rmn ()nn'r Spare. a stage adaptation ol~ the lid Wood hubcap-as-t‘lyirig-saucer sci-l‘i crmgeathon whose characters left and Paula provided the original inspirationt‘or an'kr Hurmr's Brad and Janet. And gttess who Goss plays'.’ ‘Jelt's like an Action Man.‘ he says. ‘l-le’s got two main priorities — providing for his wile and flying his plane. looking after his passengers. He‘s not thick. just a very uncomplicated guy. In this production things that are cardboard in the film are still cardboard. If. we tried to do a sincere version ot' the show. it would be completely impossible because there just isn't the plot there.‘ Accusations of wooden acting will be most welcome . . . (Fiona Shepherd)
l’lun ‘) I-‘ronr ()urr'r Spine l.\' (ll the King is 'I‘ln'urre. lir/i/i/iii/g/i. .llun .i—Sul N June: King 's Iii/HUNT. (i/(rsgun; Mun /()-Sill /5. The Plan 9 Festival runs in Edinburgh nnri/ Sn! 8. Illt'llu/lllL’ .s't'rt't'nnigs u! the (Yr/rm) cine/nu until Sn! /. and u /)(Il'l\' n! (In!) Mercado (2n lli’il L; .Illll<fi
CANDOCB DANCE COMPANY can do things many dancers can’t do. And with fewer limbs. Britain’s leading integrated dance group is run by and employs both disabled and non-disabled performers; but no-one gets into the company unless they’re dead good. Put them to the test this fortnight in Edinburgh, where they perform four pieces, mostly choreographed by co- founders Adam Benjamin and lea Parkinson; though there’s also a new piece by Guilherme Botelho. Cannoco are at Edinburgh Festival Theatre on Tue 11 June.
Ihe List’s at-a-glance guide to the highlights of the fortnight ahead.
I Art: Alberto Giacometti The National Galleries of Scotland play host to the first major exhibition of the Swiss artist‘s work to be staged in Britain since the Tate retrospective in l‘)(i5. Although most famous for his thin man sculptures. (iiacometti had a background in Surrealism and many of his rarely-seen Surrealist sculptures will be on display. This will be the major eshibition ol the summer. See /(’(lllll'(’. Seoul‘s/i .\’(iIionn/ (nil/err 0/ Modern xlrl. lit/I'n/nirg/i. from Sui / Jill].
I Film: Fargo .-\ botched kidnapping leads to murder in the snow s ol Minnesota. The ('oen brothers l‘ollow 'li/ii‘ lint/sucker I’lwvv with a slyly comic thriller. See /('(l/lll'(’. ()n general relensejimn l‘ri .i/.
I Theatre: Airport Talented Scottiin playwright David (ircig and his company Stispect ('nlttn'e present a new play. devised with and l‘catnrmg Spanish pcrl‘ormers. which esamincs personal and national identity in the setting ot‘ a baggage reclaim carousel. Srr' prev/en. 'li'nnni'irv. (i/tisguw‘. /rmn ll'm/ /3 Sir! If; 'I'rtit'r’rw, l'.‘(/in/nirg/t. from Hell /‘)~-Snn 29'.
I Music: Big Big Country Having sprouted rapidly iii si/e l'rom last year's two-day lesli\al to a ten gallon hat-sire ten-day event. this annual beanie:tst ol' the best ol country music looks set to stay. l-‘rom big names to old l‘avotn'itcs \ ia l'resh talent there's enough variety to keep everybodys home tires burning. See preview lit/runs vent/(av. (i/usgrni; /”rI .i/
.lluy Sun ‘J .lnn.
I Film: Secrets And Lies l-‘resh l'roni winning the prestigious l’alme l)'()r at Cannes. Mike Leigh‘s latest is an emotionally wrought comedy drama focusing on the first meeting between a white working class woman and the black daughter she pttt tip for adoption many years ago. ()n general re/mse. (llll Ilrrit.
The List 3l May-l3 Jun l996 3