second feature of the ‘Xls has many scenes that crackle with 'l‘arantino wit. and a few others that fall flat as the writer-director bravely experiments. Interlocking stories in tire ptin
cr iiiie manner concern assorted riff-raff. Edinburgh: ('ariieo. Borders: l’avilion.
I Raiders 0! The lost Ark (l’( r r (Steven Spielberg. 18. NS] r llar'iison l-‘ord. Karen Allen. US turns l‘oid plays adventuring archaeologist Indiana Jones. who almost bites off more than he can c liew when he turns tip the Ark of the ( "oveiiaiit in Nazi-infested wartime ligypt Return to the breathless excitement of the
Saturday iiioitiinil ‘ierral with (his rollercoaster of
a trim ie. probably, 'lotigue held very firmly in cheek. Borders: l’avilion.
I Rebel Without A Cause ( Is) (Nicholas Ray. l'S. l‘ler James Dean. Natalie Wood. Jim Backus. Sal Mineo. lll rriins Seminal youtli movie has l)t'.'|ll as a \c'lls‘llnt' but tiiistindet‘stmid kid battling to s‘ttllllllllllls‘illc‘ with his parents and caught tn the \ rolent struggle for selldeliiiitioti. (hit favourite nostalgia icon in full flow. l"(liiilttrr;'li l ('l
I Restoration ( l‘ ( \lreliael llofl'iitan. t‘is’. l‘)‘)5‘i Robert Dov. trey .lt. Sam .\'eill. David ’l’ltcw lis ll.\ iirri‘s (\n iriipoveiislied physician (Dov-.nes i is repaid in w ealtlt and women when he tends Ring (‘lriiles ll‘s sick spaniel; asked to marry the King's mistress for convenience. he finds himself falling in love, Downey' bounces around this superbly costumed adult playpen to good effect. but w hen the tone darkens. his acting talents (alter. l'ile Adam Smith. Stiatliclyde‘ Magritriii
I Rob Royr IS“ (Michael (‘atori-Jones. l'S/l'K. l‘NSi l,iaiii .\'eesoti. Jessica l.ange. Tim Roth.
l ill mins. When he is betrayed by the Marquis of Montiose (John Hurt) and a itialiciously psychopathic linglishniart (Roth l. Rob Roy Mac(iiegoi is deterririried to win back the honour of his name .-\lan Sharp's script is rich. witty and literate; (‘aton-Joiies's direction rniecrs a little acticti. but doesn't pander to Hollywood; and all the is-rl‘oiinarices are wonderful. Stiatliclyde: ('atinori. ()deon .-\yr'.
I The Secret of Rimh (Don (truth. ('8. 1033i With the voices of Derek Jacobi. lilizabeth llaitriian. SI mitts. lioiced to flee her cosy field. a siiiglc iiiriiii iiiotise seeks the help of the
my srei ions rats of .\'iiiih. Animated cartoon leattite by a group ofex Disney artists who belies ed their erstwhile employers were letting standards slip. l'hoiigli their artistic credentials are obvious the narrative strength isn't. (ilasgow' MUM l'arkliead.
I Secrets And lies ( (5) (Mike l.eigli. L‘K. WOO) 'l‘imothy Spall. Brenda Blethyri. Phyllis Logan. MO mins. Leigh's l’alme D'()t'-winning follow tip to .Vtrkt't/ is a bittersweet take on suburban domestic life. Young black optician Hortense searches for the mother who ptrt her up for adoption as a baby. birt is surprised to discover it's white working-class Cynthia. (‘rentiinely emotional. with great perfoi‘iriances by Marianne Jean- Baptiste and Timothy Spall. (ilasgow' (il-‘l‘. Edinburgh: MUM. l'(‘l. Stiathclydet l'(‘l (‘lydebank
I Sense And Sensibility (l‘ltAng l'S/l‘K. 1995) limma 'l'liompson. Kate Winslet. Alan Rickman. lltigli (irani. 135 mins. Denied their inheritance when the lather of the household dies. the female members of the Dashwood family face a precarious future. 'l’liottipson's adaptation keeps the wordplay engaginly tart and sliai'p-wrtted. bttt never loses sight of the powerful frustrations simmering beneath the surface. Infinitely more satisfying than your typical fluffy period piece. lidinbtirgh: Dominion. Borders: Pavilion. Roxy.
I Seven ( lSi (David HITCliCl'. l'S. l‘)‘)5i Brad Pitt. Morgan lireemati. (iwyneth l’alrrow. I27 turns. The outline is familiar -— two cops track
down a serial killer — httt Seven is a step ahead of
its rivals. From its opening title sequence onwards. it‘s an extremely dark movie which winds through the most twisted recesses of human nature. liaeli death is a graphic interpretation of one of tlte seven deadly sins. E'iy ing xlr’ir'n .i‘ director l‘inchet‘ the material for an intense sly listrc exercise in horror. (‘ential1 MacRobeit.
I Shallow Grave ( IS) (Danny Boyle. Ht. (Wt) Kerry l-‘ox. liwan Mc(}regor. (‘ht'istoplrei‘ lieeleston. ‘)() mins. 'l‘hi'ee lidinbtirgh flatmates find their new co-habitant dead with a stack of money under his bed. so after performing a little l)l‘i' on the corpse. they reckon all their worries are over. liilled with dark humour and cynical one liners. Strathclyde: Magntrm. ()deon .-\yr.
