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Publisher Robin llodge. Editor Kathleen Morgan. Deputy Editor Alan Morrison.

i !

Irvine Welsh

The controversial author of

Robert Lepage interviewed

ngt‘m’om‘ha" . . Lesbian & Gay Film Festival 23 $3.55"; “figmmmg Trainspotting speaks about ReviewS 24 23.2335“ mammal... his latest book Ecstasy. VldCO RCWCWS 25 rater-re, P Film Index 28 ggtgggsiggagfsgsggfidwckt 39° 5 thing.- Week One 32 Circulation Manager Mint) Listings Week lwo 36 Russo. Accounts Manager (ieorgette T ficnwick. Ass. ta t - ccounts 's n Sheila _ . H Macl._cgtt. The godfather of rap 0068 Kris Kristotterson 39 Classmed Jo Kennedv D . . mp Mkknmncr‘ v' to the Old SkOOl super Furry Animals 40 29883:“ Kcll)’ “Cilcnamin- ! ' BIL! Big Country previews 41 ecepiothttieBar'ltc. “W l. Production Editor Andrew Page 9 Album m It“ s 42 Burnet. . . Live reviews 44 33.15.90" Ass'mm Stephen Listings Rock & Blues 46 Design Jeanette Lennansson. I ' . . Li gm agenda Stephen Naystnith. In ‘1 fOOtbdll Ch‘unplonShlp Bi” Bi” C(mmrv 54 Susanna B *aumont. . ' , , C 'C - Books KathleeLn Morgan. SPECICII. We 100k (It the ill/.7. Classical Music (‘arol Main. Folk & World

triumphs and tears behind Scotland v England. Plus a guide to the teams and

Clubs Rory Weller. Jim Byers. Dance lillie Carr.

Days Out Thom Dibdin.

Film Alan Morrison. Trevor Johnston.

Film listings Thom Dibdin.

Classical & Opera 58


5:: Norman Chalmers. matcheg to watch Sharp Shorts . . 5 ‘._ _ . .

Kidsfifl'i‘cng.m1f‘h'“°" Pa 9 10 Airport/Suspect Culture 59 Media [Ellie Carr. 9 Listings Theatre 62 Musrc Jonathan Trew. D. . , 64 Rock Fiona Shepherd. Jim I an“

Byers. Alastair Mabhott. omedy Sport Alan Morrison.

Television tiddie Gibb. Theatre Andrew Burnet. iillie (‘anx


The former Deacon Blue

E??.?:3.““‘"b*"¥““as-"v frontman goes it alone. Orlzln interviewed 66 " Page B()I‘)‘()lt'(’(/ Image 57 ~ NII Listings 68 i Returmng to the arms of the Listings 72 f faithful With a new album. Venues 75 new sronr Listings 77 - - DAYS OUT Giacomettt m . . , The artist behind the tenetth th- 14 High sheet. :1 me1n6° Llstmgs 80 Edtnhtlr’h Elli 1113. Tel: 0132i 5581191. TV Fax: D131.557 85m. e-tnatltoewdtgr‘listéaolfiom AMnmamS a The Ooen brothers Channcmomng 82 23510 Sattclgiehall Street. ' Listings asgow r- 310. ' I ' . . “1101413329929. ! Ftlmmal<1ng s coolest duo B K F“ m“ 353 m3- chtll out W1th Fargo. ©l9‘)6 The List Ltd. ' Reproduction in whole or in part is Anna RCynOlds lorhtdden Withtgul the written ; Payback Pt‘cgg‘ permission ol 1 e publishers. . . i .- While exe sivee'o s' e e " .' " American Gothic Em“ 6‘ R“ 87 information Contained in this issue. . gévubtghsréacscm The creator of The Evzl sponst till) tor an) Ll’lt)l.\ or I . 3%‘3‘1'.2{‘3;m.,mcp. Dead brings horror to Janet Street Porter 97

responsibility for unsolicited material. SUBSCRIPTIONS £23 for 6 months ( 13 issues) £40 for 1 year (26 issues)

British television. ' - Page 20


Th C 1) th ° °°" "3 Classified (incllSaw You) 83

ngagfigigfififi-‘j‘lfif°” FOR JOBSJN ntE ARTS, MEDIA, EnucAnoN, suctAL WORK Food , _ 99 Send to Edinburgh Office. - see CLASSIFIED RECRUITMENT PAGE 88 Competitions ‘00

The List 3l May- I 3 Jun [996 1