I Short But Perfectly Formed ()2 mitts. A programme of four gay shorts: a farmer discovers the roots of his gayiiess iii the beanl'ields ol'xllku/i. Imvu; Jackson: My Life. Your Fart/r has the title character sorting out his complex emotional life; a diva's pain on arid off stage is examined in Let Me Die Again; and Billy evolves from pool table to sex cltib in Two. l.esbiari and (iay l‘illlt liestival. (ilasgow: (El-T. lidiriburgh: l‘ilrrihouse.
I Sister My Sister ( (Sr (Nancy Meeklci. l'ts’. MOS) Jttlie Walter's. Joely Richardson. Jodhi
May. 8‘) units. :\ respectable bourgeois household shocks I‘Btis lirance with the incestuous relationship of its sibling servants. The script and director show their theatrical roots with a tedious bitild up and endless meaningful glances. so despite some solid l‘Ciforrtiances. it's too slow where it should be suspenseful. lidiiiburgli: l'llltillUllsC.
I Small Faces ( isi ((iillres Mackiniron. t'is’. NOS) lain Robertson. Joseph Mcl-‘addeit. J.S_ Duffy IDS riiins. (‘o-written w itlt producer brother Billy. (iillies Mackinrioii's iiiatvellotrsly detailed study about the grow itig pains of a boy caught in the fringes of(ilasgow's gangland violence in the (i()s emerges as a warm and accurate portrayal of working-class family life. (‘entiirig on tltree brothers. it avoids the pitfalls of the (ilasgow ltard man movie. instead becoming a superior rites-ofpassage tale. (ilasgow: MGM l'rlm (‘enti'e lidinbuigh1l'(‘l. Sti'atliclyde: Magntrrii. ()deon .'\)‘l.
I Smoke ( l5) (Wayne Wang. l'S. MUS) Harvey Keitel. William lllll'l. llarold l’ei'iirieau. Ills mrns. Novelist lltii't offers homeless lad l‘eri'iueati a place to stay after he is saved from being rtirt 0\Cl. lilsewhere. well observed Brooklyn character's lrang otit in tlte tobacco store where ls'eitel dispenses hoiiresptin philosophies. .-\ delightful and compelling treat. based on the work of Paul .-\iistei. liditibur‘gh: ('aineo.
I Soft Top, Hard Shoulder ( (Si (Sit-tan Schwartz. l'K. l‘NZl l’etei (’apaldi. lilaitte ('olliits. Richard Wilson. ‘)I iiiriis. A Scot lrv irig in London has to return home to his iiatiye (ilasgow for a family party. but iiieets various hazards on the road north, (‘apaldr‘s script perfectly captures that typically Scottish balance of innocent charm and sly litiritotri. Stratliclyde: Magnum.
I The Sound Of Music (t'r (Robert wise. t's‘. 1065) Julie Andrew s. (‘lii rstoplier l’luiiittiei'. Richard llaydn. lileanoi l’arker. l’eggy Wood. l7.z ruins. [it the late l‘).i(ls_ \ivacrous ntiri Maria (Andrews) introduces the \'on 'l‘ithl) children to tlte joys of music. and their widowed father (l’ltrinmer i to the Joys of lov e as Nazism begins to sweep Austria. (Joe of the great screen musicals. completely uncyriical. and boasting a host of itiemoi'able songs and cbarm~stxldeii moments. Stralliclyde: Magnum.
I Spy Hard (l’(i i (Rick l’llL‘LlliClg‘. l'S. l‘Nbl l.e.slie Nielsen. Nicolette Sheridan. Andy (iiiffitli. ()1 mins. Secret agent WD-U) (oh yes, the laughs start here) is an accident-prone Bond type who fitids himself up against deadly enemy
General Rancor. Another one to add to the growing spoof list — Ah'pltiriet’. Hot Shots, Nuka (‘r‘rut — but not as good as arty of those. General release.
I Stargate (l’(‘ri (Roland Emmerich. US. 1994) Kurt Russell. James Spader. Jaye Davidson. l22 itiiris. ligyptologist Spadei‘ solves the key to a huge engraved circle found at the pyramids and unlocks a doorway to another planet. Along with a military team led by Russell. he encounters totalitarian space god Ra (Davidson) and reverses l S foreign policy by helping the locals. liig budget science fiction with gleefully ridiculous story and brilliant effects. Edinburgh: (‘aiiieo Strathclyde: Cannon.
I Strange Days ( 18) (Kathryn Bigelow. l'IS. IWSr Ralph liienries. Angela Bassett. Jtrliette Less is. l3‘) ruins. A cross-bred hybrid of film iioii. futuristic thriller. political commentary and romance. Bigelow's allegory shows technical skill. btrt doesn't weave its plot threads into a satisfying whole. Scorelting visuals. whatever the final outcome. lidinbur'gli: (‘ameo.
I Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead (18) (Gary liledet'. l'S. l‘)‘)5) Andy Garcia. ('hristopher \V'alken. (iabrielle Anwar'. lli iriiris. When a final job for The Man With The Plan goes badly wrong. Jimmy The Saint rs given 48 hours to get out of town. btit sticks around to
mm a 5 ( 0 71 A N D is preparing a programme 'for Radio Five about student hardship and the sex industry. We would like to speak to any students (or people who have recently finished studies) who have a knowledge of this area.
If you are able to help us,
please call Carla or Stuart: 0141-338 2921 0385-936 022
Complete anonymity is assured.
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The List 31 May-l3 Jun l996 31